The steam yacht Niagara came out in J. N. Robins' Erie Basin dry dock, New York, a few days ago and was coated with the Rahtjens Amer- ican composition, preparatory to leaving for her long cruise abroad. This vessel is expected to sail May 2 to be absent until the fall. She will visit the Azores and various ports of England, Scotland, and Norway, return- ing in time to witness the international yacht races. The steamship Ex- celsior was also out in the same dry dock last week. This vessel had not been docked before in seventeen months, in consequence of her owners being short of ships and obliged to keep them running continuously. The Excelsior's bottom was in first-class condition notwithstanding the extra- ordinary length of time since she was last docked. She was also recoated with the Rahtjens American composition.--Marine Journal. Mr. Goshen, first lord of the British admiralty, has issued a state- ment to the effect that the announcement of the withdrawal of government subsidies from the Cunard, White Star and other lines is indicative sim- ply of a desire on the part of the government to revise existing conditions and not with any intention of abandoning the subsidy policy. Contracts have been awarded for the various improvements to be made at the Mare island navy yard, California. The Brown Hoisting & Con- veying Machine Co. of Cleveland will furnish the handling machinery; . Healy & Tibbits of San Francisco, Cal., will build the new quay wall, and the San Francisco Bridge Co. will lay a pipe line about a mile in length. 1899.) MARINE REVIEW. 23 Seek Hodge & Co., Detroit, Mich., have the contract for two 1,200 horse power triple expansion engines to be fitted in vessels designed for service on the Atlantic. Work has also just been started on a 1,000 horse power compound engine for a grain elevator at Duluth. Bie' dispatch from Newport News, Va., states that the steamers Kam- bira and Kings County have arrived there from Rio Janeiro, Brazil, each with a cargo of 1,500 tons of manganese ore, which is being shipped to the Carnegie company at Pittsburg. Capt. J. G. Warren, corps of army engineers, Milwaukee, gives notice that a light-ship has been replaced at the south end of the unfinished breakwater, Milwaukee bay, at the expense of the engineer department. Messrs. Taylor & Lang, Norfolk, Va., have recently completed a very creditable piece of work in the rebuilding of the tug Bentley, for- merly the James Simpson, which plied on the James river. One fare for the round trip.--The National Baptist Anniversaries will be held at San Francisco, Cal., May 26 to 380. Agents of the Nickel Plate road are in possession of complete information in regard to rates, dates of sale, routes, and time of trains, and will be glad to furnish some to all contemplating a trip to the coast at low rates. 24, May 11. A SPECIALTY: > 2 o QA2Z2-S0c4 Om2-r 7 e PLUMBAGO : HEART THE AMERICAN MANUFACTURING CO. 67 WaLL STREET, NEW YORK. FOR THE LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF FIBER IN THE WORLD. A SPECIALTY: 4-STRAND Q2=30-02 ROPE CARGO FALLS \\| OQUMHSr>r Nv-IM \ THE "aus 4 Vem -- "-7f p To \ CQ CHICAGO NEW YORK PNEUMATIC TOOLS FOR RIVETING: CHIPPING CALKING - BEADING FLUES CUTTING STAY-BOUTS: CHIPPING IRON AND STEEL CASTINGS STONE CUTTING - CARVING AND LETTERING: LAWN" eee THe LONG SS = FOR SHIP YARDS, BOILER SHOPS, Etc. a ee: MANUFACTURED BY | ALLSTATTER CO., HAMILTON, OHIO. Belt, Steam or Electric Driven.