a MARINE The Bessemer Steamship Company Solicits Catalogues, Prices and Discounts from manufacturers and wholesale dealers in Ship Machinery, Brass Goods, Rope, Paints, Asbestos, Packing, Hose, Furniture, Piping, Glass and Crock- ery, Tinwarc, Ranges, Carpeting, Bedding, Life-preservers, Rafts and Boats, Engineers' Supplies and Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Elec tric Supplies, Lamps, Grate Bars, Castings, etc., etc., etc. ALSO QUOTATIONS from Market men and Grocers on the Lakes for Provisions and Meat, best quality only. CATALOGUES without quotations are not wauted. ALL, GOODS except provisions to be delivered in Cleveland. Address 1. M. BOWERS, General Manager, CLEVELAND, OHIO. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula. Large Supplies of Best Quality. Lighter Carrying Different Grades Times, M. A. HANNA & CO., Main Office, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. Miners and Shippers. Newport News Shiphuulding & Dry Dock See WORKS AT NEWPORT NEWS, VA. (On Hampton Roads.) Equipped with a Simpsons s Basin Dry Dock capable of docking a vessel 600 feet long. drawing 25 feet cf water, at any stage of the tide, Repairs made promptly and at reasonable rates. SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS. For estimates and further particulars, address Cc. B. ORCUTT, Pres"t, No. | Broadway. New York. The Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal a Iron (0. REYNOLDSVILLE COAL Steamboat Fuel Dock. Blackwell Canal at Michigan St. Bridge. G00 feet dock frontage. Steam Elevator and 4 Steam Derricks: Steam Fuel Seow, Capacity 550 Tons. Boats Coaled Day or Night. Modern Car umping 'Machine; 18 cars per hour capacity. OFFICE: 694 Ellicott Square Bldg., BUFFALO, N.Y. TELEPHONES: Ellicott Squar Bldg., Dock, Seneca. 371 D. Se Capt. WM. H. HAZEN, Bock =. 425. Superintendent. Youghiogheny River Coal Co., OOEAN MINE. GAS and srean OOAL, = VESSELS FU ELED at all Gate 06) EAN ae only, by Steam Lighter REVIEW. S 15 Chas. E. & W. F. Peck, 58 William St., NEW YORK CITY. Royal Insurance Building, CHICAGO, ILL. C. T. BOWRING & CO., 5 and 6 Billiter Avenue, E. C., LONDON, ENG. BROWN & CO., . . 202 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. PARKER & MILLEN, 15 Atwater St.,W., Detroit, Mich. J. G. KEITH & CO., 138 Rialto Building, Chicago, III. LA SALLE & CO., Board of Trade Bldg., Duluth, Minn. Are prepared to make rates on all classes of Marine cee ee on the Great Lakes, both oth CARGOES and HULL Great Lakes Register, Combined and issued in connection with BUREAU VERITAS Internationai Register of Shipping F. D. HERRIMAN, Surveyor-General, Chicago, Il. INCORPORATED 1794, Insurance Company of North America. $3,000,000.00 CAPITAL, PaidupinCash, - = ASSETS, e a = 2 = we n a. CHARLES PLATT, President. GAREVILLE E. FRYER, Sec'y. & Trea- ™IGENE L. ELLISON, Vice-President. T. HOWARD WRIGHT, Marine Sec'y. JOHN H. ATWOOD, Assistant Socretary. Lake Marine Department, . ""toutocnie a" CLARK'S PATENT LIFE RAFT. COPPER AND HEAVY SHEET IRON WORK, McCOY LUBRICATORS, BRASS MARINE WORK. STEAM FITTING, ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. | DETROIT. SHEET METAL AND BRASS WORKS. FOOT OF ORLEANS STREET. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. FUEL FOR STEAMERS AT CLEVELAND AND CHICAGO Youghiogheny, Pittsburg and New River Coal. Fuel Lighter at Cleveland, 0 THE PITTSBURGH & CHICAGO GAS COAL CO. J. A. DONALDSON, Mgr. N. J. BOYLAN, Doek Mgr. Latest Dock and Lighter equipment for rapid fueling. FUEL DOCKS--River Bed, through Valley Railway Bridge and Foot of West River St., CLEVELAND. i: LIGHTE R--With 150 214 ton buckets (400 tons capacity. ) Main Office-- Main 1888. TELEPHONES : eee Dock Office--West 190. 420-421 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO. YOUGHIOGHENY & LEHIGH COAL CO.. JOHN T. CONNERY, Mer. ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt. FUEL DOCKS -- Keo. a Michigan Slip and Basin ; Phone , North Halstead St. Bridge. Phone 773 North. ieee Suits 125 two ton buckets for fuel- - . CHICAGO. ing anywhere in harbor of Main Office, {238-1242 Chicago Stock pacbaies Building, 110 La Salle Street, Chicago, IIl.. Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. 10,023,220.93 -- x