26 MARINE REVIEW. [November 8, BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE.--Continued. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR SHIP AND NAPHTHA LAUNCHES. RUBBER INSULATED WIRES, ENGINE WORK Gas Engine & Power Co.......... Sanctions John A. Roebling's Sons Co....... Ss. SO | eet ome ne eee Newyork andiGleveland. | Bement, Miley & Co.-- +2, -p.:-2taas Philadelphia. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.................Chicago, Frank E. Kirby ...... eS Weise. te Detroit. oe Hiller & Tomes y® Oivacu testes ---. Wilmington, Del. Vets IWVOOG sini vice ciete'e Seba Re a Sane ko eae Chicago. Howard H. Baker & CO.......seeeseeeeeeeeeess Buffalo. TOWING MACHINES, TOM Mallee cs. cc. css sees aan. ie Philadelphia. | Upson-Walton Co. ....----s+cserrsseeeeerrees Cleveland. | «merican Ship Windlass Co........... Providence, R. I Joseph Oldham satu Fe aeal Osa tip oe sp -Cleveland. SHIP PLATES, STEEL. TOWING COMPANIES. ae ae praseomeeer-eanenctoas ove nme || ppurne-Muller Co. Seas aor one cleveland Barry Bros. Independent Tug Line.........Chica OAK TIMBER AND PLANK. SALVAGE COMPANIES. Escanaba Towing & Wrecking Co. .Escanaba, Mich. Mantin-Barriss Co, .2..--...0--:--«« Seabee Cleveland. | See wrecking companies. The Vessel Owners' Towing Co............ Cieveland. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. SEARCH LIGHTS. Renda fay eta ae Jos. Dixon Crucible Co...... ..ssee. Jersey City, N. J. | General Blectric Co....-.-.-+----- Schenectady, N. Y. Dae me aie eg aterbury, Conn. aenCarriers' Oil COprurs =n god:- cess Cleveland. STEAMSHIP LINES, PASS. AND FREIGHT. VALVES. Standard Oil Co. ......... aialotaisletoic oie cioieistohaloreio's Cleveland. Cleveland & Buffalo avranelt Cena steje tiateieis cleveane: Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Co...... ete Boston. Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co.......... etroit eM cin Gus hOS seein seiaiceiesiasiiacieeiise sisiegd ins fete PATRAS ERORNEY: Goodrich Transportation Co. ........+..++++ Chicago. | G. M. Davis Co..........-- Mop ae eee IVVAINS Vite VLOIUE O Ove vaicccecsvccecesssscabcasesctvece onactstersse Cleveland. Lackawanna-Green Bay Line, C. H. eae eee Foster Engineering Co................. Newark, N. J Siena tid) cy Up RMR ace SiG cio. o sislone sins evelan ' , PNEUMATIC TOOLS. Lake Michigan & Lake Superior Trans. Co.Chicago. VESSEL AND FREIGHT AGENTS, Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co................-- Chicago. | Northern Steamship CO. ...........+seeeeeeees Buttalos |) Brown ree 1G Os, wiccses- peek cide siete sions ewtatemieheeee Buffalo POCAHONTAS COAL. Ogdensburg Transit Co........... Ogdensburg, N. Y. J. H. Bartow ......... eretemieletersiclateaiereleleteleicrete ...Cleveland. Cast C Northern Transit CO........-+seeceeeeeeeeees Cleveland. Drake & Maytham ............... eecccccccceee- DUffalo astner, Curran & Bullitt............... Philadelphia. Graham & Morton Trans. Co............++- ..Chicago. Claw lphickenccn@On seer eect ee eee ...Chicago. PROPELLER WHEELS. SURVEYORS, MARINE. qonD Soro CO... 20s. eeeee teeeccrcsesccccces Buffalo. Dry Dock Engine Works .......... ie it, | Robert Curr ....... Mele ere Score oiet stearate claisieie cltncis Cleveland. awsoo OOTE .--.-- tenet eee ee cenees ...Cleveland. Cleveland Ship Building Come seg Capt. D. McLeod .........cceeeeeeceeeeceeees Cleveland. Be ee ete e ee ecceecec cece resicecce Cleveland. Glopelnon Werks (Cote ese cnn Cleveland, | Joseph R. Oldham .....-.-.