4 VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. C. W. ELPHICKE & CO. General Insurance Agents, ©. W. ELPHIOKE. JAS. A. MYERS. OALVIN CARR. Room to, No. 6 Sherman St., CHICAGO, ILL. JOHN MITCHELL. JOHN F. WEDOW. ALFRED MITCHELL. Pa a Cr rate I Se Ge Vessel and Insurance Agents, 508, 509 & 510 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. Office Telephone 767. Residence, John Mitchell, Doan 341. John F. Wedow, 158 L. Alfred Mitchell, Doan 197 J. W. C. RICHARDSON, VESSEL AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENT, Office Telephone 338. Residence Telephone 2988. 606 and 607 Perry-Payne Blidg., Cleveland, O. J. B. RODGERS. BROWN & CO, zi konome Vessel and Insurance Agents, Buffalo, N.Y. J.J. H. BROWN. 2o2 Main Street, W. A. HAWGOOD. J. W. MOORK. HAWGOOD & MOORE, Vessel and Insurance Agents, Residence Phone, Doan 446--W. A. Hawgood. Long Distance Tel. 2395. 608 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. JOHN GORDON & CO. - Vessel, Freight and Insurance Agents, JOHN GORDON. J. H. KELLERAN. H. L. CHAMBERLIN. 1132 Guaranty Building, BUFFALO, N.Y. Capr. M. M. DRAKE, Long Distance Telephone: ffice, Seneca 81. Office, Seneca 1660. Residence, Bryant 431. Residence, 2615 Bryant. DRAKE & MAY THAM, Vessel and Insurance Agents, No. | Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. LAKE TRANSPORTATION © oor asen. The Northern Steamship Company, LINES Lackawanna Green Bay Line, REPRESENTED || Ogdensburg Transit Co. Office, Dock and Warehouse, Lake Front, Foot of Water Street. HUTCHINSON & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Office Telephone, Main 2453. Residence ©. L. Hutchinson, Doan 19J. C. L. HUTCHINSON. 412 Perry-Payne Building, W, H. MoGEAN. CLEVELAND, O. -C. R. JONES & Co. VESSEL AGENTS, Fire and Marine Insurance, G. W. MAYTHAM, 501, 502 & 503 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, 0. J. H. BARTOW, Vessel and Insurance Agent, 611 and 612 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. TELEPHONE 717. THOS. WILSON Managing 9 Owner Wilson's Transit Line. Gen. Forwarder, Freight and Vessel Agent, CLEVELAND, O. W. J. CONNERS, BUFFALO, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE, GLADSTONE. Contractor, BUFFALO, N.Y. 604 Perry-Payne Building, MARINE REVIEW. PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. HARVEY D. GOULDER, Lawyer and Proctor in Admiralty, CLEVELAND, O. ALBERT J. GILCHRIST, PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY, CLEVELAND, O. [October 6, 4 PROFESSIONAL. W. J. WOOD, "22' Archies, Ship Surv Consulting Engineer. ae Prepares designs or working drawings . 5 all Gigs of verses eu Superintende 'constraes cations for pairs. Surveys damaged property a i Te. pairs. y and estimates cost of re. Vessels designed--T'win 8.8. Virginia, Stea: Twin 8.8. North West aad North Land. yoy couanche, and many others, including Fire Boats, Tugs, B. icholag Barges, ote! Complete plans furnished for Steel Composite or Wooden Vessels, Office on Goodrich Dock, CHICAGO, IL, 35 White Building, Offices, 7o2 Western Reserve Bldg., White, Johnson, McCaslin & Gannon, Biackstone Bidg., Telephone Main 2585. HARVEY L. BROWN, Counselor at Law and Proctor in Admiralty, BUFFALO, N. Y. HOYT, DUSTIN & KELLEY, LAWYERS and mem, PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, Cleveland, O. ATTORNEYS AT LAW and! PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, Cleveland, O. ORESTES C. PINNEY, Lawyer and Proctor in Admiralty, Rooms 316 and 317 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. Long Distance Telephone: . PATENTS. WILLIAM M. MONROE, Patent Attorney. 