20 MARINE REVIEW. "A non-conducting, incombustible, splinter-proof covering for use in living spaces on the inside surface of the outer shell of steel vessels, and for magazines, coal-bunker, and boiler-room bulkheads, has been developed in conjunction with the H. W. Johns Mnfg. Co. of New York. The wooden sheathing or panelling at first used in such places was replaced because of its combustible qualities by a light steel sheathing which has been a source of constant complaint of discomfort and danger to health. Because of the numerous complaints, the asbestos sheathing was devel- oped to meet the objections to both steel and wood sheathing. This it fully does. The finished sheathing possesses the primary requirements of a non-conducting, incombustible, splinter-proof covering; it is light in weight; in appearance it is clean, neat, and ornamental; further, it adds to the comfort and habitability of living spaces, being warm in winter and cool in summer. The total weight of the completed sheathing, including framework and fastenings, averages 614 pounds per square foot. The work was in such condition as not to allow of temperature experiments during the extreme heat of summer, but data taken during the mild heat of September show that the effect of the sheathing on the side of the ship exposed to the direct rays:of the sun was to reduce tthe temperature from 20 to 385 degrees Fah. After various trials, the following method of fit- ting has been adopted as the most satisfactory: Between the ship's frames, or bulkhead stiffeners, and 114 inches from their inner edges, is fitted a framework of 1 inch by 1 inch by 3-16 inch steel angle 'bar horizontally, and l inch by 3-16 inch flat bar vertically, so spaced as to provide the neces- sary stiffness, and to carry bolts which extend to secure the finishing mouldings, Over this framework is drawn No. 19 galvanized iron wire cloth, %-inch mesh. Over the wire cloth, asbestos fire felt (a very light porous asbestos) in sheets 114 inches thick, is secured by galvanized sheet iron or wire cloth washers and copper wire. This fire felt is flush with the surfaces of frames, or edges of angle bars. Asbestos mill- board, 3% inch thick, is placed over the fire felt to secure a smooth, hard finish, and is held in position by galvanized iron mouldings, % inch thick and 1% inches wide, set up by countersunk nuts on the bolts carried by the inner frame. At the proper height is also a galvanized sheet iron chair rail, 414 inches wide. All interstices around air ports and elsewhere are filled in with asbestos cement. The millboard is coated with sizing to prevent absorption, and then painted with white enamel and gold striped. resulting in a pleasing and symmetrical panel effect. The finishing mould- it'gs come over the seams of sheets, and the size of panels must therefore be considered in connection with the commercial sizes of asbestos fire felt and millboard sheets. This asbestos sheathing has been fitted around the engine-room trunk in junior officers' quarters on the New York; in the ward-room of the Indiana, where it was fitted in portable sections in the ward-room and certain staterooms on the Massachusetts; and in officers' quarters on the Atlanta and the Cincinnati, where the method of fitting is as above described. In the Atlanta's cabin, the outboard side and the under side of the turtle-back deck over the cabin have been sheathed as seemed, while for the other 'bulkheads asbestos millboard only has been used. A representative of the W. H. Johns Co. added some detail to what Constructor Watt had said regarding the use of asbestos in living quar- ters. His firm has been at work along this line for two or three years past. Mr. W. B. Cowles, formerly of the navy but now promoting the Long-Arm system of bulkhead doors, made a few remarks along lines suggested by the description of the electric bulkhead developed by Naval _ Constructor Bowles at the Brooklyn navy yard. He was of the opinion that compressed air is superior to electricity for the operation of bulkhead doors, especially where the plants are of more than five doors. PROGRESSIVE SPRED TRIALS OF THE U.S. S. MANNING. This was a report of a set of progressive speed trials of the revenue cutter Manning, made in June last over the measured mile maintained by the Bath Iron Works at Southport, Me. A party for taking observations during the tests was