MARINE REVIEW. 3 RAPID FUELING DOCKS, oetroit river. | JAMES GRAHAM & CO., _ Foot Twenty-first St., Detroit, © Below Routes of Passenger and Car Ferry Lines. \ , Pockets and Chutes arranged for different types of vessels. Se ee ee 6dBEST STEAM COAL etre ror tor to ive dievaten, dey and night, Wide shippers of Coal by Rail and Water, Office 1005 Chamber of Commerce. Phone 2083. \ L prez, Hoisting and Steerin : , : | Bice ENGINES. | -dttell'sPatoutSelf-Detaching Hook for Davit Tackle GEARED Teen . Prevents the up-setting of the boat in lowering same in a ENGINE: With either Frictional, Spur or Worm Gear of various patterns to suit all purposes. Williamson Bros. Richmond and Yoik Sts. PHILADELPHIA, FA. Over 150 of the largest and most modern lake steamers have our heavy sea, by operating same from the deck, instantaneo- usly disengaging the fall from the boat at the proper moment when it reaches the water. DAGNALL-LOUD BLOCK (0, Brearenal - 162 Commeorcial Street, BOSTON, MASS. & ui THE W.L. SCOTT CO, | The Rochester & Pittsburgh Goal & Iron Co. 7 Wholesale Dealers in REYNOLDSVILLE COAL. Shamokin, Wilkesbarre,and Hazleton-Lehigzh See Mt Higta BDU cee tuou fee qdone nontace: 4m Steam Elevator and 4 Steam Derricks, Steam Fuet CSQ> ALS Scow, Capacity 550 Tons. Boats Coaled Day or Night. @ OFFICE: 694 Ellicott Square Bidg., BUFFALO, N.Y. Tee Mansfield Steam Coal. eee Ao eee een sora SL a ection | FUELING VESSELS a specialty, either from dock or steam scow Mansfield, |" lan) _ capacity 300 tons, in buckets, which gives quick dispatch. Boats coaled day or night. Docks lighted with electricity and equipped with steam WM. H. HAZEN, derricks. Dock ----e-- Fueling Office at Canal Dock, ERIE, PA. Superintendent. Especially adapted for Contractors, Quarries, Shovels, a Railroad Construction, Dredges, Bridge and Dock Build- The Wel Is Lig ht Mfg Y Co. EDWARD ROBINSON, Sole Proprietor. RAILROADS CONTRACTORS now use 400 "indover GOO the WEris LIGHT. 46 Washington Street, NEW YORK. MARINE VALVE OILiaa RENOWN ENGINE OILS ----_--____ ORC CE if E Mae art UN vi i Marine Valve Eldorado Engine Victor Signal, Mineral Seal Artic Cup Greases, Renown Engine, Crank Case, : Dark Lubricating, Head Light, i and Lard Oils. -- CARRIED IN STOCK AT THE -- STANDARD OIL COMPANY'S MARINE DEPOT, ep ih ue eR TELEPHONE 77. 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, O. MAIN OFFICE TELEPHONE 682. Yourm y , Ll., No.5 Wabash Ave, Marinette, Wis. Buffalo, N. Y. pen ene hace s. Oshkosh, Wis, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. Milwaukee, Wis., Broadway & Mason. Duluth, Minn, West BayCity. Mich eC eee 10thS8t STANDABD OIL Sheboyean' wis: West Superior, Wis. Saginaw, Mich., Kighth & Sears Sts. Manitowoc, Wis. Hancock, Mich. Detroit, Mich., 46 Jefferson, 1 a COMPANY, Green Bay, Wis. Marquette, Mich. Toledo, O., Summit & Monroe Sts. D, Rom' REFINING Comp & Sts., Erie, Pa. EDWARD BRAMMALL, Bunton Harbor, Mich, A. H. McGonaait, South Chicago, Ill. Win wee port uron, Mich" er : BABY & Deus, BE Olalr, Mich, i eee StErEe Go. Paleporks z Ranp ain, O. i ak . Hare a Bis Harber, 0. A ir es 'Conneaut Harbor, O. THE M.I. WILcox GonpAGm & SUPPLY Oo., Toledo O