g MARINE REVIEW: December 15, Peerless Piston and Valve Rod Packing IN SPIRAL FORM OR IN COILS. WILL HOLD 400 LBS. STEAM. 20 YEARS OLD AND NO EQUAL. Manufactured Exclusively by PEERLESS RUBBER MFG. COo., 16 Warren Street, NEW YORK. , ---, "ee FOR SALE by the LEADING SHIP CHANDLERS and SUPPLY HOUSES. SERLESS ae 16-24 Woodward Ave., 17-19 Beale St. and 18-24 Main St., 202-210 Soe. Water St., Bunive ROD PACKING DETROIT, MICH. Agents, SAN FRANCISCO. GAL. CHICAGO, TLL, fae * ang | al s 2 a S SHEARS, | (Aya i For working all sizes of plate or bar metal HAND AND BELT POWER Punches and Shears, And Bending Rolls. For Ship Yards, Boiler Shops, Machine Shops, Blacksmith and Forge Shops, &c., &c. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. NEW DOTY MFG. CO. Janesville, Wisconsin, ees. A. . BOILER TUBES. BRACE IRON. THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. RO awn SeeEL SHEETS: raaealuca AND TOOL STEEL. CLEVELAND, O. BESSEMER AND OPEN HEARTH STEEL. SHIP PLATES, BOILER PLATES, SHIP RIVETS. BAR IRON. PIC IRON, BEAMS, CHANNELS, ANGLES, BARS, AND OTHER SHAPES. BILLETS, BLOOMS AND FORGINGS. ARCHES AND STRAPS FOR WOODEN VESSELS. "BYERS" FULL WEIGHT WROUGHT IRON PIPE. DELTA MEZAZ, aA HEINTZ STEAM TRAP wide open when cold--in- "REG TRADE MARKS ab aaah Rtn RSET ina stantly closes after pipes are blown out and live steam enters the trap. The only trap guaranteed to work 2200 WASHINGTON AVE.PHILADELPHIA. i ition, -1 ; . perfectly on marine work and under every condition, if eel Cae BRAND PHOSPHOR:BRONZE properly installed. Lv gi - .M__. | INGOTS,CASTINGS WIRE RODS, a) a1 Oe Booklet «'Q" and particulars furnished by 7} Ese ah WM. S. HAINES COMPANY, 136 S. Fourth Street, tt A; ane PHILADELPHIA. CROSBY POP SAFETY VALVES, Locomotive, Marine and Stationary. CROSBY WATER RELIEF VALVES, for Pumps, Hydrants, etc. CROSBY IMPROVED STEAM PRESSURE GAGES. CROSBY STEAM ENGINE INDICATORS, with Sargent's Electrical Attachment for taking any number of Diagrams simultaneously. Bp" FOSTER "New Class W"' Pressure Regulator. The Experimental Board of the Bureau of Steam Engineering of the U. 8. BNNs after recent tests, report that The Original SINGL E BELL CHIME WHISTLES BRANDEN PUMP VALVES; rubber with wire- coil insertion. BOSWORTH FEED-WATER REGULATOR, PAT- ENT GAGE TESTHR, and many other special- ties in Steam Lines. "THE BEST PRESSURE REGULA- TOR AND REDUCING VALVE WITHIN THEIR KNOWLEDGE." FOStE Engineering Co., U.S: NAVY STANDARD. NEWARK, N, J. WE WILL REPAIR YOUR STEAM FITTINGS PROMPTLY, Main Office and Works: Boston, Mass. Stores; Boston, New York, Ghicacos and London Eng,