1900] MARINE REVIEW. for The American Steamship Co. building for The Pittsburgh Steamship Co. Ten Large Vessels of the Pacific Coast, Floating Government Dry Dock, Algiers, Steam Dredge Texas City. . .. . BUILDING FOR U. S. NAVY: The Babcock & Wilcox FORGED STEEL WATER TUBE BOILERS Are being installed in the Four Largest Carriers of the Great Lakes, now building Boilers under construction for Five 8000-ton Ships THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO., 29 Cortlandt Street, NEW YORK. MONITOR WYOMING CRUISERS CINCINNATI AND RALEIGH NEW PROTECTED CRUISERS TACOMA to be fitted with this Boiler. QALVESTON AND CHATTANOCGA The Roberts Boiler Co. HAS BUILT OVER (00 BOILERS TO DATE tor Launches, Yachts, Passenger and Freight Steamers, Dredges, Tugs, Stern Wheelers, Canalers; also for Navy Department, War Department, Treasury Department, Light-House Board and Revenue Cutter Service; also for N. Y. Dock Department and U. S. Supervisor, Harbor of N. Y. SAFETY AND ECONOMY. lever killed a man or had a serious accident. $250,000 capital. Works eovering 29,000 square feet of ground. Never had a boiler returned on account of dis- satisfaction. Every Boiler Warranted. All mate:ial made specially for our use. All boilers tested at 500 pounds hydrostatic pressure and 259 pounds of steam_before ship- ing. Workmanship strictly first-class. All joints screwed and reliable. No expanded oints. ae your requirements and we will furnish specifications. Correspondence solicited. fFHE ROBERTS SAFETY WATER TUBE BOILER CO., 39 and 41 Cortlandt Street, New York City. Works. Red Bank, N. J. ALMY'S PATENT SECTIONAL Water Tube Boilers. . NOW USED IN Thirty Passenger Boats and 100 Steam Yachts ranging from 50 to 250 feet in length, U.S. Torpedo Boat "Stiletto." : : Numerous Small Launches and Stationary Boilers also giving most excellent results. ALMY WATER-TUBE BOILER CO., 178-184 Allens Avenue, near Rhodes St. PROVIDENCE, R. I. The Watson Radial W. T, Boiler, REPORT OF PERFORMANCE OF TEN H. P. COMPOUND. COPY OF LETTER FROM CAPT. NEWHALL. Washington. "T suppose you think it is nearly time I reported on the performance of the little boiler you sent me last March. At first I had trouble keeping steam, but soon found that it was the fault of the fireman. The boiler works very satisfactorily indeed, and is giving great results. Steamboat men about here are much interested in its performance. I shall want a much larger boiler soon, and will give details later." This little boiler is only 3 ft. 9 in. high, by 30 in. base, has only 42 sq. ft. h.-s., and 1.65 sq. ft. g.-s., but it drives a 3x5x5-inch condensing compound, 250 r.-p.-m., with air and feed pump on natural draft. Weight of boiler, 600 pounds. Working pres- sure, 200 pounds. I build boilers up to 150 h. p. EGBERT P. WATSON, Mfr., MADISON AVE. SHOPS, ELIZABETH, N. J. ALL THE NAVIES o-7*<sp"s2"ountu The Nictausse Water Tube Boller, ADOPTED BY THE .NAVIES OF UNITED STATES, RUSSIA, ' SPAIN, ENGLAND, ITALY, Argentine Republic, FRANCE, GERMANY, CHILI. We have now in course of construction at our Works 60,000 H.P., Niclausse Boilers for the following war vessels: . : U. S. Monitor CONNECTICUT, { Building at vhe Ship Yard of the Bath U. S. Battleship MAINE, Iron Works, Bath, Me. Russian Battleship RETVIZAN, ; Balas at Wim. Oramp & Sons Ship Russian Cruiser VARIAG, Yards, Philadelphia. THE STIRLING COMPANY, Write for Descriptive Matter. General Offices Pullman Building, Chicago, III. Tue "TAYLOR" YACHT BOILER Has held the record three seasons on the fastest yacht on the great lakes. Guaranteed against Rupture of Tubes. Will not Prime in the Roughest Sea. MANUFAOTURED BY , 1 Detroit Screw Works, FOOT OF REOPELLE ST., DETROIT, MICH., U. S. A. THOS. DREIN & SON, BUILDERS OF Metallic Life Boats and Rafts, Government and Pleasure Boats, Block and Granulated Cork Life Preservers. Out- fits for Lake Steamers a Specialty. TATNALL & RAILROAD STS WILMINGTON, DEL. Telephone Call 340-B, Greenpoint. LANE & DeGROOT, METALLIC LIFE BOATS, (Formerly Raymond's) Metallic Life Rafts, Cork Life Preservers, Etc., approved by the U.S. Supervising Inspectors Also Wood Boats of Every Description. Ke- pairing of every kind promptly attended to. 70 and 72 Kent St., BROOKLYN, NEW YORK.