te. MARINE MARINE LAMPS Oil and Electric Equipment for Steamships, Yachts, etc. Signal Lights, Saloon Fixtures, Cabin Lamps, Lanterns, etc. wm. Porter's Sons, (27i Pearl St., NEW YORK CITY. INCORPORATED 1794. Insurance arpa of North America. $3,000,000.00 9,686,808.08 CAPITAL, Paid up InCash, = = ASSETS, a. = = = = = = CHARLES PLATT, President. 2 GREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec'y. & Tres" EUGENE L. ELLISON, Vice-President. _ T. HOWARD WRIGHT, Marine Sec'y. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Lake Marine Department GEORGE L. MeCURDY, Manager. CHICACO, ILLS. SEABURY'S Safety Water Tube Boiler For all types of Steam Vessels and Stationary Plants. Reliable, Safe, Durable, Com- pact, Light Weight, Econ- omical, Easily Managed. Tubes may be readily cleaned, in ternallv or externally. Marine Engines, STEAM and SAIL YACHTS, THE ONLY NAPHTHA LAUNCH. Gas Emoine & Power Co, and Charles L. Seabury & Co. consrisates MORRIS HEIGHTS, NEW YORK GITY. REVIEW. FERRALL'S PATENT bane: Bearing Self-Adjusting 6 Roll Sheave Has norivetsinits construction, therefore is made stronger, hav- ing an interior separator to pre- 4 vent the rolls from touching Vis each other, and an interior rail Weg to guide the rolls. BAGNALL-LOUD BLOCK Co. 162 Cemmercial Street, - - BOSTON, MASS The Roberts Boiler Co. Have built 90 BOILERS TO DATE sor Launches, Yachts, Passenger and Freight Steamers, Dredges, Tugs, Stern- Wheelers, Canalers; also for Navy Department, War Department, Treasury Department, Light-House Board and Revenue Cutter Service ; pica for N. Y. Dock Department and U. S. Supervisor, Harbor of N. Y. SAFETY AND ECONOMY. Never killed a man or had a serious accident. $250,000 capital. Works covering 29,000 square feet of ground. Never had a boiler returned on account of dis- satisfaction. Every Boiler Warranted. All material made specially for our use. All boilers tested at 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure and 259 pounds of steam before ship- ping. Workmanship strictly first-class. All joints serewed and reliable. No expanded dommes ate your requirements and we will furnish specifications. Correspondence solicite THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., 39 and 41 Cortlandt Street, New York City. Works, Red Bank, N. J. Tue"TAYLOR" YACHT BOILERS Hold the record for fast running on the great lakes for another year. NO RUPTURES! NO REPAIRS! Dry Steam Always. MANUFACTURED BY Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. FOOT OF REOPELLE ST., Chain Department + P. HAYDE Our Chain In use on the Largest Steamers en the Lakes: The Zenith City, Victory, North West and North Land, & and many others, -- iN S. HB, GO. * Columbus, Obio. All Kinds of Chain-- Stud and Close Link, Cable Chains. eee WW rite for Prices. C. E. GROVER, Prest. D. R. HANNA, V. Prest. The Asntabula Tug Incorporated. W. A. COLLIER, Cen. Mer. W. A. COLLIER, Sec. & Treas. CAPT, PHILIP SHIED, Marine Supt (0. MAIN ST. BRIDGE, CLEVELAND, 0. CLEVELAND, Tel. 409, ASHTABULA, Tel. 149.