1899.] MARINE REVIEW. a 2S Youghiogheny River Coal Co., | The W. L. SCOTT COMPANY, ERIE, PA. MINERS AND SHIPPERS OF WHOLESALE DEALER IN OCEAN MIN YOUGHIOGHENY COAL ANTHRACITE ANT ARacire yy OA LS PITTSBURG GAS AND STEAM WILKESBARRE MANSFIELD, Suieiné Dootsy ABHTABULA, 0, Pane Bist: Ha. Ne te VESSEL FUELING A SPECIALTY °° *Mou's!"Etcinetignin * 4" VESSELS FUELED "°" bo" Ye COS ye ole Parca ete Main Office, Scott Block, Long Distance Telephone No. 440, ueling Office, Canal Dock, Lo g Distance Telephone No. 320. Pickands, Mather & Co.., Fuet Listers "ss... ano CLEVELANC At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equlpped wit! Shute capacity 'of 600 Tons. Best Quality PITTSBURGH cour furnished at ar tlme during Day or Night Western Reserve Sutidingn, GLEVELAND, 0 THE 'Cleveland'"' A BICYCLE BUILT TO LAST. Our New BURWELL BALL AND ROLLER BEARING Saves One-Half your Labor. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, ee ees 16899 PRICES: $35.00. $40.00. $50.00, $75.00 | Lighter H. A. LOZIER& CO., | cori Different "Phone M. 816. 277-2793 ERIE ST. Grades at all...a. Times, M. A. HAN NA SL CO., Main ome, Patti Rane eae nia: ATION Es AT CHEBOYGAN, MicH. HR AQMELETE W WRECKING OUTFIT : E INC WEDS In 1899 EKER ELAM PUBP SES, Sale of Steamer City of Rome. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES | FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN --IN ADMIRALTY. By virtue of a writ of venditioni exponas sued out of and under the seal of said court, and to me directed and delivered, notice is hereby given that I shall sell at public auc- tion to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Post Office Building, in the City of Detroit, in said Distrist, on Wednes- day the thirtieth day of August, 1899, at 12 o'clock noon of said day, the steamer City of Rome, her engines, boilers, machinery, boats, tackle, apparel and furniture, ordered sold pendente lite at the suit of The Detroit Dry Dock Company. WM. Re BATES, 8. Marshal. WELLS, ANGELL, BOYNTON & WORE aRe Libellant's Proctors. TEAM PUMPS AND S) WORK in SHARC oF JOH » DETROIT, s et eS [= ia : Aug. 24, O90 2 Stean punps,io JACKS, SMayeERS. | FOR SALE. oe "1conL, Uf, ited ci i : = SORE FUME 2 4 August_ "1899 i aes =99 0x rae - Large marine vertical engine ; cylinder 30 x 30 inches, non- e. 14 peel Nou ie wu non TUR wen, PRL sat. ee 82 e condensing. Cheap if sold promptly. For further particulars pune G.RIGS A 6 E > = he ei a address Box 7, Marine Review Pub. Co., Cleveland. Ne eon: 2 a rg | 14 ions on fe, D ie ae | 20] 21 20 ~ Capt, MARTIN swat, | ey ; ame | tics Pe aaa =| OC aa FOR SALE. vr [ST SleGer RAPH : : 'PARKER & Mili LLEN, - DETROIT, = MUCH A wooden package freight steamer. Length 216 feet, beam 32'feet. Inquire H.C. FRENCH, Buffalo, N. Y. Mase err e