w. Peckham and Judges: Wm, J. HON clerk, John D ee MARINE REVIEW. = a rf HY i Officials of 'United States Courts. - Around the Lakes. Se vz From Blue Book of American Shipping. The 'towing fist" 'of United States 'courts, with names. Of judges, clerks, marshals and district gitorneys, ae only to the districts border- ing on. the lakess. 94 5f -Second:eircuit, incltttiig Hortherh district 'of New Pork "Téstice Rufus Wallace, -E. Henry octane, and Na- thaniel Shipman; clerk, Wm. Parkin, New York, N. Y-. . Sixth. circuit, 'including: northern Ohio and eastern. and 'western-Mich- igan districts--Justice: John M. Harlan and Judges Wm. H. Taft and Hor- ace H. "'Lttton; clerk, Frank O. Loveland, Cincinnati, Ohio. "Seventh circuit, including northern Illinois and eastern and western 'Wisconsin districts----J ustice Henry B. Brown and Judges Wm. A. Woods, - seer depicins- and Joe W. 'Showalter; clerk, Oliver T. Morton, 'Chi- cago, ¥ : Eighth circuit, Sreluding district of Minnesota Tienes David J. Brew- er and Judges Henry '€; Caldwell.. Walter H. SauNOrR, and Amos M. . Jordan, St. Louis, Mo. «: ~: , Northern district of New: Wow: Judge 'Alfred: C-Coxe; Utica, INE Yess clerk,-Charles B. Germain, Buffalo; marshal, Fletcher C. Peck, Elmira: district. attorney, Wm. A. Poncher, Utica. Northern district of Ohio--Judge Augustus J. Ricks, Cleveland; clerk, -H-: F. Carleton, Cleveland; marshal, M. A. Smalley, Cleveland. Eastern district of Michigan--Judge Henry H. Swan, Detroit; clerk, D. J. Davison, Detroit; marshal, Eugene D. Winney, Detroit; 'district attorney, Alfred: P. Lyon, Detroit. 'Western district of Michigan--Judge Hens} F. Severens, Giand: Rap- _ "iss | 'clerk, John McQuewan, Grand Rapids; marshal, Charles R. Pratt, 'Grand. Rapids;- district attorney, John. Power, Grand Rapids. Northern district of Illinois--Judge Peter Grosscup, Chicago; clerk, TC. MacMillan, Chicago; marshal, John W. Arnold, Chicago; "district meniey John Cl Block, Chicago. Eastern district of Wisconsin--Judge Wm. H. Seaman, Shebaywin: clerk, Edward Kurtz, Milwaukee; marshal, George W. Pratt, Milwaukee; district: attorney, M.-C. Phillips, 'Oshkosh. (Western district of Wisconsin--Judge Romanzo Bunn, : 'Moaicon: clerk, F. W. Oakly, Madison; marshal, W. H- Canion, Madison; district attorney, H.' E.. Briggs, Madison. District of Minnesota--Judge William Loctiels 'Minneagoke:! ielerk Wm: A: Spencer, St. Paul; marshal, Richard T. O'Connor, St. Paul; dis- trict ee Edward €. Stringer, St. Paul: A ieee French battleship, the Hoche, is soon to be fitted with Belle- ville water tube boilers in place of cylindrical boilers now in the vessel. The new. boilers will be sixteen in number, of the 1896 Belleville pattern, arranged in four groups, the total grate surface being 866.5 square feet, and: the. working pressure being about 70 pounds above that at the en- gines, or about 155 pounds per:square inch. With the new boiler power, it is-expected that the designed: I..H. P., 11,836, will be easily attained and the speed increased slightly. Engines are of the vertical twin screw type, wie pincers 62° cea 791% inches i in diameter, and a stroke of 39. 4 inches. Bdecidl ttrhinis have been, erheeed via the Nickel Plate 'oad from Lorain to Linwood' Park, 'Aug. 18, and from Cleveland to Oak Point, Aug. 22. . Train deat Cleveland at 8:00 a. m., Sou e for passengers at es i ae : ' 292 Vee gi ENGINEER OFFICE, Dunth, Minn., ' -e July 10, 1897.--Sealed proposals for build- -- ing two breakwater piers, each some 2700 feet ~jonr, at Lake Superior entrance to Portage 'Lake Ship Canals, rane will be received here until noon, Sept. , 1807, and then publicly opened. Taformation furnished on applica- tion. CLI NTON. B. SEARS, Major Engrs. "2° Sept sive Sit yt Pee UW S: ENGIN EER: OFFICE, TELEPHONE aoe Woont tom "Building, Detroit, Mich., Aug. 2, 1897. ares Sealed Proposals for Dredgins "and Subma- ~ rine 'Rock Excavation, in e St. Marys river, Mich., will be epsivens here until 12 o'elock noon (Standard time) August 31, 1897, and then publicly opened. Apply here, or at U.S. Engineer Office, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich., for mspeciisations: -J. LYDECKHER, Lt. Col., Engrs. - Aug. 26. The Bessemer Steamship Company ' Solicits Catalogues, Prices and Discounts from manufacturers and wholesale dealers in Ship Machinery, Brass Goods, Rope, Paints, Asbestos, Packing, Hose, Furniture, Piping, Glass and