18 , MARINE REVIEW. H. T. WICKES, F. W. WHEELER RE. i Vice-President. President. Cc. W. STIVER, Secretary. JNO. S. Wik: , | reasurer. Fo. W. WHEELE ©O., Weer Bay Grrr. Mion, a F. & P. M. CAR FERRY. e Builders of all kinds of ME" TAL AND WOODEN SHIPS. e IV VV VV "Y YY VV VV WW VW VW VV VV WV VV VV VW WV *AAAAABRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ASA > = b AMERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORKS. ee ESTABLISHED 1865. mil Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Crane and Rafting = CELAIIN SS. Our Dredge and Crane Chains are made of Iron Rolled Specially for _ that purpose in three qualities, '"Burden's," '"'H. B. & S." iron, and " Burden's Best Best"? iron. THE J. B. eon COMPANY, TROY, NEW YORK. paAsAALASAAAAAAALAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AA AAA DAD 3 IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Cr Obie Bheey ogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. v PD re HIGH GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIAK. VYhile Ch Cinbets and Gland CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 7 DOCK axa DECK HOISTS ALL KINDS OF Machinery & Friction Hoists. SEND FOR PRICES AND CIROULARS. JACKSON & CHURCH, SAGINAW, MICH. HowaRD H. BAKER & Co. Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, 18 to 26 Terrace.__-- BUFFALO, N.Y. H. OHANNON COMPANY Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers. AGENTS FOR RYLANDS BROS. MANUFACTURERS OF f ENGLISH GALVANIZED STEEL HAWSERS, THE LP, & J, A. SMITH 6O,, Contractors of Public Works. Dredging, Railroads, Pile-Driving, Canals, Breakwaters, Bridges, Dry Docks and Foundations. Pier Building, Kite , «te. 23 River St., CLEVELAND, O. H. E. STEVENS. TOM MEAD. LEW PRESLEY BUCKEYE STEAM FITTING CO. Steam Fitters, Hagineers Supplies, Phone 4068, AGENTS FOR RA'NBOW PACKING. Open Day and "Might. TH eS: eS A El N " SON, Wituincron. pew" > Builders of Metallic . Life Boats and Rafts, ; Yachts and Pleasure Boats, Lie Pre- servers. Outfit for Lake Steamers a Specialty. For Sale STEAMER AND TWO CONSORTS. Combined capacity 6000 tons iron ore on 17 feet draft. All in fine condition, being practically new. Can be purchased at low price and on easy terms. Tow suitable for lumber. For information write, MARINE REVIEW, 409 Perry Payne Bldg. Cleveland. 24-26 Warket Street, CHICAGO, ILL $350.00 WILL BUY Two Propeller Engines 12x14 with Slide Valves, Cranks and all connections complete; three Propeller Wheels, 65 inches in diameter, 60 feet of 4-inch Shafting with Couplings and Cranks. E. W. DURANT, Stillwater, Minnesota. Nov. 18. 117 River St, CLEVELAND. 0. ii a i