1898. } MARINE REV] Biwe 19 LAMPS Oii and Electric Equipment for Steamships, Yachts, ets. Signal Lights, Saloon Fixtures, Cabin Lamps, Lanterns, etc. Wm. Porter's Sons, era : 271 Pearl St., NEW YORK CITY. FUEL FOR STEAMERS AT CLEVELAND AND CHICAGO Youghiogheny, Pittsburg and New River Coal. MARINE MICHIGAN SLIP Yee L COAL CO FUEL DOCK 5 Kinzie Stmeer -C ONWARA 906 135 BASIN LIGHT "HOUSE Cricaco River TO LAKE VIEW OF DOCK NO. 1, CHICAGO HARBOR. YOUGHIOGHENY & LEHIGH COAL CO. GOVERNMENT S1ER JOHN T. CONNERY, Mer. ARCHIE J. HITCHCOCK, Dock Supt. FUEL DOCKS --No. 1, Michigan Slip and Basin; Phone --. No. 2, North Halstead St. Bridge. Phone 773 North. LIGH TE R--Equipped with 125 two ton buckets for fuel- ing anywhere in harborof .... . CHICAGO. Main Office, 1238-1242 Chicago Stock Exchange Building, 110 La Salle Street, Chicago, III. Long Distance Telephone, Main 5049. THE PITTSBURGH & CHICAGO GAS COAL CO. J. A. DONALDSON, Mgr. N. J. BOYLAN, Dock Mgr. Latest Dock and Lighter equipment tor rapid fueling. FUEL DOCKS--River Bed, through Valley Railway Bridge and Foot of West River St., CLEVELAND. LIGH TER--With 150 214 ton buckets (400 tons capacity.) . § Main Office--Main 1888. TELEPHONES : § Fuel Dock Office--West 190. : 420-421 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, OHIO. CLARK'S PATENT ss McCOY LUBRICATORS, BRASS MARINE WORK. STEAM FITTING, ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES. DETROIT SHEET METAL AND BRASS WORKS. FOOT OF ORLEANS STREET. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. THE GEO. F. BLAKE MFG. CO. BUILDERS OF MARINE PUMPS Single and Duplex Pumps for Boller Feed, Fire or Bilge Service--Voertical and Horizontal. Vertical and Horizontal Pumps, Aiz Pumps for Surface and Jet Condensers. 95 and $7 Liberty St.. NEW YORK. The Roberts Boiler Co. Have built 1900 BOILERS TO DATE tor launches, Yachts, Passenger and Freight Steamers, Dredges, Tugs, Stern- Wheelers, Canalers; also for Navy Department, War Department, Treasury Department, Light-House Board and Revenue Cutter Service; also for N. Y. Dock Department and U. S. Supervisor, Harbor of N. Y. SAFETY AND ECONOMY. Never killed a man or had a serious accident. $250,000 capital. Works covering 29,000 square feet of ground. Never had a boiler returned on account of dis- satisfaction. Every Boiler Warranted. All material made specially for our use. All boilers tested at 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure and 259 pounds of steam before ship- ping. Workmanship strictly first-class. All joints screwed and reliable. No expanded jou aotiee your requirements and we will furnish specifications. Correspondence solicited. THE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., 39 and 41 Cortlandt Street, New York City. Works. Red Bank, N. J. Tue "TAYLOR" YACHT BOILER SS] Has held the record three : seasons on the fastest yacht on the great lakes. Guaranteed against Rupture of Tubes. Will not Prime in the Roughest Sea. MANUFACTURED BY Detroit Screw Works, FOOT OF REOPELLE ST., DETROIT, MICH., U.S. A. AIR PUMP ON 3.8. CRUISER NEW Veo, Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula. | ighter Carrying Different LARGE SUPPLIES OF 4am-- BEST QUALITY. at all...aW! Times, M. A. HANNA & CO,, Miners and Shippers. Main Office, Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland Chain Department + P. HAYDEN S. H. CO. + Columbus, Ohio. Our Chain In use en the Largest Steamers on the Lakes: The Zenith City, Victory, North West and North Land, and many others. H, A. BARR, PRESIDENT, Escanaba. ESCANABA TOWING & WRECKING CO., Escanaba, Mich. Tugs, Lighters, Steam Pumps, Hawsers, Hydraullc Jacks and Diving Appliances always ready TUG MONARCH ke, Steam Pressure Allowed, 125 pounds. TUG DELTA, Cylinder 20 by 22, Steam Pressure Allowed, 105 pounds, TUG OWEN, | Cylincer 20 by 20, Steam Pressure Allowed, 104 pounds, CENTRIFUGAL PUMPS, Seven and Fourteen Inch Suction CAPT. GEO. BARTLEY, SurtT, me ae cra Escanaba.o e Compound, Cylinder 16 and 30 inches diameter, 80 inch- All kinds of Chain-- Stud and Close Link, Cable Chains, Write for Prices WILMINGTON, DE i. Builders of Metallic |. Life Boats and Rafts, =, Yachts and Pleasure Life Pre- Outfit for Steamers 4 Specialty. - oO N TATNALL AND RAILROAD 8TS., 9 THOS. DREIN&S .s %, be *