MARINE REVIEW. 5 iy | HO 4 CE ht He Eee aN east ag atte MARINE ENGINES, ates WHEELS, ' DECK HOISTERS, MARINE REPAIRS. ees MICH. After 20,000 miles of almost continuous steamia since going into r commission, including her remarkable trip from San ancisco to Key West, the U. S. Gunboat MARIETTA, equipped with Babcock & Wilcox water tube boilers, ordered the following repair parts . "T. B.S.--W.D. L. NAVY DEPARTMENT, In reply refer to No. 29181. Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, Gentlemen : Washington, D. C. June 10, 1898. 1. Please forward to the Commanding Officer, U. S. S. 'MARIETTA', Key West, Fla., 8 fire bricks, 4 rights and 4 lefts, No. R, 3440, Babcock & Wilcox boilers, to replace proken bricks between furnace doors. 2. Your bill for these articles should be sent to the same officer and should refer to Steam Engineer- ing Requisition dated June 1, 1898. THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., 29 Cortlandt St., New York." Respectfully, (Sig.) EDWIN SF ee Sa yay BBUCE General, On her long voyage the MARIETTA was not detained an instant on account of boilers. THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., WATER TUBE BOILERS, 29 Cortlandt St., New York. b mT} =) AY CLEVELAND, OQ. IRON OR STEEL FORGINGS FINISHED COMPLETE, ROUGH MACHINED OR SMOOTH FORGED ONLY, OF ANY WEIGHT. COUPLING LINKS AND PINS, . PRESSED WROUGHT IRON TURNBUCKLES. CAR IRON SPECIALTIES. AMERICAN STEEL BARGE CO. STEEL and METAL SHIPS Of all classss built on the Shortest Possible Notice at our yards at West Superior, Wis., and also at Everett, Wash. WS ee Plates & ree Senay Alw: - onbies of Oak to Re- instock ptr =e kinds of Sip = Shortact e Tine: Classes. Sa en a! cere ae L SIZE OF DOCK. : Sogth, extreme......... 537 feet. Entrance, Top.....sssseceeee 55 feet 9 in B readth, Top ............ 30. <© ain: Entrance, Bottom..........- 50 '" readth, Botton ice. 5S Depth over Sills ............ 1s" ¢ LARGEST DRY DOCK ON THE LAKES. Prices for Repairs and Docking same as at lower lake ports SUPERIOR, WIS. A number of Propellor Wheels in stock at Dry Doek: P hur OREAE a S | Tieadooain, SEY. IMPROVED SAFETY QUICK-ACTION AUTOMATIC STOP VALVES, for Pipes of all kinds under eee for Steam, Water or any other ui aM ROE AUTOMATIC EXHAUST RELIEF ALVES, for Condensing and Non-con- feitiae Engines, Marine or Stationary. IMPROVED AUTOMATIC JET CONDENSING AP- PARATUS, for all kinds of Steam Engines. IMPROVED HEATING AND CIRCULATING APPAR- ATUS for Marine Boilers. Automatic Stop Valve. Address WILLIAM CRAIG 42 Cortlandt St., New York. I is Looking Out So are we for those who want to buy a 2° Maine Glass, Barometer = Compass a Telescope CHEAP = Our Stock consists 5 of all all Grades and Prices. L. BLACK & CO. 156 Woodward Ave., DETROIT. AG We also repair everything Nautical. BARRY BROS. INDEPENDENT TUG LINE, So. chicaco. T ( RITA McDONALD, G.A. TOMLINSON, WM. DICKINSON, COMMODORE, T U c Ss U CRAWFORD, D. P. HALL, IRA D. SMITH, WELCOME, ( C. M. CHARNLEY, PRODIGY, JAMES A. QUINN, JACK BARRY. "aO SouTH CHICAGO OFFICE: 92d Street Bridge. CHICAGO OFFICE: Telephone 273. 240 South Water St. Tugs G. A. TOMLINSON, D. P. HALL and PRODIGY in service at SOUTH CHICAGO at all times. (@-~ 3 long whistles call our tugs. Offices open day and night. "3