-.eseeeeeeeee ence Cleveland. NITES RSI, oa Oleic sve eee mectececesiane See Iniediye: Gs. 4thea cds i qednenueoncnecdtoucnoucenopoodas Buffalo. OSE Te Ase! Sa ae a ae ovens Newport News Shines! ae. eau, eMewport Newsl Va. SHIP CHANDLERS. ae Cc. ane ais nlolslelcisiele « alsteieeinacic eee Cleveland. Pusey IS TONES, On. Whe ose 5 < cutieeis aad Wilmington, Del. Howard H. Baker Zs |S OMe ais ctatolaieisicveleicielelsielslsieinis Buffalo. amue OLMES sere seecere ceereeseee ekewetcceleiete New York, Gio driemkaC Onan neck arcu orks oc. Detroit. Upson-Walton CO. .....-seeeeeeceecererercees Cleveland. } WIRE ROPE. EO le aaa Co., Ltd... .... Ee eet SOUND DETECTORS. John A. Roebling's Besos afefetalssefonsvetcleletelersts Sheriffs Mnfs. Gov. Miwaukee, Hophone Co. ...cseseseeesereseeseeesesesesesNew York. da gen eg Ne MOU) Wereicisiciaicteteteloleiel« ofelele.s USaaeoe ....Buffalo. Hisbiss Bakker, Gs Ge iekis...ccicesscesaccstsniseeneoseomecee ¥ Bu ; Hyde Windlass CO .........,....cscesccccsseereesennnsecssses Bath, Me, | STEAM, VACUUM AND, Bee SPECIAL- | phosphor Bronze Smelting Co., itd. Philadoiprige PRESSURE REGULATORS AND REDUCING William Craig: ........-.cceeseeccseccenceees New York. WHISTLES, STEAM. GEM, Davie &- Covs..sscvnes ad ahah. Sve Chicago. SHIP BUILDERS. Crosby; Stewny Gauge: &) Valve Coie ---Boston. Foster Engineering Co..... ate siete .....Newark, N. J. American Steel ene es Witpelsiecae West Sue oy Wis. WINDLASSES. PACKING. Craig Ship Building Co biewe dete osieiee SLOLEGO, OO. American Ship Windlass Co Providena | | 10, O-. | American Ship Windlass Co........ Chita le A. W. Chesterton & ee thee Fe Rae iow easlele isogiam, || Soe Ship) Building) CO. ees Chicago. | Hyde Windlass Co..........s.ssssseeeees ....-Bath, Me. Detroit Dry Dock CoO............ese ee eee cere ses Detroit. HIPAA Onn S Miter COL c. dec: «is cssieuronineiicsoe New York Newport News Ship Bldg, Co....Newport News, Va. Globe Iron Works Co......... papousccD000bad Cleveland. PEMD EEedOS ym man cee ecat oo New York. | Cleveland Ship Building Co..............-- Cleveland. WINCHES. L. Katzenstein & C Te een eto ne PG nee AT On ity Globe, LianieW orks 00.02. 2c: ssc Cleveland. | American Ship Windlass Co... Providence, R. I. U. S. Metallic Packing Co............-+- Dasha' |) Pee een ee ees -+-:; Ghester, Pa. | ryde Windlass Co..............0...4-..-.. Bath, Me. P Pusey & Jones CO.......-eceeeeeeeceee Wilmington, Del. eerless Rubber Mfg. Co......-..-.-+-+++++ New York. | Union Dry Dock Co.........:ceseeeeseereeeeees Buffalo. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES. PAINTS. Escanaba Towing & Wrecking Co..Escanaba, Mich Upson-Walton COs ce pate os HE a As ciorion es oS Cleveland. STOCKLESS ANCHORS. ee LIGETI Bakeree Conc... ae os ~ Buffalo. | Baldt Anchor Co......... Re kent Chester, Pa. Deunelben Abe Wrecking. 00s tn ee eae PUMPS, STEAM. International Anchor Co......--..+-+++0++++ Cleveland. | 'Vessel Owners' Towing Co............000+ Cleveland. Geo. F. Blake Mfg. Co.........-es..-eeeeeee New York. STEERING ENGINES. YACHT BOILERS Henry. R. Worthington. ..... presi aes sees EW ee Pawling & Harnischfeger .......... ..Milwaukee. | petroit Screw Works é Detroit avidson, M. Lb. ...-.++.++++e+- seneeees rooklyn, heriffs Mfg. Co. ..........eeeeee se seee cence Milwvaulccot It cs eens, sy bere aes pee Enon PC Me : _ PUMPS, ELECTRIC. erate eens oe er ee ee Aleveland! YACHT PLUMBERS. G 1 TONG On . obe Iron OWS COcsococoonccscass0090 0000 Clevelan See oes FOR mermehenecilys Ma - Williamson Bros. ...... fafalelolojeletpiatel slaloreVerele re Philadelphia. Alfred B. Sands & Som.....-.