20 MARINE REVIEW. ODE< V-LOH CHICAGO PN EUMATIC TOOL CO., ----- 635 MONADNOCK 'BLOCK CHICAGO 4 i» i i ue Hai a eae mie aa H ; Fe ere tt ey a NEUMATIC HAMMERS FOR CAULKING AND CHIPPING, PISTON AIR DRILLS FOR DRILLING AND REAMING, PNEUMATIC RIVETERS. MACHINES GUARANTEED ONE YEAR AGAINST REPAIRS, ano TOOLS SENT ON TEN DAYS' TRIAL Subject to Approval. eS ee eee 4zmzZv--com New York Office No. 112 Liberty St., Beard Bldg. [February 9, 4 Brilliant and Steady Illumination. Pintsch Gas Lighted Buoys-- Adopted by the English, German, French, Russian, Italian, and United States Light House Departments, for Channel and Harbor Lighting ; over 800 gas buoys and gas beacons in service. te Burn Continuously from 80 to 365 days and nights without attention, and can be seen a distance of six miles. SAFETY CAR HEATING Controlled Economical and Reliable in Operation. ws by the AND LIGHTING CO., 160 Broadway, New York City. The NEARLY Safest, Simplest, 3,000 Speediest boat. Superiority demonstrated by ten years' experience. STEAM AND SAIL YACHTS. MARINE ENCINES AND "SEABURY" WATER TUBE BOILERS. GAS ENGINE & POWER CO., anp CHARLES L. SEABURY & CO., consolidated. Morris Heights, New York City. SEND 10c. STAMP FOR CATALOGUE. Wred'k Baldt, President, Gelston, Vice President W.M W.S. Bickley, Sec'y and wae Baldt Patent Stockless Ancher. Made of the finest quality of open-hearth steel and constructed on the ball and socket principle. Many points of superiority over ordinary Stockless Anchors. BALDT ANCHOR COMPANY, CHESTER, PA, WALTER MILLER, Westerm Reserve Bldg. Cleveland, Ohio, . Representative for the Great Lakes. S~-New catalogue containing valuabl> tables sent on application, A. WW. CHESTERTON & CO., Hoisting axa Steering ENGINES. With either Frictional, Spur of Worm Gear of various patterns to suit all purposes. Williamson Bros. Richmond and Yotk Sts. PHILADELPHIA, FA. Over 150 of the lergest and most modern lake steamers have our steerers. + PATENT « Worm: ; GEARED E1| STEERING - + ENGINE : IMPROVED SAFETY QUICK-ACTION AUTOMATIC STOP VALVES, for Pipes of all kinds under Pressure, for Steam, Water or any other fluid. IMPROVED AUTOMATIC EXHAUST RELIEF VALVES, for Condensing and Non con- densing Engines, Marine or Stationary. IMPROVED AUTOMATIC JET CONDENSING AP- PARATUS, for all kinds of Steam Engines. IMPROVED HEATING AND CIRCULATING APPAR- ATUS for Marine Boilers. Address WILLIAM CRAIG, 42 Cortlandt St., New York. THE LATEST! THE BEST! "RUBBERBESTOS" A Perfect Combination of Asbestos and Rubber. A Combination Approved by all Practical Engineers, and is @ NEW DISCOVERY in the MANUFACTURING of SHEET PACKING. eseessesese. EEEOELEL ES THE HIGH __s PRESSURE SACKING "METALBESTOS" The Most Peer Marine Stearn Packing Made! Made of ASBESTOS and covered with a SOFT METALLIC WIRE. it Cannot Burn, Char or Blow Out. Try It! It Will Save You Lots of Trouble! ] SEND FOR SAMPLES. ao indis St. BOSTON, Mass self you use Sauare Flax send to us for a sample of our new brand, The * Devereaux Special." itil interest you. aed