26 MARINE REVIEW. December 15, 5 s BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE.--Continued. NAVAL ARCHITECTS. RUBBER INSULATED WIRES, TOWING MACHINES, Frank ©, E. okirey BS eee ch ee ieee sc as Detroit. John A. De te gee ee oT and Cleveland. | American Ship Windlass Co............... Providence, R. I. Maca th baie cide Pek ae dae ocism seas Seccse cag ° Gustav Hillman Deca enslitecildisticie sce visielen es cis ar ELOOKLYT- WATSON: SoU Sis DYcscccdessc owslsdieltc ciciiccct secon ce Ade OStON: Te OMT AU: (enc cntscdctesss dss sceeccese. sek Miladelphia, Howard H. Baker & Co......c.cccescusesce ....Buffalo. | Barry Bros. Independent Tug Line......... Chicago. Joseph KR.) Oldham ~.........................cleveland. WpPSON=WAltTOM® COW sissies ccencce ccc se ccc sisises Cleveland. Escanaba Towing & Wrecking Co..Escanaba, Mich. Robert Curr ......... ra re se. Cleveland: SHIP PLATES AND SHAPES, STEEL. The Vessel Owners' Towing Co............ Cieveland. OAK TIMBER AND PLANK. Bourne-Fuller Co. .......ccee0ssecee Rares Cleveland. | Dunham Towing & Wrecking Co........ ..-Chicago. Martin-Barriss Co. ...... Gclotarelele sininistetore olsicveleis Cleveland, SALVAGE COMPANIES. TUBING, COPPER AND BRASS. OILS AND LUBRICANTS. See wrecking companies. Randolph & Clowes ............+.. Waterbury, Conn. Jos. Dixon Crucible Co......... ....Jersey City, N. J. STAYBOLT IRON, Hollow and Solid. TRIMMING DEVICE FOR ORE CARRIERS Lake Carriers' Oil Co..........-............--Cleveland. | Falls Hollow Staybolt Co........ Cuyahoga Falls, O. F Standard Oil Go = a .Cleveland. : Mack, aWVeITI: PETER st onl ete rare eeccecce eeecces Cleveland. PATENT "ATTORNEYS. SEH MIGHT. VALVES Thurston. & Bates Glaveland! General Plectric Co........ aistcrorerets Schenectady, N. Y. < Thurston & Bates.............-...+.-.-+1-+-Cleveland | 'sp maMSHIP LINWS, PASS. AND FREIGHT, | $TOSPy Steam Gauge & Valve Co..........-.. Boston. Cleveland & Buffalo Transit Co............ Cleveland. BU ene ieee tess saaeerss neu Neow Tork: PNEUMATIC TOOLS. Detroit & Cleveland Navigation Co Detroit G. M. Davis Co........0204 ccccccccccccccsssces-Cnicago. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co................++ Chicago. | Goodrich Transportation Co. ................Chicago. | Foster Engineering Co................- Newark, N. J. POCAHONTAS COAL. Lackawanna-Green Bay Line, C. H. ree al VESSEL AND FREIGHT AGENTS, Castner, Curran & Bullitt............... Philadelphia. | Lake Michigan & Lake Superior Trans. Co.Chicago. nome: piers s hncice sige sila oraa ie oe eee eee Saree nelO. PROPELLER WHEELS. Northern Steamship Co. .......0c.cceceseeeees Buffalo. | Drake & Maytham . CT ead Dry Dock Engine Works ...........eseeeeeees Detroit. | Ogdensburg Transit Co........... Ogdensburg, N. Y. | G. w. Elphicke & Co... Pe cntccsa: Cleveland Ship Building Co...............- Clevelana, | Northern Transit Co.............--s-seeeeeee Cleveland. | John Gordon & Co...........- : B ffalo Globé Iron Works Co...........ssseeeceeeees Cleveland, | Graham & Morton Trans. Co. .........-..- Chicago. | Hawgood & ee ee PEA TeceeNOLtsy cmicien cele cen cisiecs ee cleisicieiciciccesciee Buffalo. SURVEYORS, MARINE. Hutchinson & Co. ...... Aaictslolateisreretetetaelaes ....-Cleveland. Newport News See Bide. feo uaNewport News, Va. Roberts Curries voceecce ss cles HASH EY s Soe aes Cleveland. GR ARATOM CS Sez ] O's reieieeleraleoisivinicicieieieleicloisielsle Sieicieiei= Cleveland. Pusey & Jones Co......... . eeeeee.e-e- Wilmington, Del. | Capt. D. McLeod ..............0..ececeeeeees Cleveland: VEECHEI ee COs scien ois ceisttcloisemionicel cic Cleveland. BBs Hone ® 6 Oe teen seccee sacear sy ett sveea bE Tosephe mk. -Oldhamy saacen saan eee c cee. Cleveland: | W. G. Richardson ...............