cee . MARINE REVIEW. [ November 23, NAVAL ARCHITECTS---MARINE ENGINEERS. A MOST SUCCESSFUL MEETING OF THE AMERICAN SOCIETY JUST CLOSED IN NEW YORK -- LARGE INCREASE IN MEMBERSHIP -- FULL ACCOUNT OF PAPERS AND DISCUSSION. In point of attendance and interest in the papers presented, as well as the discussion, the seventh annual meeting of the Society of Naval Archi- tects and Marine Engineers, held in New York City on Thursday and Friday, Noy. 16 and 17, easily surpassed any previous gathering of the or- ganization. At no session was the attendance less than one hundred, and at times the assemblage of members and visitors was much nearer the 200 'mark. The sessions were held, as usual, at the home of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, No. 12 West Thirty-first street, which had been courteously placed at the disposal of the society, and in the ab- sence of President C. A. Griscom, Rear Admiral Francis M. Bunce, one of the vice-presidents, presided at all the sessions save the concluding one, during which 'Mr. W. M. McFarland, formerly one of the engineers of the navy, but now connected with the Westinghouse companies, occupied the chair. The first business at the opening of the morning session on Thursday, Nov. 16, was consideration of the report of the council, which, at a meet- "ing on the previous afternoon, had instructed that the report of the secre- tary-treasurer, Mr. Francis T. Bowles, be transmitted with its endorse- ment as the report of the governing body. The report showed that at the present time the membership of the society aggregates 573, comprising 334 members, 199 associates, 32 juniors, five life members and three life associates. Deaths and resignations occurring during the year were as follows: Deaths--George A. Barnard, Passed Assistant Engineer Frank H. Conant, U. S: N., Jacob C. Cramp, Asst. Naval Constructor R. B. Dashiell, U. S. N., Chief Constructor Alfred A. Dietrich, German Navy, Chief Engineer Robert R. Leitch, U. S. N., Lieut. Commander Sumner -C,. Paine, U. S. N., W. Louis Sonntag, Jr., Frank Thomson, William H. - Webb, and Charles P. Willard. Resignations--Leopold Beck, Charles A. E. King and George B. Whiting, members, and Benjamin H. Cramp and William Swift, associates. A total of thirty-eight members were re- ported delinquent in dues, the aggregate arrearage being $268. During the year there were sold upwards of 200 copies of various volumes of the transactions of the society and there yet remain on hand about 1,900 copies. The total receipts of the year ending Nov. 15 were $5,614.76, the sum being derived principally from entrance fees, dues and the sale of the 'publications above mentioned. The balance forwarded from 1898 was $3,641.63 and the expenditures of the year just closed $5,669.64, leaving a 'balance on hand of $3,586.75. The total resources of the society amount to $13,935.50, which, since there are no liabilities, represents the society's present worth. LONG LIST OF NEW MEMBERS, Upon motion there was a unanimous adoption of the recommenda- tion of the council that the following be admitted to membership in the society: Members--Arthur W. Ayer, prof. mechanical engineering, Uni- versity of Vermont; Thomas W. Bristow, consulting ship builder and marine expert, Cleveland; William F. Carnes, assistant superintending en- gineer in charge of drawing rooms, Harlan & Hollingsworth Co.; George J. Carter, manager Elswick ship yard, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd.; William G. Coxe, guarantee engineer, Wm. Cramp '& Sons Co.; Robert K. Crank, lieutenant U. S. N.; William Hessel Marius de Gelder, Manager L. Smit & Zoon Ship & Engine Building Works, Hol- land; William E. Elliott, chief engineer Goodrich Transportation Co., Chicago; Eric H. Ewertz, chief constructor Crescent Ship Yard; William Gatewood, draughtsman, Wm. Cramp & Sons Co.; Elias Gunnell, super- intendent Chicago Ship Building Co.; H. S. Hodge, president