AZ ih CHICAGO. DULUTH. | IF YOU PAY MORE BARRY BROS. Than we charge for Steamer Signal¢ ov BARRY pay too much. Get the best. eee eL lisions. THE BUFFALO FLUTED LENS SIGNALS are the best. Perfect in color and con- TUCS Rita McDonald, Wm. Dickinson, TUGS. Crawford, W. Hl. Wolf, G. A, Tomlinson. pudependant Tug Line. | Towing & Wrecking . C. M. Charnley, Welcome, Industry, struction. Every lamp guaranteed. Man- D; P. Hall, Commodore, Violet H. Raber, ufactured only by Ae = ra O. Smith. Jack Barry. Prodigy Office, 240 South Water Street, Office, foot of 5th Ave., West. RUSSELL & WATSON, Yonder Main 273. Telephone 544. ° BUFFALO, N. Y. 3 long whistles call ourtugs: | 3 long whistles call our tugs. Sold by H. D. Edwards & Co., Upson-Walton Co., Dear Ca No Cone Wa ane DOD DD a G. B. Carpenter & Co. @-, Pintsch Gas Licutzp Buoys #7. | Adopted by the English Is) 4 vy e English, German, French, R i i i | \K Light House Departments, for Channel ea ro ruaeskie mut pe 5 . 500 gas b i ay ~ , sas buoys and gas beacons in service. t 5 Ko | a 4 BURN CONTINUQUSLY from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a | distance of six miles. Brilliant and Steady Illumination. Economical and Reliable in Operation, eel CONTROLLED BY THE \/™ Safety Car Heating & Lighting Company, 160 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. WILLIAMSON BROS. Queen City Hydraulic Steerer. prererey arts oa " aeeteN PA. gs f J. MO : a Pov ff Ts cf oisting Engines ana Ship teerer fi) vey {ee Steering Engines. (! y SEAMin, > t ETC. With either Frictional Spur or Worm Gear of various Patterns to suit all purpeses. =----= Over 150 of the largest and most modern lake steamers have our steerers. Price--From $650 to $750, ac- cording to size and location in steamer. Manufactured by '. %. QUEEN CITY ENGINEERING CO., Buffalo, N.Y. FUELING DOCKS: NORTH PIER# 18% STREET BRIDGE, tLLINOIS CENTRAL SLIP C: --e.<gro--- m RR Rae, @ dddAAN : PW SSS, "€"e7>eF8"}FGF:@m: STORAGE DOCKS or ANTHRACITE OF J WINGSBURY ST. BETWEEN INDIANASERIE STS. EARBORN ST ELSTON AVE. DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,(NORTH BRANCH) aL MORTH AVE.BRIDGE. DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,OGDEN CANAL) SOUTH HALSTED ST. BRIDGE. ee ALLEN'S PATENT TRIMMING GEAR. P.M. CHURCH ck CO., SAVINGS BANK BLOCK, SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH a) ", Now used successfully on LEADING DEALERS IN Sy Stee ae aneaphies Shiv Chandicry, < arge Lake : ; : A : Ee saved in trimming Marine Hardware, Paints, Oils, Packings, Cordage, Ete. on Cargo, also in unload- FIRST-CLASS COPPERSMITH AND TINSHOP IN CONNECTION, ing. For particulars Th re [ry M A 7 Cc ae ee e ase Machine Co. 111 Elm St., Cleveland, O. os ~-- or Capt. C. C. Allen, ie sot ENGINEERS Charles T. Pratt, \ aS --- AGENT. MANUFACTURERS OF a lol =|] sfjo Io hallo O Land and Marine Engines SE Se P= ee 301 Perry-Payne Bldg., and Steam Pumps, CLEVELAND, - - OHIO. SOLE OWNERS AND MANUFCTURERS OF a Chase Fog Whistle Machine. | t Ore aie Semel JOHN HAUG, cmmtng Emirs tense sph a enti given 0 Bhi "MARINE REPAIR WORK. P and Engineer Surveyor Lloyds Register, London. 206 Walnut Engineers' Supplies. ~ Asbestos Pipe and Boiler Covering. ~ TELEPHONE 994. Specifications and Superintendence of Ships and their Machinery. Place, Specialties--Bulk Oil Vesse's High Speed Yacht Engines, etc. Philadelphia.