-- SF eae aa New York. Standard Aut. Releasing Hook Co New York. Hyde Windlass CO... oo co.cc..cccsceeecssccceeonses cosas Bath, Me. YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. q Sanna SEL, 4 STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. Thos. Drein & Seni: ete Se nesters WALES Del. 5 ' : amilelETOlMests sisi ht mecrctct-cssooaNew York, || Gas Engine & Power Co..... sence eeceeees ew York. eer, Mn nicceb hints. sie. neceea Cleveland: STEAM HAMMERS, RIVETING MACHINES. YACHT, BOAT AND CANOE HARDWARE. HGOODSs HOW sth AMERS Bement) Miles: &-COnscsiss.decesscitas 'Philadelphia, | L. W. Ferdinand & Co.........--11ssseeeseeees .Boston. Manhattan Rubber Mfg. we Bele lai » clatelerastotate «laterel® pysie(e RAST is. sioislolaeiass sisleicicisiessie New York and Cleveland. TRAPS, STEAM. YAWILS. Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co.......cccee.s--esNew YorK. Wm. S. Haines Co..............066 _.....Philadelphia. | Thos. Drein & Son.......-.++.+.-+++- Wilmington, Del. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co........ 22) Davidson, M. T.............. Powell, Ambrose V........+..ss+s++- 4 American Blower Co.......... "TIT 98 | Detroit Sheet Metal & Brass Works i9 Rateoneteln % BUCo eh G a.saecs 23 Port Royal Dock Co......cccsseeees 5 American Ship Windlass Co......... 2] Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co. Dal enh Ge @Conc cee ets. 18 | Porter's, Wm., Sons...........-+++- + 19 American Steel Barge Co....... ,.... 7| Dixon, Jos., Crucible Co...........+. Kling Bros., Chicago,......-....j..tssss.ee 99 | Pusey & Jones C0........:sseeeseres +++ 18 Armstrong Cork Co...........0++: ...- 28| Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co... 7 Pomme Ut Vine es eee. eaibock & wile co..." _q| Drake & Maytham..................... 4| Lackawanna- creer Bay Line....... 4] Randolph & Clowes..........-+++++++ : Hea AAnEE Oo 5p |) Drcin DHOS) & SON... ise. .ss eee: 9/LS8. & Sey eee Ae a 27 | Richardson, AE Cues eeenseeeseneec ness 4 Barry Bros. Independent Tue Line. 7| Dry Dock Engine Works............. 3| *Lake Carriers' * Oi Conde Boece 99 | Richardson, S., Fueling Co....... 8 Baker, Howard H. & Co....... rat Hinhiowen@l We kaGO.... ce qe | ToadSallere' Co. aise) .28).. 4 -aeecs ""!! 7g | Roach's Ship ae ce -sere 18 Bartows Te EL ets actioes oe Mee ortens cies 4 wontone COR ee ee ies eon nas eae OnE meee secs cee ccseeeeceee 24 Roperts eee oy. Water Tube Boiler' 19 ement, Miles & Co....... .. 22 scanaba Towing & Wrecking Co... 1 Lidgerwoo Ree GOR stan cictslenin cence Bp Ap eee Ow eololoreolnseleiotelajeic.c:ejeel°ishal che eiskehe hea gies aaa Berlin Iron Bridge Co........... '1 22| Farrar & Trefts if *Roebling's, John A., Sons Co.i.... 78 rei Bl wreomis a0, We Beceem 8| MOTE, © Pitenony lew Peanenen iron Cou perry Sere Eee § Meee Neen ameter) Ot Meee James ee CO epitseteitee(s-iei= m TON CO. .....-+00e-- atte siettiot sae rne- WE eERI ec castididiee.s » etcher PEON CO nsLe eee ae Gleeod, Di ienciceesic Ba ae cee atros'e Blake, Geo. F., Mfg. Co............ : ilieicn Bn oh eceme vires 28) Weontyler Mfg. Co Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co. *Bliss. John & Co Py ngineering Co................ 5 y Be CO. ses eeeeeeee sence eens 23 Sands, Alfred B. & Son........es+0 Bloomsburg FIREICOE Cee ee pine: 7 Gas Engine & Power Co. and Chas. Sa wie shedeellorhelelcpeseleisases ss 22| Sheriffs Mfg. CO....sccccscesccseceeees 29 Behan es ne es RGD # iste reteictleisrelele ois i L. Seabury & Co., Consolidated.. 20 EY Soee Cane Peretellehevetetereteieiaiels 1] Shelby Steel Tube Co...........ecee0ee 5 PI CORN het 4 | General Hlectric' Co.................+. 6 anhattan Rubber Mfg. Co......... 18] Ship Owners' Dry Dock Co......-.+ .. 