1899.] IMPORTANT MOVEMENTS ON FOOT. Rumor in the iron trade has been busy in the past week with talk of contemplated movements affecting in an important way two leading companies. . Chicago financial columns, which have been quite well in- formed on developments in companies which the Moore Brothers have been instrumental in organizing, have referred to the probability that the National Steel Co., the American Tin Plate Co. and the American Steel Hoop Co. would be brought together in one organization. The three are close together now, three persons being common to their executive com- mittees--W. B. Leeds, D. G. Reid and W. H. Moore. It is understood that an important announcement concerning the National Steel Co. will also be made in the near future. The other company whose future has been under discussion in the week is the Carnegie Steel Co., Ltd. It has been understood for some time that this company, whose partnership period expires in 1901, has been planning to incorporate as a stock company. The capitalization now is $25,000,000. Under the proposed arrangement a capital of $200,000,000 might be authorized. A new corporation act recently passed at Harris- burg, and known as the McClain law, provides for the formation of cor- porations and for removing the limit of capitalization, which has been $30,000,000. It is believed the plans for the Carnegie Steel Co. will soon be consummated and that the personnel of the new interests that will come into the corporation on the broader basis will be such as to indicate MARINE REVIEW. 23 that the big producers of iron and steel mean to preserve profitable prices and avoid conflict--Iron Trade Review. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Joseph Dixon Gruc- ible Co. was held at the company's main office, Jersey City, N. J., Mon- day, April 17, and out of a possible vote of 7,345 shares there were 7,069 shares voted for the re-election of the old board, consisting of Edward F. C. Young, John A. Walker, Daniel T. Hoag, Richard Butler, Wil- liam Murray, Alexander T. McGill and Joseph D. Bedle. Officers re- elected are: President, BE. # G, Young; vice-president and treasurer, John A. Walker; secretary, Geo. E. Long. Judge Joseph D. Bedle was also re-elected as counsel. The cargo steamer building at the works of the Chicago Ship Build- ing Co, for the Minnesota Steamship Co. will be named Maunaloa. The steel barge building at the same works for the same company will be -- named Manila. The steamer J. C. Lockwood will hereafter be known by the name Case--F. B. Case, managing owner, J. D. Peterson, master, and F. P. Fitzgerald, chief engineer. Geo. Treviranus has been appointed ore dock agent of the D. M. & N. Ry. at Duluth, succeeding W. S. Brann, who resigned some time ago. A SPECIALTY: YNu-IM > 2 o Oo2Z2-H£0c4 OmM2-r OUMHNSHPI THE AMERICAN MANUFACTURING CO. 67 WaLt STREET, NEW YORK. FOR THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF FIBER IN THE WORLD. A SPECIALTY: 4-STRAND_ PLUMBAGO HEART 2-30-02 G ROPE CARGO FALLS J __ = AZS ----_ D 1 } 'Mp CHICAGO NEW YORK == ZZ E ALF FZ SS 1 EG ZZ PNLUMAT IOOLS FOR RIVETING: CHIPPING CALKING - BEADING FLUES CUTTING STAY-BOUTS- CHIPPING IRON AND STEEL CASTINGS STONE CUTTING - CARVING AND LETTERING: _- NEW CATALOGUE NOW READY. MANUFACTURED BY For All Kinds of Work. m= LONG & ALLSTATTER CO." 5:0"