-0+«c-«+-ee- Cleveland. Lhoaphor Bronce Srroitinices ita... eeiinde hin SHIP CHANDLERS. Samuel Holmes ......seee0+ caeee PM ess New York. Mackinnon Mnfg. Co...... ; : Bay City. Howard Hy Baker &- Cot... .cc. cco. cece cles Buffalo. WIRE ROPE. Sheriffs Mnfg. Co.. ie Se ate ee dort: Milwaukee, | Upson-Walton Co. ........-.::eseeeeeeeeeeees Cleveland. yee s Marcie eis sieeve: John A. Roebling's Sons..New York and Cleveland. H. G. Prout wishes coab00 Pfeletelalefefersiielerere -Buffalo. STEAM, VACUUM AND HYDRAULIC SPECIAL- a Upson-Walton Co. .......... acca eaicie omnis ce Cleveland. Hyde Windlass ©0........c.csetcsseeeeceeteeeeseee Bath, Me. | --. TIES. Hi sn BAK er © Oenho skin ee oe Buffalo. PRESSURE REGULATORS AND REDUCING illiam Craig a eee ees ccee ie wee cece eee e secs New York. Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co., Ltd........ Philadelphia, VALVES. SHIP BUILDERS. / a ; WHISTLES, STEAM MONTE UU TS Oe CO Osciiciisincicieisiciers o1c clois c cieleieieieieie are Chicago. American Steel Barge Co....... Ww Ss i Wis: y aes Foster Engineering Co.............0+++ Newark, N. J. | Craig Ship Building Co.......-. West SuProledo, O, | Crosby Steam Gauge & Valve Co........... --Boston. ee WROUGHT IRON. ones? ep Bulding, (C®). cogbtiscns9 due dugcanss Chicago. WINDLASSES. PB OULMOSHUINIOr) ©Os co ceiete cciaslsicts ciclo cieteis/o.e'u clcieioie' Cleveland. etroit Dry Dock Co....................-..000- Detroit. ene Wm. Cramp & SOnS....-.s.sceeesseeeeees URAL TT eal pees oe ee ro ogee) ates Rte ee cntcrton 6. Newport News Ship Bldg. Co.. ..Newport News, Va. en be I ROE NGO te ee re er . W. Chesterton Onsen neeeeeeeereeeeeeeeeees Boston. | Cleveland Ship Building Co................ Cleveland. ODE PLEOM | WiOTKS: O Orie i\eieieeselsieccieicse cie)nciclsiaas Cleveland. H wave CORNS Mfg. Co...,.......---2s0eee0e Rew, work Globe Iron Works Co......-....---0sseereo0 Cleveland. WINCHES. L. Katzenstein & Co. fee 3 f eRe, : 3 3 _..New York. Boach & Ships ade barrgi Seta AG newer ae American Ship Windlass Co............... st aen R. I. » Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co.....+------. jNew York. | Union Dry Dock Co... 0.0. Buffalo, | Hyde Windlass Co............+-++--+..++-.- Bath, Me, Ue icee utter Mite Co soccer cece eceene aac STOCKLESS ANCHORS. WRECKING AND SALVAGE COMPANIES. an? Pine. b leBalditevAmChorCOhananssscetern acecticntro. Chester, Pa. | Escanaba Towing & Wrecking Co..Escanaba, Mich. ie RyaiioG : Clevelana, | [ternational INANE Ologcesustoosanmosnaden Cleveland. | Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co....Kingston, Ont. pson- W a. ON CO. ..eee secre sree eee reece eens evelan STEERING ENGINE ' Swain Wrecking Co. ...........++.- eee eee eceees Detroit. Howard H. Baker & Co. weve ccccsccce oletalsteta ... Buffalo. IN S. Vessel Owners' Towing Co Cleveland PUMPS, STEAM. Pawling & Harnischfeger ................ Milwaukee. | Dunham Towing & Wrecking Co. ........ Chicago. Geo. F. Blake Mfg. Co New York Sheriffs Mfg. Co. ....... APOE ea er ea ne Milwaukee. Sct ee ee : 8 oO. R. Wo inte Bee aaa a ea Now York, | Chase Machine Co. ......sccsceeeeeereeeees Cleveland. YACHT BOILERS. Davidse me T. g mabees Sr encapa re ae Te N "y. Globe Tron Works Co........cccccecccecccees Cleveland. Detroit Screw WOoOrkKs.............ssceeeseceeeee Detroit. avidson, seeeececcrns reece see yn, \nilllitevonetoe) 1Ste0, Goaodososuocdoneboooceas Philadelphia. YACHT PLUMBERS. PUMPS, ELECTRIC. Eyles Weime ASS (CON eee ccarscss.cr ites seee eden: Bath, Me. | alfred B. Sands & Son New York General Electric Co........... ....Schenectady, N. Y. STEAM VESSELS FOR SALE. é YACHT SAILS. . RELEASING HOOKS FOR DETACHING BOATS. Samuel Holmes..........0.