Samuel F. Hodge & Co., Detroit; Car! O. Liljegren, designer Newport News Co.; _Luther D. Lovekin, chief draughtsman, engine department, Wm. Cramp _& Sons Co.; Alexander J. Maclean, professor naval architecture, Webb's academy; Henry Penton, superintending engineer, Chicago Ship Build- ing Co.; William M. C. Philbrick, draughtsman, navy yard, Portsmouth; Henry S. Ross, captain U. S. N.; John Roberts Sherwood, vice-pres. and general manager, Baltimore Steam Packet Co.; Harry G. Skinner, presi- dent Wm. Skinner & Sons' Ship Bldg. & Dry Dock Co.; Francis H. Stillman, proprietor the Watson-Stillman Co.; Gustave R. Tuska, chief engineer Panama railroad and Panama steamship line; Ogle T. Warren, chief draughtsman, Chicago Ship Building Co.; Philip Watts, naval arch- itect and managing director, Elswick ship yard, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd.; Herman Wellenkamp, royal marine shipmaster, Kiel, Germany; Alfred Westmacott, assistant constructor, Elswick ship yard, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth & Co., Ltd.; Howard Patterson, New York; Robert C. Monteagle; Charles J. F. M. Lilliehook, professor of naval architecture, Royal Technical School, Stockholm; Herbert C. Sadler, assistant professor of naval architecture, University of Glasgow; pane: EF. Ward; Carroll S. Smith; Robert Curr, marine surveyor, Cleve- and. Advanced from associate member---Arthur P. Allen, marine engine draughtsman, Newport News Co.; M. S. Chace, assistant inspector of battleships, Newport News; Frederick Pomeroy Palen, draughtsman in charge of engine department, Newport News Co.; William A. Fairburn, chief draughtsman, Bath Iron Works; Daniel C. Nutting, assistant naval constructor, U. S. N.; Gowen Brooks. chief draughtsman, U. S. N., Bath Iron Works; Theodore Lucas, calculating draughtsman, Cramp's ship yard, Philadelphia. New associate members-----Ernest A. Allan, draughtsman, bureau con- struction and repair, navy department; George E. Barrett, draughtsman, marine department, Newport -News Co.; Ralph E. Barry. lieutenant, United States navy, retired; Robert J. Boyd, draughtsman. United States navy, Geo. Lawley & Son, Corp.; Herbert Burton, assistant draughtsman, United States navy, Columbian Iron Works; C. S. Butts, draughtsman, naval station, Port Royal; H. G. Dalton, Pickands, Mather & Co., Cleve- land; W. G. DuBose, assistant naval constructor, U. S. N.; J. W.Duntley, president Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.; Louis Eckert, calculating draughtsman, with Tams & Lemoine; E. F. Eggert, assistant naval con- structor, United States navy; A. W. Goodrich, president Goodrich Trans- portation Co.; William G. Groesbeck, assistant naval constructor, United States navy; Albert R. Jackson, engineer United States light house ser- vice; Alexander Kearny, assistant engineer of motive power Penna. R. R. Co.; Otto B. Keller, with Keufell & Esser Co.; Gontran de Faramond de Lafajole, lieutenant French army; George E. Lawrence, ship draughts- man, Wm. Cramp & Sons Co.; William G. Mather, president Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co.; W. W. Meek, draughtsman, United States navy, Newport News Co.; L. T. Myers, vice-president, Wm. R. Trigg Co.; W. C. Nickum, leading draughtsman, hull office Wm. Cramp & Sons Co.; Bernard F. O'Connor, New York; Charles L. Ottley, captain British royal navy; Hubert von Rebeur Paschwitz, captain-lieutenant, Imperial German navy; Joseph W. Powell, assistant naval constructor, United States navy; W. G. Randle, superintendent New York Ship Building Co.; J. R. Raymond, secretary and manager, Standard Automatic Releasing Hook Co.; Ernst F. Rossow, draughtsman, navy yard, Mare Island; Henry H. Schulze, draughtsman, Wm. R. Trigg Co.; H. T. Sloan, engine draughtsman, Penna. R, R. Co.; Godfrey L. Smith, scientific department, Newport News Co.; Edward G. Todt, chief draughtsman, engine depart- ment, Chicago Ship