511 Society for Savings, CLEVELAND, O. TELEPHONE 2683. Patents obtained in the United States and Foreign Countries. BACK NUMBERS wasnt aevew, WO Has Them? Address MARINE REVIEW 417-419 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, O. foot of Michigan Ave., MIERS CORYELL, Consulting Mechanical Engineer, Plans, Specifications and Superintende Marine and Water Works Engines and Boilers 21 East Twenty-first Street, NEW York JOSEPH R. OLDHAM, Engineer ad Naval Architect, Designs Steam Vessels, Marine Engines an i and Superintends their Construction or Rone a 814 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, 0 ' . JOHN HAUG, Consulting Engineer and Naval Architect, Ship and Engineer Surveyor Lloyds Register, L a Plans, Specifications and Superintendence of Sha thei Machinery. us Specialties--Bulk Oil Vessels, High Speed Yacht Engines, eto, 206 Walnut Place, PHILADELPHIA. D. McLEOD, ite SURVEYOR and APPRAISER Of Damages and Losses on Steel and Wooden Vessels. 713 Perry-Payne Bldg., - CLEVELAND, 0, ROBERT CURR, SURVEYOR OF IRON AND STEEL HULLS. PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FURNISHED, 409 Perry-Payne Bldg. CLEVELAND, O. TELEPHONE 472. AMBROSE V. POWELL, C.E. Consulting Engineer. SPECIALTIES :--Designing and Construction of DRY DOCKS, Harbor Works, Docks and Plants for Handling Coal and Ore. Office, 615 Chamber of Commerce, CHICAGO, ILL. A BARGAIN IN Steam Yachts. One of them, built of oak in 1888, is of the following dimensions: Length over all, 66 ft.; on water line, 54 ft.; breadth, 12 ft.; depth, 6 ft. 4 in.; draft, forward, 2 ft.; draft, aft, 5 ft.; gross tonnage, 21.46; net tonnage, 10.738; bunker capacity, 5% to 6 tons; speed, 12 miles; passenger accom- modations, 9 berths. Machinery--Compound engines of 8 and 15 inches by 10 inches stroke; pressure, 200 Ibs.; boiler, pipe (Smith's Patent), built in 1891; length of boiler, 6 ft.; width, 5 ft. 6 in.; height, 6 ft.; fuel consump- tion per 24 'hours, 3 tons. Outfit--Two boats, capstan, two anchors, 20 life preservers, 12 camp chairs, and everything required by law. Cabin is built of cherry, and contains washstand and water-closet. of cherry, having berth for captain. Pilot house also Large galley with stove and all necessary racks, shelves, etc. Two spars and rigging. PARTICULARS OF A SECOND VESSEL, | also offcred at a bargain, are as follows: : over all, 74 ft.; on water line, 63 ft. 7 in.; breadth, 18 {t.; depth, 8 ft. 7 in; draft, forward, 4 ft. 3 in.; draft, aft, 6 ft. 114 in.; gross tonnage, 41.74; net Built of oak in 188lsleneu ' | tonnage, 28.97; bunker capacity, 7 tons; speed, 10 miles; passenger accom: modations, 36. Machinery--Fore-and-aft compound engine with cylin: ders of 10 and 15 inches diameter by 10 inches stroke; boiler, marint tubular (Desotell & Hutton), 6 feet 6 inches long and 4 feet diameter; fuel consumption every 24 hours, 2% tons. one chain, one sideboard, 19 chairs and stools, 34 life preservers, on awnings, two sidelights, one headlight and one sternlight, two brass ie tilators, one pilot house compass, one tell-tale compass, two spars 4m necessary rigging; also engine tools, bed and table linen, curtains, etc. Outfit--Two boats, two anchors, For prices address "Steam Yachts,' Marine Review, Cleveland.