MARINE REVIHW. | 17 Crawford, W.H. Wolf, ¢. M. Charnley, Welcome, Industry, CHICACO. DULUTH. f IP xX OU Ses Than we charge for Steamer Signals ;you BARRY BROS. ; BARRY pay too much. Get the best and avoid col- Independent Tug Line. Towing & Wrecking Co. lisions. : | , Bwee he TUCS. THE BUFFALO FLUTED LENS SIGNALS 1 ' Mm. ' Rita MeDona Ce G. A, Tomlinson. are the best. Perfect in color and con- struction. Every lamp guaranteed. Man- D. P. Hall, Commodore, Violet H. Raber, an Ira 0. Smith. Jack Barry. ide actured only by Office, 240 South Water Street, Office, foot of 5th Ave., West. RUSSELL & WATSON, Telephone Main 273. Telephone 544. BUFFALO, N. Y. eee Se et es eae ee eee ee aan: Sold by H. D. Edwards & Co., Upson-Walton Co., Rie G. B. Carpenter & Co. > iF @., Pintscu Gas Licntrp Buoys #r Adopted by the English, German French, Russian, Italian, a i are ' ' nd Wnited States Light House Departments, for Channel and Harbor Lighting ; over 500 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. BURN CONTINUQUSLY from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a oy distance of six miles. Brilliant and Steady !Ilumination. Economical and Reliable in Operation, CONTROLLED BY THE Safety Car Heating & Lighting Company, 160 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. \! Hoisting anc Steering Queen City Hydraulic Steerer. 4 | A = i alent he | i a - PATENT» BA) WORM « 1 di Incorpo- , Best and . gu ENGINES. American Boat Building Co."| ya Most Powertu ie TEERING +... : + 4s ; eS Knock - Down Boats, i Steerer 1. ENGINE With either Frictional, Spur or something news We'do H\ LAWS eX Clie % Worm Gear of various patterns to | |§ ts the work, you nail , suit all purposes. together. Freight low, STEAMERS, prices reasonable. Also ETC. completed Boats, Half- Price erome Williamson Bros. Richmond and Yolk Sts. ; Raters, Knock - Abouts ae as| and Canoes. Send stamp 35x7 foot Launch Frame. for catalogue. $650 to $750, ac- cording to size and location in PHILADELPHIA, FA. y steamer. Over 150 of the largest and most 3517-21 S, Second Street, ST. LO IS, MO. S| Manufactured modern lake steamers have ou) SSS by steerers. QUEEN CITY ENGINEERING CO., Buffalo, N.Y. FUELING DOCKS: NORTH PIERE 1a" STREET BRIDGE, MLUNOIS CENTRAL SLIPC a sail I <8 ere =" s pS STORAGE DOCKS rorANTHRACITE: : Ste > FFICE MINGSBURY ST. serween INDIANAGERIE STS. ELSTON AVE.DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,(NORTH BRANCH) : MORTH AVE.BRIDGE. DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,OGDEN CANAL) SOUTH HALSTED ST. BRIDGE. P.M. CHURCH cw CO., ALLEN'S PATENT TRIMMING GEAR. SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH . ee) Now used successfully on ee aa a3 _ 7 ams - §teamer Castalia and other ' Ship Cc 2 = aS ct lery, a a large Lake craft. Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. LE Time saved in trimming FIRST-OLA88 COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION. on Cargo, also in unload- 7 ing. For particulars The Chase Machine Co. address 111 Ble t Cleveland, O. ACHINISTS--~-- Capt. C. C. Allen, r and ENGINEERS or Charles T. Pratt = im. MANUFACTURERS OF se non NT ( : Land and Marine Engines | O ; and Steam Pumps, P| 301 Perry-Payne Bldg., SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFCTURERS OF ee CLEVELAND, - - _ OHIO. Chase Fog Whistle Machine. J Over 150 in use on the best class _ OHN H AUG Consulting Engineer and Naval Architect. of Lake Steamers, Bhi 9 eee i Special Attentiongivento _ Han Engineer Surveyor Lloyds Register, London. 206 Walnut Shan pepe Li were 3 avons and Superintendence of Ships and their Machinery. Place, Tr Boates Pipe and Boiler Covering. ©8--Bulk Oil Vesse!s High Speed Yacht Engines, etc. Philadelphia. TELEPHONE 994.