+ s-sseeeeeeeeeseeeeNO@w York. | wilson & Silsby .....ccesesecececcecececeaeeeeees Boston. _ Standard Aut. Releasing Hook Co....... New York. - TRAPS, STEAM. as YACHT AND BOAT BUILDERS. ; RIVETS, STEEL. m. 8: Haines Co... ooo. . cc cece enn ee Philadelphia. Thos. Drein & SoON..........sseeeeees Wilmington, Del. BourneeMuller- CoO. -ccccccccecdeccodeccecccccas Cleveland. TOOLS, METAL WORKING, FOR SHIP AND Gas Engine & Power Co.................-6 New York. RUBBER GOODS FOR STEAMERS. ENGINE WORKS. YACHT, BOAT AND CANOE HARDWARE. etait Rubber Mfe. C Bement, Miles & Co............cceseeeees Philadelphia. Ww. Ferdi a&c f Bost anhattan Rubber Mfg. C02 Seplerteseiestr)- aces Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co............-. ...Chicago. | U. W. Ferdinan Opie nee ca oaanee es Caer: Pee erate Sa ataraiaisiainioinialeieveslaa New York and Cleveland. Hilles & Jones Co.............-...... Wilmington, Del. YAWLS. Peerless Rubber "Mfg. CoO.......6000.06.5..New York. ' New Doty Mnfg. Co..:.............:- Janesville, Wis. Thos. Drein & Son...............-.+- Wilmington, Del. Alphabetical List of Marine Review Advertisers. The star (*) indicates that the advertisement appears alternate weeks. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co...-:«;. 22] Davidson, M. T......ccccccecceccccsees 2 Pick M American Blower Co.............-..-. 28} Detroit Sheet Metal & Brass Works 19 Dene eas [prise os ers : Picea Om eae oe a American Ship Windlass Co......... 2] Dixon, Jos., Crucible Co.........:.... 91 | Kahnweiler, D. ........:..........2.05- 22] Pittsburgh & Chicago Gas Coal Co. i American Steel Barge Co...........- 7| Donnelly Salvage & Wrecking Co... 7 Katzenstein, L. & Co.......... - 23] Powell, Ambrose V Armstrong Cork Co............ ae 28] Drake & Maytham..................00. 4| *Kenney Co., The, New York. 8] Port Royal Dock Co............-000.+ 5 Babcock & Wilcox Co...........65. .. 7| Drein, Thos. & Son.............ssss0005 19:| Kelthy I, Gu GixC0.nes.diatices s seus cae 18] Porter's, Wm., Sons...........+..s.... 19 Baldt: Amchor Cov.) .0;.s0.c0ccs Pieces 0 | Dry Dock Engine Works............. 3 Kling Bros., Chicago...) oc... 22| Pusey & Jones CO....+..s.scssceseenee. 18 Barry Bros. Independent Tug raion 7] Dunham Towing & Wrecking Co.... 27] Lackawanna-Green Bay Line 4} Randolph & Clowes ae ey Ve Bete tee te eet CO. eve evsevseees a eee: ee WrscceOOn sere eas : Lebanon Chain Works.......:....04.. de jetReaded, Sonsy Wea. sats-4.,4.-..- 17 Bement, Miles & Go... 22) mecanaba Towing & Wrecking Co... 10] *Lake Carers' Olt Co. Richardson OS. Wieling GS 22 6 PR denier Steamenip Goll wast is 18 Farrar & Tretts.....cccccceccccccccccce 27 La Salle*& Co..........03 Roach's Ship Yard.........+-+- ees 8 Eeatnlenem) toomiGoue + 414.1... 6) H2Us\ Hollow Staybolt Co............. Ci eee ea Dente Roberta Water lubes nbilen Corar a9 Boterc Buller coe Seat tee vate Pe ey AS WeLesOy ee EON EER eS att 2 feo coe: Mig: Cer eee oPittsbureh Go al & = M@eoe Rite Co... on... . On eeeeeeeeeenes : = Weinn) sohn @2Co. 2 olga | Blletebier, (WW. & A. G0... eee ee ee UP]. Tron Co. osevestees Rese ere saline, ohn & Coraaccocciir | foster Hmemesring Go... S| Menten mite 3.2 (0000 "| Safety Car Heating & Lighting Co. 2 Brow Co.......0..06. 18 | Gas Engine & Power Co. and Chas. Mackinnon Mfg. Co..............-... * 99} Sands, Alfred B. & Son.............. 22 ROT ACO ee ho ara L. Seabury & Co., Consolidated.. 