6 MARINE REVIEW. PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. COi: NEW YORK. . PUT UP IN BOXES. HERCU! ove CMBINATIEN ce 16 Warren Street, ae a ALWAYS 2 & MADE TIGHT. BOTH -- STRAIGHT LEAVES AND THE STEM & SPIRAL. Dp CLEAN. %, 0 16-24 Woodward Avenue, DETROIT, MICH. STOP VALVE PACKING METALLIC:SToP: VALVE PACKING: WRITE US FOR TESTIMONIALS. 193-195 Bank Street, 202-210 S. Water Street, ~ CLEVELAND, 0. CHICAGO, ILL. The Cleveland Dry Dock Co. 148 Elm St., Cleveland, O. Telephone 1616. Resid. 'Phone 3634. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Dimensions of Dock: Lth. over all, 360 ft. Lth.on blocks, 340 ft. Width of gate, 60 it. Depth over sill, 20 ft. Capt.W.W. BRown, Sec'y & Mgr. AMERICAN STEEL BARGE CO. STEEL and METAL SHIPS Of all classss built on the Shortest Possible Notice at our yards at West Superior, Wis., and also at Everett, Wash. Plates & ices Best Material Quality ene of Oak - on hand" instock to Ree for Re= pair all pairing 'kinds of Wooden Metal oe Vessels ee of all Shortest Classes. Time. . SIZE OF DOCK. Length, extreme......... 537 feet. Entrance, Top..........000++ 55 feet 9 in Breadth, Top............ 90 " 4in, Entrance, Bottom........... 50 "* Breadth, Bottom ........ 52 " Depth over Sills ............ Sees LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. Prices for Repairsand Docking same as at lower lake ports SUPERIOR, WIS. A number of Propellor Wheels in stock at Dry Dock. H. Cc. BURRELL_. MARINE REPORTER, DETROIT. Small boat on the river at all hours of the day and night. Let us give you prices on delivery cf orders and other busi- ness at Detroit. Engineers and firemen, mates and deck hands, furnished on short notice. 'Vifice Foot of Woodward Ave. OFFICES : 'DETROIT REG TRADE MARKS | THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE SMELTING Co. [I toe ie ea WASHINGTON AVE.PHILADELPHIA. "ELEPHANT BRAND PHOSPHOR-BRONZE™ INGOTS,CASTINGS,WIRE RODS,SHEETS, etc. . --DELTA ME TAL-- . CASTINGS. STAMPINGS Ano: FORGINGS. | ORIGINAL ano.Sovre MAKERS INTHE U.S. PROPELLEEPS. CROSBY ps0 tive to CROSBY POP SAFETY VALVES. Locomotive, Marine and Stationery. phosEts We tee RELIEF VALVES, for Pumps, Hy- dra CROSBY IMPROVED STEAM PRESSURE GAGES. CROSBY STEAM ENGINE INDICATORS, with Sargent's Electrical Attachment for taking any 'number of Dia- grams simultaneously. The Original SINGLE BELL CHIME WHISTLES. BRA SEN PUMP VALVES; rubber with wire-coil inser- BOSWORTH FEED-WATER REGULATOR, PATENT Case TESTER, and many other sp: cialties in Steam ines Main Office and Works: Boston, Mass. Stores: Boston, New York, Chicago, and London, Eng. WE WILL REPAIR YOUR STEAM FITTINGS PROMPTLY. ALL, RELIABLE statistics relating to shipping are contained in the Biue Book of American Shipping. Price, $5. MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. ia ii i A tii tl a he te