a MARINE REVIEW. oS tDecombeatl LYLE PATENT _ om -----_------ _ LIFE-SAVING d : LINE-CARRYING G U N For Steamships and Vessels. Also for throwing a life-line to a wreck from the shore GUARANTEED CURE FOR Gold in the Head --__ rn Gatarrh, Bronchitis and Asthma. This is the only treatment by which these diseases can be reached and cured. The basis of this remedy is Petroline, the most curative and antiseptic product of petroleum, carrying with it three of the best remedies known in the Furnished by us to the different ships of the Cunard, Pacific Mail, Warren, Leyland and treatment of Catarrh. other principal lines; also to Chapman Wrecking Co. of New York, and others. Iam not a physician or patent medicine No steamship or large Yacht should be without one of these guns. a a but I have cured myself and many oulees send for descriptive ciicular. with this treatment and will on receipt of two . ; andcouthite = oe eS 115 00 dollars ($2.00) send an atomizer and bottle of Price of lange Gun comp lets wie ae g iall ttableaor aus remedy. Any one who will use as directed for Smaller size. to be used from the shoulder, especially suitable 10 MOWs BORES, COMIPICLC oo cciccccrctee cree sr otee es cesrieceel Sewenncestostecaitsecssenesmecrse-= 25.00 one week and is not Satisfied, can by notifying fi 1 th 1 y will b - F oe ee Ee | AN READ & SONS) O7Meiizaten Street. JACKSON'S COMPLETE CATARRH REMEDY, 123 River Street, CLEVELAND, OHIO. S. Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., . Nov. 19, 1898. Sealed proposals for building. pile and timber revetments for s e e 99 "Navigation and Nautical Astronomy, Ship Canals across Keweenaw Point, ' re: . Mich., will be received here until noon, By Prof. J. H.C. COFFIN. -- Dec. 20, 1898;"and then publicly opened. New event edition. Revised by Commander Chas. Belknap, U.S.N. ~ Information tunished on application Pere A standard workin U.S, Naval Academy. FOR SALE BY MARINE REVIEW AT $3.50. Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys -- Light House Departments, for Channel and Harbor wae over 800 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. ton B. Sears, Major, Engrs. : Dec. from 80 to 365 days and nights ar, Bu rn Continuously without attention, and can be seen a distance of six miles. Brilliant and Steady Illumination. Controtilea SAFETY CAR HEATING w= by the AND LIGHTING CO., Economical and Reliable in Operation. 160 Broadway, New York City. me. HOISTING ard Steering ae ENGINES. T EERIN' . : SEnD 1 IS Sake With either Frictional, Spur or oe Worm Gear of various patterns to suit all purposes. |. Williamson Bros. Richmond and Yok Sts PHILADELPHIA, FA. Over 150 of the largest and most modern lake steamers have oui steerers. HIGH CLASS STEAM YACHTS, MARINE ENGINES, Seabury's Water Tube Boilers, AND THE ONLY NAPHTHA LAUNCH, GAS ENGINE IMPROVED SAFETY QUICK-ACTION AUTOMATIC STOP VALVES, for Pipes of all kinds under Hee for Steam, Water or any other ul IMPROVED AUTOMATIC EXHAUST RELIEF VALVES, for Condensing and Non con- densing Engines, Marine or Stationary. IMPROVED AUTOMATIC JET CONDENSING AP- PARATUS, for all kinds of Steam Engines. & POWER CO. IMPROVED HEATING AND CIRCULATING APPAR- AND ATUS for Marine Boilers. CHARLES L. SEABURY & CO., send toc, | --BtsnsieSnn Varese wana est Cortese, Sew Yor Consolidated __ stamp for ~ eee THE BEST! ° 66 &> a 9 MORRIS HEIGHTS, NEW YORK CITY. catalogue. "RUBBERBESTOS' A Perfect' Combination of Asbestos and Rubber. A Combination Approved by all Practical Engineers, and is a Frea'k Balat, Pnesident, W.M. Gelston, Vice President NEW DISCOVERY in the MANUFACTURING of SHEET PACKING. W.S. Bickley, Sec'y y and Treas, eseecses. eseeeecese THE HIGH_Lu.s Raldt Patent Srockiess Anchor. -- PRESSURE E PACKING Made of the finest quality of open-bearth steel and | i METAEBESTOS: constructed on the ball and socket principle. Many points of superiority over ordinary Stockless Anchors. BALDT ANCHOR COMPANY, CHESTER, PA. WALTER MILLER, Westera Reserve Bids. Cleveland, Ohio, Patented April 2, 1895. _ The "Most Se eechll Marine Steam Packing Made! Representative for the Great Lakes. Made of ASBESTOS and covered with a SOFT METALLIC WIRE. e~New catalogue containing valuabl 3 tables sent {t Cannot Burn, Char or Se aS nie ie at Save You Lots of Trouble! application, ndle A.W. CHESTERTON & GO. *253rctimace se@™|{ JOU USE Sauare Flax send to us fora sample of our new brand, The "Devereaux Special." It will ert JOUges