MARINE REVIFW. Go SEAMLESS COLD DRAWN STEEL BOILER TUBES. "mencme"nsea @ Manufactured from SOLID ROUND BAR. Free from all Porousness and Physical Imperfections. Made from the Highest Grade of Material. Sulphur and Phosphorus Guaranteed not to exceed .025%. CAN BE WELDED LIKRE IROH, DOES NOT PIT OR CORRODE like lap-welded tubing. DOES NOT SPLIT OR CRACK when being expanded or re-rolled in tube sheet. TUBES ARE VERY TOUGH and of increased density, owing to the cold drawing, and expanded tube ends hold tighter in tube-sheet than lap-weld tube TUBES ARE TRUE TO SIZE AND GAUGE and have very smooth inside and outside finish. This admits of much closer shop work than where lap-welded tube is used TUBES ARE MUCH EASIER CLEANED than lap-welded, as the scale does not adhere so tightly to smooth surfaces as that of the lap-welded tube. ; SEAMLESS TUBING CAN BE BENT into all kinds of shapes and with short radii without fear of failure, and has remarkable ductile and flanging properties The increased strength admits of higher steam pressure without decreasing of factor of safety. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. See tia Y Si Ee? _ J Ellwood City, Pa. Shelby, Ohio. MILLS: Herecaciie Pa, Toledo, Ohio. EASTERN OFFICE .§ No. 144 Chambers St., ST FFICE AND WAREROOMS: { mberg Ste ay se a Ube Cee: é Foot Twenty-first St., Detroit, Pockets and Chutes arranged for different types of vessels. =<; BEST STEAM COAL. Send us a sample order and verify the above statements. GENERAL SALES OFFICE, American Trust Bldg., CLEVELAND, 0. EUROPEAN OFFICE AND WAREROOMS: {79 Constitution Hill, Birmingham, Eng, WESTERN OFFICE AND WAREROOMS : {735 Beret - , Il. RAPID FUELING DOCKS, vetaoit river. JAMES GRAHAM & CO., | CQ Below Routes of Passenger and Car Ferry Lines. Large Supplies and every effort to give dispatch, day and night. Wide stretch of river for tows, and plenty of water at dock at all times. Office 1005 Chamber of Commerce. Phone 2083 I me i { that prevents grounding or collision in a fog, THE FOPHONE, MANUFACTURED AND INSTALLED BY THE EOPHONE CO. BOWLING GREEN BLDG., NEW YORK. It accurately locates the place from whence the sound comes, and shows its bearing on a dumb com- ass. It has been acon by U.S. evenue Cutter and Light House service, has favorable reports of board of officers of U.S. Navy and is in practical service on many coast steamers. U 2 Jt Je Fe Ut Ut This instrument will prove especially valuable in lake navigation on account of the frequency of fogs and thick weather. wu. py > ey 6 99 THE FO ER SIR BEGI i ae S | PRESSURE REGULATOR. The Experimental Board of the Bureau of Steam Engineeriug of the U.S. Navy, after recent tests, report that it is: "THE BEST PRESSURE REGULATOR AND REDUCING VALVE WITHIN THEIR KNOWLEDGE." Foster Engineering Co., NEWARK, N. J. classing Bl, - boiler and engine ; hull we Eephae and in good condition, and consort Monitor, classing A2'4, capacity 400M june ber, rebuilt in 1898, outfit and hull in goo condition. Both boats are now 1n coms sion, Owners are going out of business an offer them for sale cheap. LUMBER CO., Ne Alpena, Mich AN AID TO NAVIGATION - "The Little Red Book" of appointments of captains and engineers for _ 1898 includes names of owners, captains and engineers of 1,000 of the principal lake vessels. It is vest-pocket size, and the price is $1. No one interested in marine business or supplying the marine trade can afford to be without it. Marine Review, 409 Perry-Payne building, Cleveland, O. THE-PORT ROYAL DOCK C2. SAX ats, FUEL FOR STEAMERS. a DOCK BELOW U-S: $00 LOCKS, ae 77 OPERATED DAY NIGHT. "STEAMERS FUELED PROMPTLY TELEPHONE sMENTT elibucke DERRICK -- " OES RRICK Sy QeXPORT ROYAL UL/H-MS ELEN ANAGER g Oe SNA ye oS STEAMERS CAN GET FUEL FROM POCKETS, each of which contains from 25 to 150 tons at all times. BARRY BROS. INDEPENDENT TUG LINE, N, MENT Pp Ep CHICAGO, SO. CHICAGO. T § RITA McDONALD, G. A. TOMLINSON, WM. DICKINSON, COMMODORE, -) T = CRAWFORD, D. P. HALL, IRA D. SMITH, WELCOME, Cc Ss ( C. M. CHARNLEY, PRODIGY, JAMES A. QUINN, JACK BARRY. ) § SouTH CHICAGO OFFICE: CHICAGO OFFICE: 92d Street. Bridge. Telephone 2738. 240 South Water St. Tugs G. A. TOMLINSON, D. P. HALL and PRODIGY in service at SOUTH CHICAGO at all times. @&@- 3 long whistles call our tugs. Offices open day and night. "3 MARK H. HANLON, 514 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, 0. 1 For fueling vessels I have the management and con- Fneling P ockets. trol of the Osborie:Seagar pockets teedicd next to Cleveland Ship Bldg. Co.'s yard. Steamers coaled on short notice. Fueling Lighter Reindeer, jtcicct®" Steamers fcied in. any part of Yard Telephone, Office Telephone, mee 5 ain 386. Main 2658 harbor or under the breakwater.