lee Bw - eee EE Mi --" & * +4 am: 4 a ea : ' eee awe fe ey Be oo ern. ae -------sRCLIPSE SECTIONAL INCH FOR PIPE UNIONS. bs %-INCH FOR HAND HOLES. | Patented and Manufactured Exclusively by PEERLESS RUBBER Mire. C0., 16 Warren Street, ¢ NEW YORK. + 16-24 Woodward Ave., DETROIT, MICH. WwW. A. MCGILLIS & CO_ _ Dredgers and Dock Builders, 57 Wade Building, CLEVELAND, 0.== MARINE REVIEW. RAINBOW GASKET. _ Facsimile of a 6-inch section of Eclipse Gasket, showing 3 name and trade mark imbedded. 193-195 Bank St., CLEVELAND, O. JOHN Ho AUG, Consulting Engineer and Naval Architect. Ship and Engineer Surveyor Lloyds Register, London. 206 Walnut Plans, Specifications and Superintendence of Ships and their Machinery. Place, specialties--Bulk Oil Vesse's High Speed Yacht Engines, etc. _ Philadelphia. FUELING DOCKS: NORTH PIER 1e™ STREET BRIDGE, STORAGE DOCKS rorANTHRACITE: <<. WINGSBURY ST. serween INDIANAGERIE STS. ELSTON AVE.DIVISION ST.BRIDGE,(NORTH BRANCH) MORTH AVE.BRIDGE. ° DIVISION ST. BRIDGE,QGDEN CANAL) SOUTH HALSTED ST. BRIDGE. REG TRADE MARKS THE PHOSPHOR BRONZE SMELTING Co. [IMITED 5 - i : I SID waar 60) Ye aa ee Ny a) 1-10) Pd ae INGOTS,CASTINGS, WIRE RODS, SHEET -- DELTA METAL-- CASTINGS. STAMPINGS ano: FORGI Oa Te a Le ihe h PROPELLERS. S . The Heintz Steam Trap "ers ony the only trap not depending on floats, springs, or rotating parts for its successful operation. Booklet «Q" and particu- lars on application, WM. S. HAINES COMPANY, 136 S. Fourth Street ff s4-INCH FOR REGULAR SIZE. s{-INCH FOR LARGE SIZE, _ MAN HOLES. ats aon Write for Testimonials. 202-210 So. Water St., CHICAGO. ILL, : OFFICES : DETROIT ov) < 0 | PHILADELPHIA. . MIERS GORVELeL 'sulting Mechanical Engen 21 E.2Ist Street, NEW YORK. son fnte Pitarine ond Water Works Engines and Boilers. STEAM GAGE SB Y AND VALVE 68. CROSBY POP SAFETY VALVES. Locomotive, Marine and Stationery. gHosey eee RELIEF VALVES, for Pumps, Hy- rants, ete. CROSBY IMPROVED STEAM PRESSURE GAGES. y CROSBY STEAM ENGINE INDICATORS, with Sargent's Electrical Attachment for taking any number of Dia- grams simultaneously. The Original SINGLE BELL CHIME WHISTLES. | eRe PUMP VALVES; rubber with wire-coil inser- ion. BOSWORTH FEED-WATER REGULATOR, PATENT | Ses E TESTER, and many other specialties in Steam ines. Main Office and Works: oT | [ i Boston, Mass. Stores: Boston, New York, Chicago, and London, Eng. s