MARINE REVIEW. ar CANE NED MEEANAZD ASKER ASE ASC EA BOM MESSE MEENA EE MAE EA INANE ICNS cd ie Over 11,000 Sold -- > a B LIS > are now made ori at Miles TAFFRAIL v ) KOMKSA SOMESMASEANESNKAN V5 WR A ROI ,) to indicate for use on the Lakes. Send us your old Bliss Register, and we will alter it to indicate statute miles for $3.50. There are poorly made imitations of our rotator. Buy only the Bliss Adjustable Rotator, stamped with 2 p Qa ---- |? our name and patents. For sale by Ship Chandlers. & x J A . 128 Front Street, C John Bliss & Co., New' york.' § RIKI RAAT RRR GARRARD MARING VALVE OlLisienn RENOWN ENGINE OlLitcenr nny Marine Valve, | Eldorado Engine Vietor Signal, Mineral Seal Artic Cup Grease Renown Engine, Crank Case, : Dark Lubricating, Head Light, ' and Lard Oils. " -- CARRIED IN STOCK AT THE -- STANDARD OIL COMPANY'S MARINE DEPOT, (=o TECEPHONE 77. 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, ©. MAIN OFFICE TELEPHONE 682. c val NENOIL, ALSO FOR SALR Chicago, Iil., No. 5 Wabash Ave. Marinette, Wis. Buffalo, N.Y. % wa BY cine, Wis. Oshkosh, Wis, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. €y ' cr AND ARD OL Milwaukee, Wis., Broadway & Mason. Duluth, Minn, West BayCity, Mich.,M.C.Ry.& 10th8t EL AN Sheboygan, Wis. West Superior, Wis. Saginaw, Mich., Eighth & Sears Sts. ie COMPANY Manitowoc, Wis. Hancock, Mich. Detroit, Mich., 46 Jefferson, : ' Green Bay, Wis. Marquette, Mich. Toledo, O., Summit & Monroe Sts. ATLANTIO REFINING COMPANY, French & 16th Sts., Erie, Pa. EDWARD BRAMMALL, Bunton Harbor, Mich D. ROBESON, Port Huron, Mich. Bapy & DALE, St. Clair. Mich. : : 0 - 8. McKINNON, Ashtabula Harbor, O. N.C, ALTEN, Lorain, Oo: F REANS ieee 7 Oo ae S ULL & RAXD, Huron, O, A. F. HARRINGTON, Conneaut Harbor, O. THE M. I. WILCOx GoRDaGm & SUPPLY Oo., Toledo © 1898 Blue Book of American Shipping "IS THE BEST BOOK OF THE KIND EVER PUBLISHED,"' INWCVV FREADY FOR DELIVERY. s@S-ORDER A COPY, Price $5, and if you are not satisfied with the BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN SHIPPING, book, we will pay express both ways and credit the $5. 409 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND 0. DP al 9 yas OTT Ac aR Co : n A & ST. Louis Brule sey Se Jenkins Standard '96 Packing PSE STANDARD cra = ' x = weighs 33 1-3 per cent. less, does not Rot, LT ee LLIN Tres 6 Burn or Blow Out, and will last longer rine than other joint packings; therefore ap Gea Te the cheapest and best for all purposes. § 6 3 Good Buyers Compare Weights. Genuine Stamped Like Cut. JENKINS BROTHERS, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Chicago. tae STANDARD a i EVERY MARINE ENGINEER on the Lakes, and every second ek who is studying for first class papers, ought to possess a Nickel Plate Ahoy? Aye, Aye Sir! ? E ? Hi nd Book The line to hail and the line to take ee S ngineers a To reach your craft to fit her out, Is. the well-known ship-shape Nickel Plate Route, (eitteenthsEdition:) Chicago, Cleveland, Buffalo, 4 Or any port you want to go, The shortest time and the lowest rate Are shipmates with the Nickel Plate. Centaining 600 engravings and a portfolio of drawings of all parts of marine engines. alee It has always sold for $4.50 and A SUPERB DINING CAR SERVICE. $5. Until Dec. 1 any subscriber to ie Ee er CORy For particulars inquire of sent post paid by enclosing this advertisement and $4 to A. W. JOHNSTON, or, B. F. HORNER, Gen'! Supt. Gen'! Pass. Agt. Marine Review, CNT elt 2nd BOOK DEPT. 409 Perrv-Pavne Bidg., CLEVELAND, QO.