4 MARINE REVIEW. PROM PIs + IRON WORKS, DETROIT. MARINE ENGINES, PROPELLER WHEELS, BRASS-ENGINE _ TRIMMINGS, GAS AND _ ) and over AILRGADS CONTRACTORS now use 400**4™ 500 'tne WELLS LIGHT. GASOLINE ENGINES. 2.000 IN USE UNAFFECTED BY WEATHER. PORTABLE, SELF CONTAINED. 800 to 4000 Candle Power from KEROSENE OIL. Especially adapted for Contractors, Quarries, Shovels, Railroad Construction, Dredges, Bridge and Dock Build- ers, Water-Works, Biick Yards and Coal Docks. -- EDWARD ROBINSON, Sole Proprietor. _ 46 Washington Street, ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS FOR STEAMSHIPS, YACHTS, DOCKS, WHARVES, WAREHOUSES, ETC. Dynamo and Engine on one base. ELECTRIC HOISTS, WINCHES AND PUMPS. SEARCH LIGHTS. GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY, ~ SCHENECTADY, N. Y. | Also Offices on the principal Lakes and Seaports of =| __ the United States. THE W. L. SCOTT CO. Wholesale Dealers in eo etaiiicebarre, aus Hazleton-Lehich COALS. 'Mansfield Steam Coal. FUELING VESSELS a specialty, either from dock or steam scow Mansfielc, capacity 300 tons, in buckets, which giyes quick dispatch. Boats coaled jay or night. Docks lighted with electricity and equipped with steam derricks. - ERIE, PA. Fueling Office at Canal Dock, Cuddy-Mullen Coal Co. Miners and Shippers of Steqm Coal. FUELING DEPARTMENT FACILITIES: CLEVELAND HARBOR-- Car Dumper; Eight Poekets 1,000 tons capacity; Whree Steam Derricks; Lighter. DETROIT RIVER BRANCH-- Amherstburg, Four Pockets and Three Steam Derricks; sandwich, Ten Pockets and Two Steam Derricks. SAULT RIVER BRANCH-- Two Docks at Detour (formerly known as the Anthony and Watson Docks) Equipped with Pockets and Steam Derricks. Good Coal; Courteous Attention ; General Offices : Quick Dispatch, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0. NBW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. SANJFRANCISCO. BOSTON. NEW ORLEANS; JOHNSON & HIGGINS, AVERAGE ADJUSTERS AND FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Special Facilities for Placing Marine Lines. BALTIMORE. GREAT LAKEs' DEPARTMENT. Guaranty Bldg., § BUFFALO, N. Y. NICKEL STEEL Crank Pins, Crosshead Pins, Piston Rods and Main Axles of Fluid Com-= pressed Acid Open Hearth Nickel Steel, Annealed or Oil-tempered. MANUFACTURED BY The Bethlehem Iron Company 100 Broadway, N. Y: Marquette Building, Chicago. 421 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. The Wells Light Mfg. Co. NEW YORK,