Vou. XVI. CLEVELAND, O., NOV. 18, 1897. Poko tee TOTAL INSTALLATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD L561, 400 HORSE. POWER. . TOTAL INSTALLATIONS ON THE LAKES BY THE. DRY DOCK ENGINE WORKS, DETROIT, 56,510 HORSE POWER. Diagram showin the inerease of HOWDEN equipments ¢ on the lakes for the first five years. 1393 | = i : | 12:592 H. P. s4 eg ! ERS Sg ae OT ee 905 3 3 4 | OUR lle ais 1896 | ! : eee, 1 ee s97 _-- =r mar oe -- 56.5101. P. ee es aa amet hae a HORSE POWER, 10.000 oe a ee ame, (ae At this rate of. increase all» the | principal steamers. of the lake business a} fleet will be equipped: in ten years. | -- FOR STEAMERS WHOSE OWNERS CONTEMPLATE A HOWDEN. EQUIPMENT. FREE WINTER DOCKAG : : ee ; i " JSS bin iene i "Why not. have the benefit of the economy of this draft next season by | , giving your order for an equipment now. _