8 Brown Holsting & Conveying Ma: Gilchrist, Albert J........... teeth ae 1a) Marine Tron! Cont secs eee seaees esse 23] Smith, Stanley B. & Co 8 ahing' Co ying Globe Iron Works Co........... eee oat Martin-Barriss CORB E eH ccc Miciabiele cise cles 21| Standard Oil Co.........- ec PC atc wablea ne dee : @butder "Harvey. D.......e 4 Miller, Walter. ......... EME Poe ncleleae'® 20} Standard Brass Works.. c » Bone late fei ote akin) picks inicleteict Gordons John & Cos... ss 4 IMIG THT OG TAN Maan ae Mike sce cele aie eete yee co hecsnaneters 4] Standard Automatic EAGT Dio CO ia cleipicis oie lcleis #imjeie'eseroleye erarsicte 21] Graham, James & Co........... ea ae AB Mackey & Bell ............ ee Hook Cow oi... ene ee Castner, Curran & Bullitt..... Lea eo AU ' - : Milwaukee Dry Dock Co......... . Bi) g Gaeitern Curran ©. Bult Pi leeaines, Win. S198 Gor........0....:, 8] Mitchell & Co.. ps upreve ee ee ees epee TOT ara eget Der romntes 7 20) Hanna, M. A. & Co........ EAA aR A 19 |e Morse: iAwrSt @iSon.......sd.ssccceccced og | Swain Wrecking Co Chase Machine Co....cccc.ccceeecceee 8 ea ae ee eerie capa 5 DrieMer cater | insee 1 Ee CLC ON Go. AB SPIE tiey Onn desks neacee. s)-0d.0004 4! Newport News Ship Building & Trout, H. Giessssseeceeeeeesereeseeees Chicago Ship Building nti. oe eae peau Cage MIO ORCH REN asc ccuciewen ces 4 Dry DOCK (CO gs iets siege eicisielessices Tucker, C. H....ccecsceeseceeseececceres 4 Cleveland City Forge & Iron Co..... 7 ae ine "a8 ETRY OK stat yares shea! passin eave 19} New York, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. a Cleveland Ship Building Co.......... 1 sPhit her BND) ere crates chores Saisie eas 18 | Northern Steamship Ome keene U. S. Metallic Packing Co......+.++ 21 sear & rages ce Es ice ee o7 pee ones Co......... ress eeee «» 6 Union Dry Dock Co........seeeeeerees 2 "C.,, C. & St. L. oy | Hodge, SF. & C0............. cs. eee 7.| Ohio Supply Co......... 21] Upson-Walton Co wee 8 acts ean ee eg ilolmess Seve BpeleterNa/aratererareeaireloveseisreoe 4} Oldham, J. Eee Scr iicgeokaonit A 'ise aes ae Coryell, Aileen nig yt, Dustin MROMIOY A siete erieeine bas 4| Ogdensburg Transit Co............... 4] Vessel Owners' Towing Co.....--- enna Gory, Chas: & Son...... 09 ElutehinsongGceCOnrccdew-nee cesses: 4 *Craig Ship Building Gobi es eee o4 | Hyde Windlass Co...................., 23 MPa OuBsNOS 4 Gems satieciclels «so asieiete.s/s/o1e 93 | Wells Light Mfg. Co..........++.++++" 6 TOR PEIP MUV MILLA TB SE SE oe nie sis oiclorceicie.s.e.0.aie 20] Insurance Co. of North America jg} Parker & Millen..................000- 1g | White, Johnson, McCaslin & OA Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Co... 8 onal Anchor Co.......... "1" 9) | Pawling & Harnischfeger............ 22 TOT. .eeeareeeecceseceresscrseees Cuddy-Mullen Coal Co...............: 6 i Peck, Charles BH. & W. F........--+-+ 1g | Williamson Bros. .....-.++++++- + 20 Curr Robert ::::2: 62s hecesess 2; 4| Jackson & Church..................... 23] Peerless Rubber Mfg. Co g | Wilson, Thomas eee 4 Crumlish Forge Co..............-..... Jenkins Brothers ........ §-22 Pia Con Mata ERTS oe co ance ci 4 Crumlish Forge Co............. heared 6 TORS EW MOR ee Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co., Ltd. 8 WOO, W. J..s.cscccccrscrccesorss : . Detroit Dry Dock Co.................. 1| Johnson & Ti CO! rerclew cieuiereje visieies 1] Pickands, Mather & Co............... eT Worthington, Henry R...-..+.++++++ 2 Detroit Screw Works......0........... 19] Jones, C. Fe eee Gieteteretetersiare Seeees 5. 61 Pinney, Orestes C.ss...sc.c-sseeenecess , C. RB. Dee me Mie cent acces 4! Pittsburgh & Chicago Gas Coal Co. 19 Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co.... 19