20| Magnolia Metal Co................2..-. 1 Sheritia Mtg, Cons ..ssncc:-nssorase 22 Brown Hoisting & Conveying Ma- General Electric Co........:..:.0.0s., 6| Manhattan Rubber Mfg. Co......... Shelby Steel Tube Co...............00. 5 SeetnseOO once. ee eee Gilchrist, Albert J.............. visesss 4] Marine Iron Co.. : Ship Owners' Dry Dock Co......... -- 28 Brown, Harvey L..............sss0002. 4] Globe Iron Works Co 1| Martin-Barriss Co. .. Smith, Stanley B., & Co.............. 17 armeile aC Oger once cries ce v.ssssse 21| Goulder, Harvey D 4] Miller, Walter ........ Standard Oil Co............ ss eeeee eens 24 Castner, Curran é & Bullitt ITS '. 97| Gordon, John & Co 4 \eMionnoe; Wie... of bere Standard Brass Works.............. *Chesterton, A. W. & Co.......... '3 20 | Graham, James & Co Ble Mackey: & Bell ........4.-Be ceased 4| Standard Automatic Releasing *Chadburn & SonS.........c.cceccseees 28] Haines, Wm. 8. & Co g| Milwaukee Dry Dock Co............. 28 LOOK CO. owen eee eec nee eee een eens 23 Chase Machine Co. .............00ee00: GiimtiannatM. A c& Co..t..0c0e 8. Ag PMAVCHENG Es CO.. s.can cf ectiete oder yg | Sturtevant, Be By Co... .c..-sesseeneees 28 Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.......... ApMETH lorie NEATIOMENG Co ls mil MorseqcAuthy @uhtonaisiteicsc.. cc. 99| Swain Wrecking Co................... 23 Chicago Ship Building Co............ 2| Haug, John Es one 4| Mack, Wm. H.......... feet 27 Gieveland. City pores nom Co. Tetiaweoodl @ WMddtesd nk, 4 , Hee e eee eee e eee ee eee zrout Bs oe Seicuonne dnc bade hae eer ac a am TE ear SONS es asta sts Exe, Mae ae SD NGERTLIGG Le wens es Scie Mette yerctcvois' sole ale cis cnc ct' otfiosicve eae ship Bae GG. ae i Pave oem ao Cortese eee 2 iH ee Cae. pBewlaaE & aM anpbes\iown (a. IBEMNCET oonnnce@eensoocondnce 4 etic ti BURT CATONECH. New York, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. 24| U. S. Metallic Packi Continental Iron Works........... PeOriinmIGnen ee 2) Nidrthern Steamship Cd..0004,...;.. Dlswiten Dry Dock G5..08. iscsi 2 Coryell, Miers ..........005. cee eeecAP Od rer Ss WietOO.te a csc ee ae We, DotyeiMife: CO).ne cn. netsh 8| Upson-Walton Co 28 Cory, AB Go SOM pep cieleiecisie ot em nets e2iletiolmes, Samuelljuis,........-0...... 4 a OG) A. Regeaets ee Craig Ship Building Co............. . 244] Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley............. A OMOUSUDDIYAC Oeics. ct cea: 91 | Vessel Owners' Towing Co........... 27 Grate William ....:..0.s00c0scccccec ces Oieutchinseni hie. tee | Oldham) Ji Ri...c..i...)..nseele 4 | Wella Light: Mtg. Co 6 eee Gauge | '& Valve Co.. : Envd om WAN CIASS@ OMete ) ue Gn men 93 | Ogdensburg Transit Co............... 4] White, Johnson, McCaslin, Cannon. e Chicago Nautical Wy O0e 5 evsereeeeees insurance Co. of North America.... 18] Page Bros. & CO........cceeccceeeeeeees 23 Williamson BrOS. weesseecessesessesrens pposes Wanvesls shone ay International Anchor Co,.......0+00. o1| Parker & Millen,......(..iciccc..0ci. fe | PORE UO 8 sa STEE kronor riaRene scree 2 Crumlish Forge Co. ....... RED ie sackra? ese BUTCH. 57° misiafessleteretsietarajets 23 | Pawling & Harnischfeger............ 22 Wotan' ae See beraee ate ee tise -- Detagit Dey Dock Cos a | Sepiine Brothers wipes conn 22-3] Peck, Charles 1. & W. Bo... 18| wenkinionr tony Ho : DEED Borew Works: (iii U0 Joneebr ernie ree Gl Precshor Bronze Biveting G6. Cia : ee Geet ia BRIE viele sous Sank Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co., Ltd. 8! Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co.... 19