Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 23 Dec 1897, p. 8

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a MARINE REVIEW. SHIPS OF THE UNITED STATES. SHIP-BUILDING PROGRESS ON THE LAKES IS STILL THE IMPORTANT FEATURE OF GOVERNMENT REPORTS--SUMMARIES FROM STATISTICAL TABLES PUBLISHED BY THE COMMISSIONER OF NAVIGATION. The annual report of the United States commissioner of navigation, just issued, affords opportunity to present corrected statements regarding ship building in the United States and the tonnage owned in different parts of the country. The tables that follow contain these statistics in detail. A few facts derived from these summaries will prove interesting. In five years, ending June 30, 1897, 611 vessels of 403,327.91 gross tons were built on the lakes. 'During the last of these years (ending June 30, 1897,) more tonnage was built on the lakes than in all other parts of the country--116,937 gross tons on the lakes, against 115,296 gross tons in all other districts. On June 30, 1897, the number of vessels of all kinds on the lakes was 8,230 and the total tonnage (gross) was 1,410,102.60. The tonnage of the entire country on the same date was 4,769,020.10 and the number of vessels Of the largest type of steam vessels--1,000 tons and over--the lakes have 399 and their aggregate tonnage is 769,366.68; in all other parts of the country there are only 314 such vessels, and their aggregate tonnage is only 685,709.07. ; Of steel and iron vessels the lakes have 271. Their aggregate ton- nage is 486,291.47, so that the average is 1,745 tons. On the Atlantic coast there are 667 steel and iron vessels, but as their aggregate tonnage is 645,185.80, the average is only 968. Off the lake cities Cleveland leads with 286 vessels, of 297,698.39 tons. Biuffalo thas 312 vessels, but their aggregate tonnage is only 193,494.48. The number of vessels listed in the Duluth district has been increasing each year, large additions being made to the tonnage at that point of late through the Bessemer fleet hailing from the head of the lakes. There are now in the Duluth district 111 vessels of 86,244.05 tons. In the following statistics no account is taken of yachts, lighters, or small boats employed within the harbor of any town or city, nor of canal - boats or barges employed wholly upon internal waters of a state; neither do they include barges and boats plying on rivers or lakes of the United States and not engaged in trade with contiguous foreign territory and not carrying passengers. All vessels under five tons net are also excluded: STATEMENT SHOWING THE NUMBER AND TONNAGE OF VESSELS OF ALL KINDS OWNED IN THE UNITED STATES ON JUNE 30, 1897. Number Gross Districts. of vessels. tonnage. Ntlambic: and Writ COAStSs)s oti. fac beciocuse wes aie 16,592 2,647,796.26 LGM, COWS. Scepesiah weg) Gichs es aati lotee oxide 6 oes 1,581 439,012.56 meNonthenn dlalcesia sages. oceanic itssciecobm Beas 3,230 1,410,102.60 WilestenianimenSan icity: i. aajseraie a: deci 6 waieicn ie «oie 1,230 272,108.68 Pe Grit tl CMME OM ere es bain 5 eis! e ae ia ew ce mare 22,633 4,769,020.10 Slinps vesselet a! +7, aye fe 7 oon oon hs 13,904 1,904,153.42 SHEAIMMVICSSCIS Hs. Caen re ee ri DO Ie, 6,599 2,358,557.59 (Camel lnoricy Sanomoue ses Be A dar oe RE a 650 73,785.95 ee ee ee eee a 1,480 432,523.14 (Grandetotal tee oS. ice. ee. eee. cals 22,633 4,769 ,020.10 STATEMENT SHOWING NUMBER AND TONNAGE OF VESSELS OF ALL KINDS OWNED IN THE UNITED STATES ON JUNE 30 OF EACH YEAR FOR TEN YEARS PAS'. *Sail. | Steam. Total. June 30. SSIs SScaESTT GEER ial ---- Num- Gross Na | Gross Num- | Gross ber. Tonnage. ber. pee es ber, | Tonnage. USS Seek ees. va Beatsteaks nsenGite 17,587) 2,543,846) 5,694) 1,648,070) 23,281 4,191,916 MSS Oe tas ae sececrwee cc actos ce 17,699) 2,541,924) 5,924 1,765,551 || 23,623) 4,307,475 SOO Mk cacaetecacchtes aw ce ose: 17,502) 2,565,409 9,965) 1,859,088 )| 23,467) 4,424,497 BS Olle eeeeces ts rs cence sce 17,683) 2,668,495 6,216) 2,016,264)| 23,899) 4,684,759 tS Oop emer ccc ge 17,991) 2,690,504|| 6,392) 2,074,417) 24,383) 4,764,921 MUS: arene oc cise cokers 17,951) 2,641,799 6,561) 2,183, 272)| 24,512) 4,825,071 SO cee Meneeennen ar cet | Sie 17,060; 2,494,599|| 6,526) 2,189,430) 23,586] 4,684,029 HS Op Ser ee ees occ ow os 16,686) 2,423,159) 6,554 2,212,801)| 28,240) 4,635,960 MSG Oeaeetec sseeeie es vores. 16,313) 2,396,672|) 6,595) 2,307,208)| 22,908 4,703,880 US OMe ate: Gaels ac sci cecrisel et 16,934) 2,410,443)| 6,599] 2,858,578)| 22,633) 4,769,020 } | | LL een = | *Includes unrigged craft. STATEMENT SHOWING NUMBER AND TONNAGE OF STEAM VESSELS OF 1,000 _ TONS AND OVER OWNED IN THE UNITED STATES ON JUNE 30, 1897. Number Gross Districts. of vessels. tonnage. puilaniancramd Grill coasts. 2)¢ 980.2... lS. 255 576,010.34 122,93 008 CTS hse any aR oN als A I eg ee AT 92,333.85 Northern IDRC eae se eee a eS 399 769,366.68 RO MRUISOVICNS feo. js ok bso die'w cle c's sc cudevveos Bhs) 17,364.88 Momalssaeins 2008 J to Mert Pea pee AS Is) 713 1,455,075.75 STATEMENT SHOWING CLASS, NUMBER AND TONNAGE OF IRON AND STEEL VESSELS OWNED IN THE UNITED STATES ON JUNE 30, 1897. *Sai). | | Steam. | Total. Districts. | | 5 : | E es Num- | _ Gross Num-_ Gross || Num- Gross ber. | Tonnage. || ber. Tonnage, ber. | Tonnage. se sas Bea = i cee ee Re d pe | | Atlantic& Gulf coasts) 31 | 34,490.34) 636 | 610,695.46)| 667 | 645,185.80 Pacific coast.............. le 1,049.24 43 66,422.54|) 44 67,471.78 Northern lakes......... 62 | 97,984.33) | 209 | 388,307.14) 271 | 486,291.47 Western rivers........... | bl cine (eee | AL | 8,273.47)) 41 | 8,273.47 Grand total......... 94 |133,523.91 | 929 |1,073,698.61)/1023 |1,207,222.52 *Including barges. 'TABLE SHOWING NUMBER AND TONNAGE OF VESSELS OF ALI, KINDS OWNED IN THE DIFFERENT CUSTOMS DISTRICTS ON THE LAKES ON JUNE 30, 1897. | PRINCIPAL PORTS ; | | ae eens Customs DisTRIcTS. |NUMBER.) pou acy. @leveland.c.: fhes. cee Cuyahoga. safes. | 286 | 297,698.39 Birttal Os: tees etc c sete Buffalo 'Creek............... 312 | 193,494.48 PorteLiunOnes.sercsceoet ese + Kikittonts. i). cele e393 44] 202,946.38 DEtrOItta Hi". ae Detcotts ey. Wee ee, 286 174,630.85 IM Wate @tecickocscnsses-tsc. DVI wattkceGne erence cisconscies 350 99,115.41 Chicago! hei els Gltica gorse cis. ei 251 66,302.69 PISttsbung ise: hw. cues Chia pPlainesre.cstc..2+e es -- 859 36,429.48 Mana wetters iy: cam. <ibsenes SM PeidlOtenre nesters eee 144 65,971.06 Sandusky..................0006 SanGiskoye cess a.s<sseteeees 93 44,126.77 Grand Haven................. NIM lnI patie ccc sete cence 261 34,053.93 Bytes. ce nee Pe ee dee ster ee eee 59 38,595.08 Ogdensbure ....c. 8s. .0: Oswegatchie................. 