made up at the Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy, consisting of Prof. C. H. Peabody, author of the paper, Mr. C. H. Clark, instructor in naval architecture, Mr. J. C. Riley, assistant in marine eugineering, and Messrs. Loomis, Newell, Pierce, Riddle and Trask, grad- uates from the course of naval architecture at the institute. Observations taken were the times required to pass over the mile, revolutions and power of the engine, steam pressure and vacuum and the form of wave profile. The Manning is a vessel of 205 feet 6 inches over all, 188 feet between' perpendiculars, 32 feet moulded beam and 12 feet 4 inches draught (on trial). Her displacement was 1,000.7 tons. She has triple expansion en- gines of 25, 37% and 56% inches diameter and a common stroke of 30 inches; wheel, 11 feet diameter and 12 feet 4 inches pitch. A speed of 16 knots was obtained with natural draft at 152 revolutions, the engines indicating 2,181 horse power. . TACTICAL CONSIDERATION INVOLVED IN TORPEDO BOAT DESIGN. Although the session was waning, considerable interest was mani- fested in the paper contributed by Lieut. A. P. Niblack. Lieut. Niblack was one of the principal contributors to the torpedo boat discussion at the last annual meeting, and some appreciation of his devotion to the subject may be gained from the statement, made at the meeting, that the present paper was written while the author was watch officer on a war vessel at Manila during the rainy season. This paper will very probably be published in full in a future issue of the Review. Lieut. Niblack says that the craze for great speed in torpedo 'boats is illogical and tactically it is indefensible. Back of it is generally an advertisement for somebody. People who handle torpedo boats have never sanctioned it. What they do ask is that boats be built in groups on identical designs, and that every reasonable effort be made to standardize fittings. As long as fittings are standardized, he says, we may improve groups progressively from year to year as experience dic- tates. He gives the following as desirable characteristics of a first-class seagoing torpedo boat: (1) It should ibe as small as is consistent with sea worthiness, so as to offer as small a target and be as little visible as possible, and, at the same time, should offer a reasonably stable platform for its torpedo tubes. (2) It should be designed to have as small a bow wave as possible; its [November 23, machinery should be as nearly noiseless as practicable; and it should not show flames or smoke from the stacks. (3) It should have a large fresh water tank capacity and be fitted with two smaller evaporators and distillers in preference to one larger one. (4) It should have a reasonable bunker capacity. If for coal, the design should have in view the future use of liquid fuel. . (5) The efficiency of the boat depending so largely upon the physi- cal condition of the crew, habitability should receive due consideration in the design. ; (6) Speed is not essential, although desirable, but a moderate reli- able sea speed, obtained without forcing and without noise, flame, and vibration should be striven for. FIRST-CLASS SEA-GOING TORPEDO-BOATS OF SEVERAL NAVIES. 5 e| ~ o 'a 3 218 B| 2| 4 5 _ os faien > Where or by s eo. rales aiealeees ec ine COUNTRY. ¢ | whoin built. a Sie bes] & +B) ae SS = ap A) elise a | S/T] Fle a 5 FS g Pe a 5 bd ° a 4 ma!lalia eS Ale SIS) AUStYiIQ........c002..00...--.--| 95] Yarrow.........| 147.5 |14.7|6 | 107] 2000 | 1 | 24 26 | 30 Denmark ......... Rene «are 793 | Copenhagen | 140 14.3 /7 114] 1800 } 1 | 22 24 | 25 Wrancer. wise ealoo GuuvaAllene.... 147.5 | 14.5) 5 114] 1550 | 2 | 24 84 | 20 Germany..,....... .....00- 792 16.5 | 7 140 a } By at B» Great Britain............... 