6 MARINE REVIEW. ».. Peerless Piston and Valve Rod Packing > IN SPIRAL FORM OR IN COILS. Manufactured Exclusively by PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. CoO., 16 Warren Street, NEW YORK. | FOR SALE by the LEADING SHIP CHANDLERS and SUPPLY HOUSES. SR Sete 16k WeOnTROLT, MICH. Se ata Bee oO Me ey, The Cleveland Dry Dock Co. 148 Elm St., Cleveland, O. Telephone 1616. Resid. Phone 3634. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Dimensions of Dock: Lth. over all, 360 ft. Lth.on blocks, 340 ft. Width of gate, 50 it. Depth over sill, 20 it. Capt.W.W. BRowN, Sec'y & Mer. AMERICAN STEEL BARGE CO. STEEL and METAL SHIPS _ Ofall classss built on the Shortest Possible Notice at our yards at West Superior, Wis., and also at Everett, Wash, + DELTA METAL REG TRADE MARKS | THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE SMELTINGCO.|IMITED, % -. 2200 WASHINGTON AVE;PHILADELPHIA. - r) Pitwa Oo ai ig WL sae) Pd Material | ---- i Q alt Pe Ge) Be er Cun con ts RODS, SHEETS, etc. Always ne ae Le Pe a od el" | én hand i AB : ae "~ |CASTINGS. STAMPINGS anv. FORGINGS. to Ree ae ORIGINAL anp SoLe MAKERS INTHE U.S. o ; = for Re- eae pairing a> ewe Co a ng deel oes ee eS kinds of Wood Metal aes e o a a = =| CROSBY {u" ap Cay Classes. =) 5 > AND VALVE G0. me. CROSBY POP SAFETY VALVES. Locomotive, Marine and Stationery. CROSBY WATER RELIEF VALVES, for Pumps, Hy- rants, ete. Pe enecs: CROSSY EA ATR. PTE TBERSUDY GAGES. Length, extreme......... 537 feet. Entrance, Top.......seccer 55 feet 9 in 1 Gr DO STO RS with Sargenins Breadth, AROPYer esse tes 90 " 4 in, Entrance, Bottom.......000. 50 ' Bae sine rgaineany,numbemet Die Breadth, Bottom ........ 52 : Depth over Sills ............ Siac The Original SINGLE BELL CHIME WHISTLES. BRANDEN PUMP VALVES; rubber with wire-coil inser- tion. BOSWORTH FEED-WATER REGULATOR, PATENT eG E TESTER, and many other sp< cialties in Steam uines. LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. Prices for Repairsand Docking same as at lower lake ports SUPERIOR, WIS. A number of Provellor Wheels in stock at Dry Dock. H. Cc. BURRELL b Stores: Boston, New York, Chicago, and London, Eng. MARINE REPORTER, DETROIT. WE WILL REPAIR YOUR STEAM FITTINGS PROMPTLY. Small boat on the river at all hours of the day and night. Let us give you prices on delivery cf orders and other busi- ee F ae : ness at Detroit. Eugineers and firemen, mates and deck ALL RELIABLE statistics relating to shipping are contained in + hands, furnished on short notice. : the Blue Book of American Shipping. Price, $5. MARINE REVIEW, Office Foot of Woodward Ave. \ She ei eanmema Cleveland. Main Office and Works: Boston, Mass. hk