10 MARINE REVIEW. [March 16, = We THE INVENTOR OF AND THE ON RAINBOW PACKING. Thousands of Imitators. No Equal. Will Hold Highest Pressure. 16-24 Woodward Aenue, MR. JOHN H. DEMING, DETROIT, MICH. General Superintendent Peerless Rubber : Manufacturing Co. 16 Warren Street, NEW YORK. LY MAN IN THE WORLD WHO CAN MAKE Don't have to use wire and cloth to hold. RAINBOW. Can't blow it out. LOOK OUT FOR IMPOSTERS. Commencing December ist, we use Three Rows of DIAMONDS IN BLACK extending throughout the entire length of each and every roll, PATENTED AND MANUFACTURED EXCLUSIVELY BY e@ Peerless Rubber Manufacturing Co. 17-19 Beale Street, and 18-24 Main Street, 202-210 So. Water Street, Agents, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. CHICAGO, ILL. ln ms WH PUNCHES. fr and | iS SHEARS, : For working all sizes of plate or bar metal For Ship Yards, Boiler Shops, Machine Shops, Blacksmith and Forge Shops, &c., &c. SEND FOR CATALOG'IE. HAND AND BELT POWER Punches and Shears, And Bending Rolls. NEW DOTY MFG. CO. Janesville, Wisconsin, U. S. A. THE UPSON NUT CoO., Cleveland, O. MANUFACTURERS OF BOILER AND SHIP RIVETS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY, FULLY GUARANTEED IN ALL RESPECTS. Also Machine and Carriage Bolts. Hot-Pressed and Cold Punched Nuts, Washers, Rods and Drift Bolts. CATALOGUE AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. THE BOURNE-FULLER CO. CLEVELAND, O. BAR IRON. PIC IRON. ARCHES AND STRAPS FOR WOODEN VESSELS. TELEPHONE, HARRISON 999. H. A. FOSS VESSEL TALLYING A SPECIALTY. Board of Trade Weighmaster 90 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING CHICAGO. SOLICITORS: JOHN WARNOCK. A. E. SCHUYLER. TH E H El NTZ STEAM TRAP has a positive and direct action forcible enough to close the valve against 200 Ib. pressure with no pressure above the atmosphere in the trap. No other marine trap so perfect. Booklet «Q"' and particulars furnished by WM. S HAINES COMPANY, 136 S. Pourth Street, PHILADELPHIA. BRACE IRON. MACHINERY AND TOOL STEEL. BESSEMER AND OPEN HEARTH STEEL. BOILER RIVETS. BOILER TUBES. IRON AND STEEL SHEETS. SHIP PLATES, BOILER PLATES, SHIP RIVETS. BEAMS, CHANNELS, ANGLES, BARS, AND OTHER SHAPES. BILLETS, BLOOMS AND FORGINGS. "BYERS" FULL WEIGHT WROUGHT IRON PIPE. STEAM GAGE G i O S B AND VALVE CO. CROSBY POP SAFETY VALVES, Locomotive, Marine and Stationary. CROSBY WATER RELIEF VALVES, for Pumps, Hydrants, etc. OROSBY IMPROVED STEAM PRESSURE GAGES CROSBY STEAM ENGINE INDICATORS, " with Sargent's Electrical Attachment for taking any number of Diagrams simultaneously. The Original SINGLE. BELL CHIME WHISTLES. ~ BEARDEN PUMP VALVES; rubber with wire-coil nsertion. BOSWORTH FEED-WATER REGULATOR, PAT- ENT GAGE TESTER, and many other special- ties in Steam Lines, Main Office and Works: Boston, Mass. Stores; Boston, New York, Chicago, and London Eng. WE WILL REPAIR YOUR STEAM FITTINGS PROMPTLY.