87 14/6 1 2 4 14 5.3} 110] 1600 | 2 | 25 20 | 30 15.7 | 6.9] 98] 1250 | 1 | 21 18 | 17 15 4.) | 108] 1750 | 2 | 22.5 | 26| 28 Approximate average] 793 |.................00.c0 140 14.8 | 6.0 | 108] 1560 | 1.4) 23.2 | 23} 24 "The foregoing table," says Lieut. Niblack, "shows the principal char- acteristics of a certain number of seagoing torpedo boats of several coun- tries, selected to correspond to a displacement of about 100 tons, but not as representing the standard type, although it may reasonably be assumed that any given 'boat represents the best at a given date of building. The 'approximate average' is, of course, somewhat misleading, but is sugges- tive. As regards twin vs. single screws, it does not prove much. Both the draught and speed of the Morris are greater than given officially, al- though draught up to a certain point is a matter of little importance, since it is unsafe to fire a torpedo in less than 30 feet of water, owing to the possible initial dive. For canals 6 feet is not too much. It is estimated that for a boat of about 110 tons displacement it will require about 1,550 horse power to drive her 23 knots, and 3,100 horse power for 30 knots; in other words, about twice as much. Of course a great deal depends upon the design of the boat. Since 1893 the size of torpedo boats has increased very considerably, as in France, where the latest type is 150 tons and 4.200 horse power, with 30 knots speed; Germany, 140 tons displacement, 2,500 horse power, and 25 knots; and Italy, 150 tons, 2,700 horse power, and 25 knots. "In conclusion, let it be understood that real progress is just as admis- sible with standardized fittings as with chaos. We can also learn several lessons from recent events. The Oregon and the Iowa gave a beautiful object lesson when they cut loose from a base in New York and reached, - the one San Francisco, Cal., and the other, Manila, P. I., without having t) rely on any supplies other than those they had in the auxiliaries accom- panying them. Lieut. Com. W. W. Kimball. U. S. N., has proposed that we adopt for seagoing torpedo boats a similar scheme; that a certain number of boats in a group have as a base a large depot steamer to carry coal, liquid fuel, oil, water, waste, compressed air, spare parts, medical officers, relief officers and men, stores, supplies, repair shops, etc. This will enable us to shift the base from point to point, and make a fewer number of torpedo boats cover a wider stretch of coast. With such a long coast line as we have, we can never afford to haye all the torpedo boats required. This would mean seagoing torpedo boats for coast defense, and second-class boats for harbor defense, which is technically correct. Tor- pedo boat destroyers, operating from a fleet as a base, would accompany said fleet wherever required to assist in protecting it from attack by the torpedo (boats of the enemy; in other words, in operations on the enemy's own coast. This view of the use of destroyers and first and second class torpedo boats is in conformity with modern tactical and strategical ideas." Mr. John Platt, who recently returned from a sojourn in England, during which he studied the torpedo boat question, stated that the whole development of recent years was, he thought, in the direction of larger boats suited for better service. He also called attention to the fact that in England the trials must be made on a given coal consumption and with the boats carrying a given load. He thought that service speed should not show a falling off from trial speed of more than 2 knots. He favored two types of boat, one for seagoing work and the other for harbor service. Mr. G. W. Dickie believed that if a torpedo boat was built at all it should be built to go to sea in all sorts of weather conditions and accom: pany a fleet, and to that end it should have quarters in which the crew and officers could live comfortably. Naval Constructor Capps was in favor of moderate speed and more boats. He wanted to see torpedo boats of increased strength and advocated two classes of 100 and 500 tons displacement respectively, for harbor and deep sea work. He was also in favor of providing large capacity for fuel and water. Mr. MoFarland said it was unfortunate that the torpedo boat was de- sired to do 'such a variety of things. It was like endeavoring to combine the qualities of a race horse and a roadster. What ought to be dome, he said, was to determine the type of boat really wanted and then stick to the policy adopted. The program closed with the presentation of Prof. Durand's paper "On the Action of the Rudder,' a technical contribution, after which a vote of thanks was extended to Rear Admiral Bunce. There was the unanimous adoption of resolutions of regret over the absence of President Griscom; of appreciation and recognition of the services of Secretary Bowles and of thanks to the Society of Mechanical Engineers. On Friday evening the usual banquet was held at Delmonico's and was attended by more than a hundred members and their friends.