46 23,014.76 OSWEZO. seokeces ncssteseesnats OSWerOmen arcs. ices saidcocee 45 8,647.67 PEON EMO Sea. cb,s- seichgiaes «<< 0-3 MIM eter ayers. ees Ce |= = 26,0hsse5 Suspension Bridge......... Neiaigarade ie. ce. ens Sy 2,701.97 Texamoibira ved wove gecnanc ete ecpmaeoe PNG Gi On tere, teen eee 26 4,524.27 IROCMESEELE retcecscs.teastsecs Genesee... ee 14 1,000.84 Cape Vincenti. -.2.5..10% | Cape Vincent..........0..00: oo 3,628.20 Duluth........... pectin. | Dilthig.sasten tes een cae | 111 86,244.05 Dinkins 2h. bie iid keke Se eee 2 57.49 Total eee 3,230 | 1,410,102.60 *Largely canal vessels STATEMENT SHOWING GROSS TONNAGE OF VESSELS OF ALL KINDS BUILT IN THE UNITED STATES DURING TEN YEARS PAST. on the entire He : On the seaboard, | On the Mis- | Year ending June 30.\00 the Great) New England) including | S!88ipPi river | Total. Lakes. coast. New England) , andits | coast. tributaries. ie hg be | Saas | INS SSE eerste ced tee 101,103 | 33,813 | 105,125 11,859 | 218,087 ISS Ore pee cena 107,080 | 39,983 | 111,852 122027 | 23R34: USO Rea eonopnanear eee 108 526 78,577 | 169,091 16,506 | 294,123 BO Mikee Ss ictinesens 111,856 105,491 | 287,462 19,984 369,302 TS ODF ec ae. Wesccnee 45,969 60,624 | 138,863 14,801 199,633 NOOSE ars eons 99,271 37,091 | 102,830 9,588 | 211,639 iB OAM arr er te. sexe 41,985 28,665 80,099 Oe eS, 195 UROL Ds crerete em acinar ce 36,353 26,783 67,127 8,122 | 111,602 TSO Green aie see 108,782 39,582 102,544 15,771 | 227,097 | BON is se es aS ee | 116,937 21,942 103,504 11,792 232,233 VESSELS OF ALL KINDS BUILT ON THE LAKES DURING FIVE YEARS PAST. Number. Gross. Tonnage. ie ATE MCN [ities Uveitis 9 Bi ae cetetey cot coves ne cs or 175 99,271.24 Wearendimem ines r a0 4ecc. cams.. aed.s.. hes: 106 41,984.61 Meat ermGintee flies welS Orne eeenecieekaae sect: 93 36,352.70 Meatremadine. [une s0shonO: ch: cess eevee: na cen 117 108,782.38 LCA eRe TG Om TT er (eG Oi penne nee ese eens 120 116,936.98 BORA heen eee ee eT ne. 611 403,327.91 The office of the Marine Review, Perry-Payne building, Cleveland, is the only place where a complete supply of lake charts of all kinds is con- stantly to be found. Every chart is corrected to date of issue, and the stock includes all publications of the hydrographic office, as well as the charts made by the army engineers corps. The vessel master who has charts published two or three years ago will find new ones of far greater value in the list that has been increased almost every week of late. Prices are those fixed by the government, which do not represent even the cost of paper and printing. Sets of sectional charts of places like Green bay and Georgian bay, which in time past have sold as high as $15, may now be had on a single sheet at 30 cents to $1. _ An up-to-date lithograph map of the Alaskan gold fields, printed in six colors, complete and accurate. If interested, send five 2-cent stamps to advertising department, Nickel Plate Co., Cleveland. Dec. 31, 3993.

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