MARINE The Bessemer Steamship Company Solicits Catalogues, Prices and Discounts from manufacturers and wholesale dealers in Ship Machinery, Brass Goods, Rope, Paints Asbestos, Packing, Hose, Furniture, Piping, Glass and Greve: ery, Tinwarc, Ranges, Carpeting, Bedding, Life-preservers, Rafts and Boats, Engineers' Supplies and Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Elec tric Supplies, Lamps, Grate Bars, Castings, etc., etc., etc. ALSO QUOTATIONS from Market men and Grocers on the Lakes for Provisions and Meat, best quality only. CATALOGUES without quotations are not wauted. ALL, GOODS except provisions to be delivered in Cleveland. Address 1. M. BOWERS, General Manager, CLEVELAND, OHIO. steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula. Large Supplies of Best Quality. | ighter Carrying Different Grades at all...a, Times, M. A. HANNA & CO., Main Office, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. Miners and Shippers. Newport News Shiphuilding & Dry Dock COMPANY. WORKS AT NEWPORT NEWS, VA. (On Hampton Roads.) Equipped with a Simpson's Basin Dry Dock capable of docking a vessel 600 feet long, drawing 25 feet of water, at any stage of the tide. Repairs made vromptly and at reasonable rates. 3 SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS. For estimates and further particulars, address Cc. B. ORCUTT, Pres't, No. | Broadway. New York. The Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal & Iron Co. REYNOLDSVILLE COAL. Steamboat Fuel Dock. Blackwell Canal at Michigan St. Bridge. 1400 feet dock frontage. Steam Hlevator and 4 Steam Derricks. Steam Fuel Scow, Capacity 550 Tons. Boats Coaled Day or Night. Modern Car Dumping}Machine; 18 cars per hour capacity. OFFICE: 694 Ellicott Square Bldg., BUFFALO, N. Y. THLEPHONES: Ellicott Square Bldg., Seneca 371 A. Dock, Seneca 371 D. Ie ee Capt. WM. H. HAZEN, SSS Superintendent. Youghiogheny River Coal Co., MINER AND SHIPPER OF OGEAN MINE "cas'sn srean GOAL. General Office, ERIE, PA. Long Dist. Tel. No. 409, Shipping Docks, ASHTABULA, Oo. « se sé se 76, VESSELS FUELED boas ih OGEAN, Diengny D7 Senn tani REVIEW. 15 Chas. E. & W. F. Peck, | 68 William St., NEW YORK CITY. Royal Insurance Building, CHICAGO, ILL. C. T. BOWRING & CO., 5 and 6 Billiter Avenue, E. C., LONDON, ENG. BROWN & CO., . . 202 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. PARKER & MILLEN, 15 Atwater St.,W., Detroit, Mich. J. G. KEITH & CO., 138 Rialto Building, Chicago, III. LA SALLE & CO., Board of Trade Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Are prepared to make rates on all classes of Marine Insurance on th Lakes, both CARGOES and HULLS. a eee Great Lakes Register, Combined and issued in connection with BUREAU VERIFAS Internationai Register of Shipping F. D. HERRIMAN, Surveyor-General, Chicago, III. "The Little Red Book" of appointments of captains and engineers for 1898 includes names of owners, captains and engineers of 1,000 of the principal lake vessels. It is vest-pocket size, and the price is $1. No one interested in marine business or supplying the marine trade can afford to be without it. Marine Review, 409 Perry-Payne building, Cleveland, O. Insurance Company of North America. CAPITAL, PaidupinCash, - + $3,000,000.00 ASSETS, «0 = 8 a = ee 4 10,098,200.95 CHARLES PLATT, President. AREVILLE E. FRYER, Seo'y. & Treas. ™UGENE L. ELLISON, Vice-President. T. HOWARD WRIGHT, Marine Sec'y. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Secretary. Lake Marine Department. GRORGE L. MCCURDY, Manager CHICAGO, ILLS. CLARK'S PATENT COPPER AND HEAVY SHEET IRON WORK, McCOY LUBRICATORS, BRASS MARINE WORK. STEAM FITTING, ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. DETROIT SHEET METAL AND BRASS WORKS. FOOT OF ORLEANS STREET. ~~ OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. EALED PROPOSALS will be received at the office of the Light-House Engi- neer, Custom House, Mobile, Ala., until 2 o'clock P. M., May 26, 1898, and then opened, for metal work for Southwest Pass Light- Station, La.,in accordance with specifica- tions, copies of which, with blank proposals and other information, may be had upon application to A. N. Damrell, Lieut.Colonel, Corps of Engineers, U.S. A. June 1 OTICE TO SHIP OWNERS AND SHIP BULLDERS.--Information furnished as to the strength of iron or steel vessels under different conditions, and the size and distribution of scantlings required in new vessels for different services, by a naval architect, who is an expert in this work. Address Box 452, Marine Review. Cleveland. f Prat ae FOR STEEL-HULLED STEAM TENDERS.--Mississippi River Commission, 2732 Pine st., St. Louis, Mo., April 27, 1898.--Sealed proposals,in triplicate, for furnishing five large steel-hulled steam tenders, complete with machinery and cab- ins, will be received here until 12 o'clock noon, standard time, May 27, 1898, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application. H. E. WATERMAN, Capt., May 20. Eng'rs, Sec'y. sa i teeta la ial all ad a le ee <"