Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 16 Jun 1898, p. 18

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18 MARINE REVIEW. . DIXON'S Graphite Pipe Joint Compound Enables you to MAKE A TIGHTER JOINT than you can possibly make with red lead. You 7an do it easier, and parts can be separated at any time without breaking anything. Send for sample and circular. . JERSEY CITY, N. J. H. T. WICKES, Vice-President. JOS. DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., F. W. WHEELER, President. DIXON'S Lubricating Graphite Is fully explained in an INTERESTING AND INS PAMPHLET which is FREE to all interested. It Roy E Engineers and Machinists to SEND FOR IT, Peay, all JOS. DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J), JNO. S. PORTER, Treasurer, Cc. W. STIVER, Secretary. F. W. WHEELER ©O., Weer Bay Orry, Mion. ee F. & P. M. CAR FERRY. e uilders of all kinds of METAL AND WUODEN SHIFh. e VV VV VV VV VV VV DD PD DD PDD ue AMERICAN CHAIN CABLE WORKS. a ESTABLISHED 1865. Cable, Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Crane and Rafting = CTL AIIWN SS. = vw VY VV ov bbb AA dA AA AA eh [{ Our Dredge and Orane Chains are made of Iron Rolled Specially for , that purpose in three qualities, '"Burden's," "H. B. & S." , iron, and " Burden's Best Best" iron. THE J. B. CARR COMPANY, TROY, NEW did IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Shahogany, White hahogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. b ae a i a Ow macnn GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRIZAK. White Cah Ginbers and Plenk CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. 654 Denece Steel, bleueland, Okie. DOCK s.4 DECK HOISTS ALL KINDS OF Machinery $ Friction Hoists. SEND FOR PRICES AND CIROULARS. JACKSON & CHURCH, SAGINAW. MICH. Have you sent for one? They will be forwarded in the order in which the re- quests are received. DUR NEW CATALOGUE Yacht, Boat and Canoe Hardware and Supplies, NOW READY. LW. Ferdinand & Co, 184 Federal St., Send 10 cents in stamps. BOSTON, MASS. FOR STEAMSHIPS AND TOW BOATS LYLE LINE CARRYING GUN: of best Bronze Gun metal and FACSIMILE of the Government Regulation Life saving Gun, mounted on handsome iron carriage and complete with PATENT REEL for Line and accompaniments, furnished by us to the "Cunard," the 'Pacific Mail," "Warren Line." 'Cramps of Philadelphia" "Philadelphia & Reading Co." "Leyland,"' "Atlantic Transport," and many other steamship lines. : This gun is of superior quality and con- forms to full Government tests. SEND FOR CIRCULARS AND PRICE LIST. Also MILITARY ARMS, ORDNANCE fand ORDNANCE STORHS of every kind con- stantly on hand for shipping orders;on hand at pres'nt time 5,000 Springfield Breech- loading Rifles with Bayonet, 400" Peabody ditto, taking 43 cal. Spanish cartridge. Also "Seotts,"' "Westley Richards," and all makes FINE HAMMERLESS DOU- BLE GUNS, and every article in the line. Wholesale or retail. Send for our catalogue. HowarRpD H. BAKER & Co. Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, 18 to 26 Terrace.__.. BUFFALO, N.Y. THOS. DREIN & SON, Mitanrcvantae eT 3) a , 4 Builders of Metallic . Life Boats and Rafts, =. Yachts and Pleasure = Boats, Life Pre- =servers. Outfit for Lake Steamers a Specialty. ESTABLISHED 1826. WILLIAM READ & SONS, 107 Washington Street, Boston. = oy Sy i To Oak Point beach and other pleasure resorts on the Nickel Plate road--Outing parties of twenty-five or more may secure very low rates to Oak Point beach and other resorts on the Nickel Plate road. Apply to any agent of the company, or address B. F. Horner, general passenger agent, Cleveland ©. 53--June 30 Tho Cleveland Dry Dock Co. 148 Elm St., Cleveland, O. Telephone West 216. Resid. Phone East 634 J. AIRING REPAIRING Dimenstons of Dock: th. over all, 360 ft. Lth.on blocks, 340 ft. Width of gate, 50 ft. Depth over sill, 20 ft. Capt.W.W. BROWN, Sec'y & Mer .

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