1898.] 7 MAPINE REVIEW. 44 a oat te Ss Bt rf fa < 7 The Wootters Gas Engine. Especially adapted for launches and ferry boats. Fitted with friction clutch or reversible shaft. These engines are giving entire satisfaction in the pleasure yacht W. C. Richardson and the delivery launch Lotta. Prices and particulars furnished on application. Suitable for all purposes re- quiring from 1 to 200 horse-power, with the lowest possible expendi- ture. Engines of the stationary type built for every purpose where a reliable and efficient power is required. NAPHTHA LAUNCH W. C. RICHARDSON,(Engine 8 horse power--speed 8 miles an hour.) BUILT BY THE... . + McMYLER MFG. CO.; GAS ENGINE DEPARTMENT, 180 Columbus St., CLEVELAND, 0. "\e98 DECEMBER _ 1898 aps SUN] MON | TUES | WED [THUR 3 Ship Lamps | OIL AND ELECTRIC FIXTURERS i | ae 1 a = t Steamships, Yachts, &c. Ht GREAT VARIETY OF DESIGNS. : ~ 7 Prices and Cuts on Application. PAGE BROS. & C0. 347 to 357 Cambridge St. Boston, Mass. Hoisting Enzines. We build them in all sizes from new and improved designs, Every engine thoroughly tested before leaving our shop, and guaranteed to be satisfactory in every case. hen in want ofa Hoist for marine work, dock work, mining or any other purpose, kindly permit us to name you prices. e ow : : we can please you. a _ " Marine Iron Co., Bay City, Michigan. STANDARD AUTOMATIC RELEASING HOOK For NAPTHA LAUNCHES and boats of all sizes and descriptions. Will release a boat immediately in the roughest sea or under speed and can be hooked on without delay or injury to the hands of men hooking iton. For further information ap- ply to zz. §TAND'T AUT. RELEAS'G HOOK CO., 22 and 24 State Street, New York. oo KATZENSTEU'S Self-Acting METAL PACKING, For PISTON RODS, VALVE STEMS, etc., of every Anaasigtieae for Steam Engines, Pumps, etc., etc. Adopted and in use by the principal Iron Works and Steamship Companies: within the last twelve years, in this and foreign coun TLEXIBLE TUBULAR METALLIC PACKING, for slip-joints on Steam Pipes, and for Hydraulic ere: also METAL GASKETS for all kinds of flanges and joints. DovsiE-ACTING BALANCED WATER-LIGHT BULKHEAD Doors for Steamers. Also Agents for the McColl-Cumming Parent Liquip Roupper Brake. For full particulars and reference, address: i Ne L. KATZENSTEIN & CO., VM General Machinists, Brass Finishers, Engineers' Supplles, ' $357 West St., New York. PHOTOGRAPHS OF LAKE AND OCEAN SHIPS. We have negatives of nearly all large ships on the lakes. Sizes range from 7¥2x9 inches to lilx14 inches; prices from 75 cents to $1.25. The large prints, 11x14 inches picture size, are the finest ever made on the lakes. - MARINE REVIEW, 418-419 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. MOCK ana DECK HOISTS ALL KINDS OF Machinery § Friction Hoists. SEND FOR PRICES AND CIROULARS. JACKSON & CHURCH, SAGINA W. MICH. WILSON & SILSBY, 'Soston, mass. Wafuruaheattte alates PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO perenner, | SAILS ror Racine Yacats. JUBILEE auee NAVAHOE. OUTFITS OF LARGE STEAM YACHTS, Excelsior Straight-Way Back Pressure Valve. 'This valve has no dash pots, springs, ides or complicated levers to get out of order. It is simple, reliable and well-made. Never sticks, and can be relied upon at all times when using exhaust steam for heating; or when used as a relief, or free ex- 'a haust on a condensing plant, it has no equal. It is noiseless and free from any complicated attachments, JENKINS BROTHERS, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA, BOSTON, CHICAGO. U S. Engineer Office, Duluth, Minn., Nov. 19, 1898. Sealed proposals for building pile and timber revetments for Ship Canals across Keweenaw Point, Mich., will be received here until noon, Dec. 20, 1898, and then publicly opened. Information furnished on application here or at branch office, Houghton, Mich. Clin- ton B. Sears, Major, Engrs. Dec. 15,