Crock- ery, Tinware, Ranges, Carpeting, Bedding, Life-preservers, Rafts and Boats, Engineers' Supplies and Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Elec tric Supplies, Lamps, Grate Bars, Castings, etc., etc., etc. ALSO QUOTATIONS from Market men and . Gancend on the Lakes for Provisions and Meat, best quality only. CATALOGUES without quotations are not wanted. ALL, GOODS except provisions to be delivered in Cleveland. Address Ly. M. aS General Manager, - CLEVELAND; OnIO,' _. The Cleveland steam yacht Wadena, owned by Mr. J. H. Wade, was one of the yachts in the cruise of the New York Yacht Club. Capt. Robert Rhynas, who died at St. Mary's hospital in Detroit, on Monday last, was best known as master of the famous old Passenger steamer Nyack. The Roberts boiler in the cruising steam yacht Theresa, owned by -_ Mr.-Gustavus Sidenberg of New York city, is said to have steamed over 70,000 miles without repairs. 'A large triple expansion engine for the new steamer building at Da- vidson's -West Bay City yard has just been completed by the Frontier Iron Works of 'Detroit. A circular. just issued by the light- house board. describes the new sys- tem of range lights in Portage lake and river, which are to be in operation on and.after August 18. A new:steam fog signal at Big Sable light station, Lake Superior, will be in operation after: Sept. 1. Blasts will be of three Beconds duration, separated 'by silent, intervals of seventeen seconds. Tonnage of the' new Wolvin steamer Empire City, which will be commanded ' by Capt. Ralph Lyons, and which is about ready to leave Cleveland on: her maiden voyage, is 4,118 'gross and 3,268. 65 net. Her official number is 136,628. Lake lines seem to be getting a full share of east Botnd freight busi- ness out of Chicago, as against the trunk line railways. Last week's ship- ments by lake amounted 'to 136;203 -tons, against 'only 86,112 tons of through business to the seaboard 'taken by the ten trunk lines. Of nine competitors for the work. of building the new life saving sta- tion at Lake View Beach, three miles from 'Port > 'Huron, the bid of L. F. Zills of Port Huron, $3, 834, was the lowest. . It is 'expected that the station will be' ready for service immediately apow the opening - of navigation next year. , The Connersville Bieeatar. Co., Rien is Cy in the building of one of the.new. steel elevators at 'Buffalo, has- secured another contract for a steel house. .They. will build for the Canadian Pacific. 'Co. at Fort William >an. elevator. of 1,500,000. bushels capacity, the work to be com- pleted in February. Work of construction has begun on a duplicate of the steamer Star- tucca, also for the Union line, at the Union Dry Dock Co.'s yard in Buffalo, ibut the rumor of preparations at the Union yard for the construction of a 600-foot dry dock is premature. Such a dock was projected last year, and would have been built then but for the need of the space for, some- thing else. It will.be built sometime, and that is all the authorities will say about it now. Luce's "Seamanship" 'is a book that is specially suited to assist young officers of the naval reserve. It is being; used by naval reserve organiza- tions all over' the country. It is a standard work, selling at $10, and will be mailed to any address at that figure by the Marine Review, 409 Perry- Payne building, Cleveland. An excursion to Lily Dale, on Cassadaga lake, visiting Chautauqua lake enroute, is offered Aug. 20 via the Nickel Plate road. (Ask agents for time of train and rates. 285 Chas. = & W. F. Peck, 58 William St. 812 Royal Insurance Building, NEW YORK CITY. CHICAGO, ILL. Cc. T. BOWRING & CO., 5 & 6 Billiter Ave., H.C. LONDON, ENG. INSURANCE. BROWN & CO., "J. G. KEITH & CO.. G. KEITH & Co., 202 Main St., 138 Rialto Bldg., Board of Trade Bldg,, Buffalo, N. Y. Chicago, Ill. Duluth, Minn. Are prepared to make aot on all classes of Marine Insurance on the great lakes, both CARGOES and HULLS "GREAT LAKES RECISTER." F. D. HERRIMAN, Surveyor-General, Chicago, Ill. Newport News Shiphuildine & Dry Dock COMPANY. WORKS AT NEWPORT NEWS, VA. (On Hampton Roads.) LA SALLE & C0.. Equipped with a Simpson's Basin Dry Dock capable of docking a vessel 600 feet long, drawing 25 feet of water, at any stage of the tide, Repairs made vromptly and at reasonable rates. SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS. For estimates and further particulars, address Cc. B. ORCUTT, Pres', No. | Broadway. New York: