MARINE REVIEW. fe The Bessemer Steamship Company Chas. E. & W. F. Peck, ai 58 William St. . Solicits Catale gues, Prices and Discounts from manufacturers and NEW YORK CITY. an RO Og Pullading, . . . 1 2 ' so wholesale dealers in Ship Machinery, Brass Goods, Rope, Paints, oc: Row RING & CO., . rs Asbestos, Packing, Hose, Furniture, Piping, Glass and Crock- LONDON, ENG peor ery, Tinwarc, Ranges, Carpeting, Bedding, Life-preservers, Rafts (Se 13 3: and Boats, Engineers' Supplies and Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Elec fl li S U RA FM C Ee tric Supplies, Lamps, Grate Bars, Castings, etc., etc., etc. a ALSO QUOTATIONS from Market men and Grocers on the Lakes for BROWN & CO., J.G. KEITH & CO., LA SALLE & CO. Provisions and Meat, best quality only. ae Bullalo. N.Y. sechieaen ane Boardion mate oe, CATALOGUES without quotations are not wanted. Ro Aeon to make rates on all classes of Marine Insurance on the great lakes, ALL GOODS except provisions to be delivered in Cleveland. ES and HULLS. Address JL. M. BOWERS, General Manager, "CREAT LAKES REGISTER." CLEVELAND, OHIO. % F. D. HERRIMAN, Surveyor-General, Chicago, Ill. RAPID FUELING DOCKS, vetaoir river. JAMES GRAHAM & CoO.., Foot Twenty-first St., Detroit, © Below Routes of Passenger and Car Ferry Lines. Pockets and Chutes arranged for different types of vessels. BEST ST E AM CO A Large Supplies and every effort to give dispatch, day and night. Wide ! . stretch of river for tows, and plenty of water at dock at all times. Shippers of Coal by Rail and Water, Office 1005 Chamber of Commerce. Phone 2083. JOHN GORDON. J. H. KELLERAN. -H. L. CHAMBERLIN. FH yu JOHN GORDON & CO. VESSEL, FREIGHT AND INSURANCE AGENTS, 1S2 Guaranty Building, BUFFALO, N. Y. Newport News Shiphuildine & Dry Dock COMPANY. WORKS AT NEWPORT NEWS, VA. (On Hampton Roads.) AN AID TO NAVIGATION that prevents grounding or collision in a fog, THE OPHONE, MANUFA RED AND INSTALLED BY THE EOPHONE CO. BOWLING GREEN BLDG., NEW YORK. It accurately locates the place from whence the sound comes, and shows its bearing on a dumb compass. It has been adopted by the U. S. Navy and is in practical service on many coast steamers. 23% Equipped with a Simpson's Basin Dry Dock capable of docking a vessel 600 feet long drawing 25 feet of water, at any stage of the tide. Repairs made promptly and at reasonable rates. SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS. For estimates and further particulars, address Cc. B. ORCUTT, Pres"t, No. | Broadway. New York. This instrument will prove especially valuable in lake navigation on account of the frequency of fogs and_ thick weather. HA 'ng the past few months of this season was so near the COST OF CARRY- AE PRICE PAID FOR oS FONG Oe scone that a thought of was practiced. One means of economy was neolected ING IT, that in order 2) ete € : ce possibility of reducing fuel consumption. This can be done by equipping your steamer in nearly every case. aS ie ed Seivets ribbed tubes. with the Ellis & ae ae WORKS COMPANY, Cleveland, O., manufacturers for the Creat Lakes THE CL