MARINE REVIEW. ] Liquid (Spirit) Compasses of our make, in seven sizes, embody every known point of excellence possessed by those of other makers, and in addition have been' improved in many important details. l i Hh ~ We therefore positively assert that, in general construction and thoroughly y | scientific action of the card, we offer the- best Liquid Compass ever miade in this | id | A or any country. For sale by Ship Chandlers generally. | B | 'tlt | , John Bliss & Co., 128 Front Street, New York. EET UG] John Bliss & Co. 128 Front street, New York, , =) 95> MARINE VALVE OlLison REN Own ENGINE OLLitsecon LUBRICATION Marine Valve, Eldorado Engine, Vietor Signal, Mineral Seal, Artic Cup Greases, Renown Engine, Crank Case, : Dark Lubricating, Head Light, and Lard Oils. -- CARRIED IN STOCK AT THE -- STANDARD OIL ComPaNny's Marine Deport, TELEPHONE 77. 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, O. MAIN OFFICE TELEPHONE 682. i = ALSO FOR SALE Chicago, Ill., No.5 Wabash Ave, Marinette, Wis. Buffalo, N. Y. ie wo BY Racine, Wis Oshkosh, Wis, | Sault Ste, Marie, M UI Milwaukee, Wis, ; Broadway & Mason. Duluth, Minn, Wee BayCity, Mich. Me C. Ry.& 10th8t L NOD STANDARD Ort Sheboygan, Wis. West Superior, Wis. eb ata Mich., Eighth & Sears Sts. Manitowoc, Wis. Hancock, Mich. etroit, Mich., 46 Jefferson. COMPA NY, Green Bay, Wis, Marquette, Mich, Toledo. 0., Summit & Monroe Sts, ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY, French & 16th Sts., Erie, Pa. EDWARD BRAMMALL. Bunton een Mich, A. H. McGonaain, South Chic , fl. D, ROBESON, Port Huron, Mich. BABY ie DALE, 8t. Clair, Mi ich : MARINE SUPPLY 6o., Fairport, W. 8. MCKINNON, Ashtabula Harbor, 0. N.C. ALTEN, Lorain, O. F, KRANZ, Sandusk ky, O. HULL & RAND, Huron, QO, A. F. HARRINGTON, 'Conneant Harbor, O. THE M. I. WILcox COBDAGE & SUPPLY Co., Toledo 0 1897 Blue Book of American Shipping © "Is THE BEST BOOK OF THE KIND EVER PUBLISHED,"' at least that seems to be the almost universal verdict of purchasers and advertisers. BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, 409 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND 0. kes" ORDER A COPY, Price $5, and if you are not satisfied with the book, we will pay express both ways and credit the $5. 'YOUR PLAY Don'r FORGET 4, ) our INDIcaTor THE BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING Plant shop ines ont: ieoTmieA eRe aad A409 P Pasneenaee CReeuaee rier A PACKING box and ( for Circular. ~ eset ayne g., , VU. JAS L. we will send you handsomest pack of DcenaToMerns ever printed. | ROBERTSON A beautiful Artist's Model posed - & SON, for the JOKER, all the rest are 204 Fulton St., ERAGE it will please you. Hatt ae Gh. Ut Oe ene le Offer ol toe! Dasuide dl! EVERY MARINE ENGINEER 5 on the Lakes, and every second ek Dank fo Gath' Wf. ee ¢ who is studying for first class fa President Hladdfbin Oot ist .1897~ Papers, ought to possess The Marine Review, Reed's Engineers' Hand Book nest, a Gent lemen:-- (Fifteenth Edition.) Yours of July 21st, with the 1897 Blue Book of American Ship- Centaining 600 engravings and a 'ping sent on are arrived here during my absence. 'Our Auditor will. portfolio of drawings of all parts to-day remit you the $6. due for the book, which is certainly a very of marine engines. ereditable and interesting publication. It has always sold for $4.50 and | Yours truly, ke @5. Until Dec. 1 any subscriber to S, ; Soca the REVIEW may have a copy E President. sent post paid by enclosing this advertisement and $4 to IS USED FOR REFERENCE BY THE PRINCIPAL TRANSPOR- Marine Freviow, -- TATION COMPANIES IN THE UNITED STATES. BOOK DEPT. 409 Perry-Pavne Bidg-, CLEVELAND, O 3