Building Co.; G. R. Townsend, draughtsman, engine department, Wm. R. Trigg Co.; B. W. Wells, Jr., lieutenant United States navy; A, B. Wolvin, general manager American Steamship Co., Duluth; W. R. C. Wood, hull draughtsman, navy yard, New York; Allen D. Woods, draughtsman with Tams & Lamoine; William L. Wright, assistant draughtsman, United States navy, Maryland Steel Co.; R. P. Adams, draughtsman, navy yard, Norfolk; Theodorus S. Bailey, draughtsman, United States navy, Crescent Ship Yard; Thomas W. Battin, chief draughtsman, naval work, Newport News Co.; William B. Callison, hull draughtsman, navy yard, New York; W. S. Doran, man- ager marine department, H. R. Worthington Co., Philadelphia; Isaiah C. Hanscom, draughtsman, navy yard, Portsmouth; Edward McIntyre, superintendent Spedden Ship Building Co.; Lucius M. Michael, draughts- man, United States navy, Harlan & Hollingsworth Co.; Isaac B. Mills, 156 Cypress St., Brookline, Mass.; Harold F. Norton, draughtsman, United States navy, Newport News Co.; J. W. L. Waters, steel hull sur- veyor; Thomas E. Webb, Jr., hull draughtsman, navy yard, New York; Charles Ackerman; William W. Ackerman; Thomas Dolan; Henry F. Donaldson; John R. Gause; assistant constructor, hull department, Har- lan & Hollingsworth Co., Wilmington, Del.; Henry S. Reed, with the Keasbey & Mattison Co.; Frank P. Lewis, master electrician, navy yard, New York; George N. Gardiner; Robert L. Ireland, vice-president, Amer- eA Ship Building Co., Cleveland; Charles Longstreeth, and Maeston iles. Juniors--W. R. Ballard, assistant draughtsman, United States navy, Union Iron Works; W. R. Bean, draughtsman, Newport News Co.; Louis A. Brooks, draughtsman, United States navy, Newport News Co.: L. D. Fisher, draughtsman, Newport News Co.; Walter E. Kimball, assistant draughtsman, United States navy, Fore River Engine Co.; James W. McCormack, draughtsman, navy yard, New York; William S. Newell, assistant in marine engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology: E. E. Pierce, draughtsman, Newport News Co.; James J. Sal- mond, assistant editor, American Machinist; D. Stuart, draughtsman, hull department Delaware River Iron Ship Building Works; Edgar P. Trask, draughtsman, scientific department, Newport News Coe Wir Ae White, ship draughtsman, Newport News Co.; Frederick C. Whitehouse, draughtsman, navy yard, New York; Charles Winterburn, draughtsman, navy yard, Portsmouth; Walter S. Leland; Harrison S. Cole; Stephen B. Boyd; Horace E. Stechell, draughtsman, engineering department, Wm. Cramp & Sons Co., Philadelphia. OFFICERS AND MEMBERS OF THE COUNOIL, Following the election of the new members there was a unanimous endorsement of the recommendation of the council for the election of the following officers: President--Clement A. Griscom. _ Vice-Presidents--Charles H. Cramp. Philip Hichborn, Chas. H. Lor- ing, George W. Melville, George W. Quintard. Irving M. Scott, Frank L. Fernald, Francis M. Bunce, Wm. T. Sampson, Edwin A. Stevens. Members and Associate Members of the Council--Wm. F. Durand, Francis T. Bowles, French E. Chadwick, H. Taylor Gause. Nathaniel G. Herreshoff, William H. Jacques, John C. Kafer, Frank B. King, Frank E. Kirby, Jacob W. Miller, Washineton L. Capps. Edward Magmer Lewis Nixon, Harrington Putnam, W. T. Babcock, Horace See, E. Platt Strat- ton, Stevenson Taylor, George E. Weed, James E. Denton, Walter M. McFarland, Geo. W. Dickie, Cecil H. Peabody. Executive Committee--Francis T. Bowles, Chairman: H. T. Gause, Harrington Putnam, Lewis Nixon, Edwin A. Stevens. Clement A. Gris- com, Ex-officio. Secretary and Treasurer--Francis T. Bowles, U. S. N., 12 W. 31st st. New York. ; : On motion of Col. Edwin A. Stevens the society adopted a highly eulogistic minute of the late William H. Webb, which was ordered spread on the records and presented in engrossed form to the family of the de- ceased. Similar resolutions upon the death of Thomas W. Hyde were