1899.) MARINE REVIEW! a Tue BERLIN IRON BRIDGE CO.. Engineers. Architects ana Builders of Steel Structures. Office and Works -- AST BERLIN, CONN. COMPRESSORS &iitciter, Air Lift Pump and Stone Channellers. THE INGERSOLL-SERGEANT DRILL CO., CATAI OGUES. Havemeyer Building, NEW YORK. USERS OF GAS ENGINES Who are having trouble in obtaining steady work from the igniters on they engines, should send at once for the pamphlet illustrating and describing our new igniter. It is ae CHEAP! POSITIVE! DURABLE ! Uses either battery or magnets, as desired, and gives large spark of high temperature with small and weak currents, thereby adding greatly to the life of battery: FITS ANY ENGINE! Correspondence with makers of gas engines, launch builders and launch users is so- licited, and will receive prompt attention. COTTON & KUNZE, 185 Dearborn Street. CHICAGO, ILL. LANE & DeGROOT, METALLIC LIFE BOATS, (Formerly Raymond's) Metallic Life Rafts, Cork Life Preservers, Etc.. approved by the U. S. Supervising Inspectors. Also Wood Boats of Every Description. Re- pairing of every kind promptly attended to. 70 and 72 Kent St., BROOKLYN, NEW YORK. Telephone Call 340-B, Greenpoint. L.C. WALDO, Pres. EBOYGAN, Woeckine Capt. Martin. 'Swain. UJ PS, 10 JACKS, ¢ 3 HAY SERS. - December a TUE. wep. peer? 2 13 AA 15 19 | 20 26 22 29 : 2tP Se RAPA ™M ILLEN, _ MUCHES, anes Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, '8° seer ss.cr Lighter Carrying Different | Grades at all..a, Times, M. A. HAN NA SL CO., Main (Miners and oni ner . Engineer Office, 57 Park St., eenn Bonis, Mich., December 14, 1899. Sealed proposals for Construction of Preakwaters at Michigan Heb Ind., will be received here until 3 P. M., January 18, 1900, and then publicly Eel Informa- tion furnished on applics*tor. Chester Harding, Capt., Engrs. Jan. 4. Pickands, Mather & Co., Fue. Licuters "0, anv CLEVELAND. At DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with Shute capacity 'ot 600 Tons Best Quallty PITTSBURGH COAL furnished at any ie Sauring Gay or Night le TE ere cy pi] ONE OF THESE BINDERS } a » 2 a) stthat wit hola 52 h , NUMBERS of the MARINE REVIEW, WIII be malled to any address or receipt of $1. MARINE REVIEW... Perry-Payne Bldg. CLEVELAND, ©