COAL AND ORE HANDLING MACHINERY. CRANES oF act TYPES --Electric, Steam and Hand Power. MACHINERY FOR HANDLING STRUCTURAL WORK, MARINE PLATES, ETC., IN SHIP-BUILDING YARDS, THE BROWN HOISTING AND CONVEYING MACHINE CO. New York Office, Havemeyer Building: London: 39 Victoria Street, Pittsburg Office, Carnegie Building. CLEVELAND. OHIO, U.S.A. \Westminster, S. W. AMERICAN SHIP WINDLASS GO. °° "'So"" Many well known ships and yachts are * , "PROVIDENCE" WINDLASSES AND CAPSTANS. ' 350 STYLES AND SIZES. 3 OVER 5,000 IN USE. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. FRANK S. MANTON, Agent. "PERFECTION" ~ AIR MATTRESSES AND CUSHIONS -- FOR SHIPS 4nD YACHTS. & 2 es et i Non-absorbent, strictly hygienic, will not grow musty. Every mattress and cushion has life-line attached, and in case of accident a perfect life preserver is always at hand. now equipped with "PERFECTION" AIR GOODS, which are giving entire satis- faction. Can be rolled up and packed in small Send for illustrated Catalogue giving FOR MECHANICAL FABRIC COMPANY, ---- Sica R. L US. A. pee ee ee po FO Te CHICAGO SHIP BUILDING COMPANY, | Long Distance Telephones. STEEL SHIP BUILDERS anp OP sedi canes Oe DRY DOCK PROPRIETORS. Chicago Office, 925 Rookery, Pes , Dry Dock and Yards: 101st St. and Calumet River, CHICAGO, ILL. MORISON SUSPENSION BOILER FURNACES LAND and MARINE BOILERS. UNIFORM THICKNESS--EASILY CLEANED UNEXCELLED FOR STRENGTH.) Also Fox Corrugated Furnaces. Manufactured by THE CONTINENTAL IRON WORKS, West and Calyer Sts. NEW YORK, Near 10th and 23d Sts. Ferries. Bororgh of B oo! lyn. Union Dry Dock Company, Buffalo Creek and Ganson St., BUFFALO, N. Y. oweeo," of IRON AND STEEL STEAMSHIPS, ot TUGS, WOODEN OR STEEL. GENERAL REPAIRING OF ANY DESCRIPTION.