ice MARINE <= DIXON'S Graphite Flnchlales Compound Enables you to MAKE A TIGHTER JOINT than you can possibly make with red lead. You can do it easier, and parts can be separated at any time without breaking anything. Send for sample and circular. 10S. DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. NEW PATENT STOGKLESS ANGHIOR MADE BY THE Catalogues ae International Anchor Co, Application CLEVELAND, 0. BINGHAMTON, N.Y. TaN VN NNO VV VV VO VO ICCC CSCO OP AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SG AAADA DADA | AMERICAN CHAIN GABLE WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1865. | Cable, Dredge, Quarry, Shipping, Grane and Rafting { =--=--CEATITS.---- Our Dredge and Crane Chains are made of Iron Rolled Specially for that purpose in three qualities, '"Burden's," 'HH. B. & S."' iron, and " Burden's Best Best" iron. ou J. B. CARR COMPANY, TROY, NEW Ua Doar = he Ratton ties En. IMPORTERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF Mahogany, White Cftahogany, AND ALL NATIVE CABINET WOODS. ab cll hn in hn nn he ctl i nd dd 444.4 4.4 4 4 e macnm GRADES OF KILN DRIED WOODS FOR CABIN WORK AND INSIDE TRI. White (ZA Gintets and Syionk CONSTANTLY ON HAND AND SAWED TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. N EXCELLENT LIBRARY FOR A MARINE ENGINEER, CHEAP A --KEY TO ENGINEERING; WHAT AN ENGINEER SHOULD KNOW ABOUT ELECTRICITY; ENGINEERS' CATECHISM. ANY ONE OF THESE ARE WORTH A DOLLAR, BUT ALL THREE CAN BE HAD FOR $1. SEND TO THE MARINE REVIEW, 409 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, O. MONEY REFUNDED IF NOT SATIS- FACTORY. -- Have you sent for one? They will be forwarded in the order in which the re- quests are received. Send 10 cents in stamps. 1, W. Ferdinand & 60, 184 Federal St., BOSTON, MASS. OUR NEW CATALOGUE Yacht, Boat and Canoe E Hardware and Supplies, | NOW READY. CCM a pve REVIEW. DIXON'S Lubricating Graphite Is fully explained in an INTERESTING AND INSTRUOCTI E PAMPHLET which is FREE to all interested. It will pay "a Engineers and Machinists to SEND FOR IT. 21 JOS. DIXON CRUCIBLE CO., JERSEY CITY, N. J. Nvi.T. DAVIDSON, VERTICAL OR HORIZONTAL: AIR MARINE CIRCULATING PIP BOILER FEED BILGE Single or Duplex. Combined or Independent. Surface Condensers, Ash Ejectors, 43-53 Keap Street, BROOKLYN. Branches ee oi ver Cee BOGE HOWARD H. BAKER & CO. Ship Chandlers and Sail Makers, 18 to 26 Terrace, BUFFALO, N.Y. METALLIC PACKING CO., 427 North 13th St., e ° se PHILADELPHIA. Pa. Rod Packing for all kinds of steam service. Prices from $5.00 per inch up. Write for catalogue. AT BUFFALO, ERIE, E ASHTABULA Few [ichters At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped wit Shute capacity of 600 Tons. Best Quality PITTSBURGH COAI. furnished at an; time during Day or Night Western Reserve Building, GLEVELAND, oO. HH. G. TROUT, KING IRON WORKS. BUFFALO, N. Y.. MANUFACTURERS OF TRIPLE EXPANSION, ® THREE CYLINDER, ; FORE AND AFT And STEEPLE COMPOUND MARINE ENGINES, High and Low Pressure Engines, Sectional. Propeller, Tug and Yacht Wheels. Cewles Aluminum and Manganese Bronzo Propeller Wheels. These Wheels are noted for their extra speed, towing power and proper- tionate saving of soal. , PRICES QUOTED OR APPLICATION.