MARINE REVIEW. Se TOTAL INSTALLATIONS THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. eee 623 STEAMER "100-099 HORSE POWER. TOTAL INSTALLATIONS ON THE LAKES BY THE DRY DOCK ENGINE WORKS, DETROIT, oO) ee -60,000 HORSE POWER. Diagram showing the inerease of HOWDEN equipments on the lakes for the first five years. -- "412,592 H. P. | 15,264 H. P. 26,671 HP, | 43,224 HP. zai 60,000 H. P. HORSE POWER, 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 | At this rate of: increase all the oe Why OE Have the benefit of the principal. 'steamers of the lake business economy. of this draft next season by. fleet - will - 'be equipped in. ten _ years. LI giving your order equipment now.