32 MARINE REVIEW. [April 5, BUYERS' DIRECTORY OF THE MARINE TRADE. For a more complete classification than that represente SHIPPING, marine and naval directory of the United States, See accompanying Index of Advertisers for full addresses of concerns in this directory. AIR COMPRESSORS, AIR HOISTS, ETC. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co.......++++++++2+- Chicago. Ingersoll Sergeant 2 OOo sie ccdeledeess ce ue. Manning, Maxwe OOLO sc secseccecc ess - Philadefohia Pneumatic Tool Co.......- Philadelphia. ANCHORS. Baldt Anchor CO.......cssceecececcscreeces Chester, Pa. International Anchor CoO......s.ceseeeeeeers Cleveland. ANTI-FRICTION METALS. Ajax Metal CO........cececececcncececenees Philadelphia. Gate, Wain, & Sons... icc... esses seas Philadelphia. Tllinois Smelting & Refining Works......... Chicago. Magnolia Metal Co.......:seseeeeeserneeee nes New York. Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co., Ltd....Philadelphia. ARTIFICIAL DRAFT FOR BOILERS. American Ship Building Co.......+....-++++ Cleveland. Bloomsburg & Co., H.....--+-+++ Newport News, Va. Buffalo Forge CO.......ecce cee c ree eece teen eneces Buffalo. Detroit Shipbuilding Co........--ssseeeeeeesees Detroit. Sprague Electric CO.....+.--0+ eesseseeeeeee New York. Sturtevant, B. F. C0......eceee cece ee eeeeeceeees Boston, ATTORNEYS AND PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, Crowl, Samuel H.......eceeeeseeeeeceeeeeeees Cleveland. Gilchrist, Albert. J........-..+++ Dec es ares Cleveland. Goulder, Harvey D......s.sseseeseeeeeeeeeers Cleveland. Hoyt, Dustin & Kelley......-.s..+++eeeeeees Cleveland. Pinney, Orestes C.....--..eeeseeseeceeceteeees Cleveland. White, Johnson, McCaslin & Cannon..... Cleveland. AXLES, SOLID AND HOLLOW. Bethlehem Steel Co.............-- So. Bethlehem, Pa. BABBITT METAL. Ajax Metal CO........seeeeeseeeeeeees .....-Philadelphia. Cramp, Wm. & SOms...........essseeeeeee Philadelphia. Tllinois Smelting & Refining Works......... Chicago. Magnolia Metal CoO......-.sss-sseewsseseeeess New York Phosphor Bronze Smelting Co., Ltd.... Philadelphia. BAROMETERS, MARINE GLASSES, ETC. Bliss, John & CO...... cece eee e ee ee este eeeees New York. Ritchie, E, S. & Soms............+. Brookline, Mass. 'Also most of the ship chandlers. ~ BENDING AND STRAIGHTENING ROLLS. Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Co...... Cleveland. Long & Allstatter_CO...........-+seeeeee Hamilton, O. New Doty Mfg. Co.........csessseee Janesville, Wis. BLOCKS, SHEAVES, ETC. Boston & Lockport Block Co.......... Boston, Mass. Cleveland Block CO........ccececerceceeeeeeee Cleveland. Donohue' & Co., JOHN T........ cece scene eeee vee eeseee Baltimore. BLOWERS. Buffalo Forge CO........cccceceececeee see cececes Buffalo. Sprague BHlectric Co........ ..--seeeeeeeeeee New York. Sturtevant, B. F. Co........... Baie vias sinters heise sisi Boston. BOAT BUILDERS. Drein, Thos. & Son................. Wilmington, Del. Milectric: BOat CO... cece ss oc. ects ence wee cele New York. Gas Engine & Power Co. and Chas. L. poets ' ork. & Co., Consolidated..... SCONCE cos \otinia New Goane Ge DCGTOOE. oii ccc ye ccc see cecsec scene Brooklyn. BOILER MANUFACTURERS. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co........ Providence, R. I. American Ship Building Co................- Cleveland. Atlantic. WOVKS. occ. ccc ccccese sees East Boston, Mass. Papcock .& WilcOX CO... ..56. bse due cns New York. Bath Iron WODkKS, Utd. co... ets e ec et ees Bath, Me. Boyer Water Tube Boiler Co.............. New York. Chicago Ship Building Co..................... Chicago. Cramp, Wm. & Sons..................0e- Philadelphia. .Dearing Water Tube Boiler Co................. Detroit. eure Belleville & Co......... St. Denis, France. WD CErOtt: SCTOW OW OLS ii ccc ce sccseisciscse sce ccece Detroit. WCLIOIE SHipbUldINS -CO... icc. s<cs cess sce le ces Detroit. Marian & UTOLess ooo. s 5 sis vad 5 oc nesammisusgies oe oes Buffalo. Fletcher, W. & A. Co....c...ccscseecoes Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Engine Co............. Weymouth, Mass. Gas Engine.& Power Co...... Morris Heights, N. Y. Harlan & Hollingsworth Co........ Wilmington, Del. Hodge, S. BF. & CO... 1c. cece ccc en nese e ee ees sees Detroit. MOwa ITON WOlKSs.c<s.sccccccscerssssssees Dubuque, fa. Jenks Ship Building Co........... Port Huron, Mich. Kingsford Found'y & Machine Works.Oswego, N. Y. MacKinnon Mfg. Co...........-..0e08- Bay City, Mich. Maryland Steel Co.............. Sparrow's Point, Md. i Moran Bros; CO. .6.ieccct secs vccceuve Seattle, Wash. Morse Iron Works & Dry Dock Co......... Brooklyn Neafie & Levy Ship & Eng, Bldg. Co..Philadelphia. Newport News Ship Bldg. Co...Newport News, Va. DAO TCWIS, ccc cece css cece ecss segs Elizabeth, N. J. Pusey & JoneS CO.............-eeseee Wilmington, Del. Roberts Safety Water Tube Boiler Co....New York. Stirling, The CO... .55-« Sea ce ean Chicago. Miniee Wm. BH: CO, 0.2560. ee eves eee Richmord, Va. WIION LYON VOLES: 6.60 cs cess wee wre San Francisco. Mvatson, Hebert Pie... cess esses Elizabeth, N. J. Wolff & Zwicker Iron Works.......... Portland, Ore. BOILER COMPOUNDS. Dearborn Drug & Chemical Works........ Chicago. BOILER COMPOUND FEEDER. Hall Compound Feeder Co..................: Chicago. BOILER TUBES, SEAMLESS, WELDLESS-- Steel, Brass and Copper. PAAR TID OOO. ce bso ccusints cen cps cates ess eas Pittsburg. Hungerford Brass & Copper Co........... New York. Shelby Steel Tube Co...........0csccseceeees Cleveland. BOILER FURNACES, FIRE FRONTS, ETC. Montinental IrOn WOrkS)).csccess se siicase New York. BOILER STAYBOLT IRON. Falls Hollow Staybolt Co.......Cuyahoga Falls, O. BOLT CUTTERS. American Tool Works Co. (The)........Cincinnati. Manning, Maxwell & Moore...... Lopusawes New York. BORING AND TURNING MILLS. American Tool Works Co. (The)........... Cincinnati Bement, Miles & Co0..........cccc.eeses Philadelphia. Manning, Maxwell & Moore.............- New York. BRASS AND BRONZE CASTINGS, SHEETS, RODS, ETC. Ajax Metal Coo i008 ices ee cee ssc ces Philadelphia. Cory, Chas: & SOM es oi. cis csc tees cae ecs New York. Cramp, Wm, & SoOnsi.. cs ccccerecsceeess Philadelphia. Illinois Smelting & Refining Works......... Chicago. Magnolia Metal Co..........-cscsessececeves New York. BRIDGES, BUILDERS OF. Berlin Iron Bridge Co............. East Berlin, Conn. Scherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Co............ Chicago. BUCKETS, ORE AND COAL. Brown Hoisting & Conveying Mach. Co..Cleveland. McMyler Mnfg. CO.........ccscceccereceserees Cleveland. Webster, Camp & Lane Machine Co..... Akron, O. CABIN AND CABINET FINISHING WOODS. Martin-Barriss: CO... 5.0006 cc cececteec oes sse' Cleveland. CAPSTANS. American Ship Windlass Co........ Providence, R. TI. Hyde Windlass Co.............:.. yreeeeseees Bath, Me. : CHAINS. Hayden, P., S. H. Co.................. Columbus, O. Lebanon Chain Works.................. Lebanon, Pa. Monongahela Iron & Steel Co. ............ Pittsburg. CHAIN HOISTS. Boston & Lockport Block Co.......... Boston, Mass. CHRONOMETERS--SHIP CLOCKS. PASHLOM VAIV.C] CO etwas ssc s ce eete sme e coe es Boston. Bliss, John -& Co... Chelsea Clock Co........... Ritchie, E. S. & Sons...... Also most of the ship chandlers. okline, Mass. CHUCKING MACHINES. American Tool Works Co. (The)........ Cincinnati. Manning, Maxwell & Moore.............. New York. CIRCULATOR EQUILIBRIUM, with Steam Heating Attachment. Bloomsbpure & Co.; Fa. 2.0.54. Newport News, Va. COAL PRODUCERS AND SHIPPERS. Castner, Curran: & Bullitt...:...2...25.. Philadelphia. Hanna, M. A. & Co..... ...Cleveland. Osborne, Saeger & Co............. ..Cleveland. Pickands, Mather & Co.................. ..Cleveland. Pittsburgh & Chicago Gas Coal Co....... Cleveland. Rochester & Pittsburgh Coal & Iron Co....Buffalo. Youghiogheny & Lehigh Coal Co............ Chicago. COAL AND ORE HANDLING MACHINERY. Brown Hoisting & Conveying Mach. Co..Cleveland. Tidger wood: Mnie2 CO. .26 6. esis ccs sees cas New York. MeMeyler Mn fee COss oc. v5 css wens erence Cleveland. Webster, Camp & Lane Machine Co...... Akron, O. COMPASSES. Bliss; JOHN & CO) ..2000 hes Ae New York. Ritchies Hie 8. (BONE. ccs cee. Brookline, Mass. COMPASS ADJUSTER. Simpson. Geo. A.... 05.5.7 .0. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. CONDENSERS. See pumps, valves, steam specialties, &c. COPPER AND SHEET IRON WORK. Pupey.o JOneSs CO.c i... cscs ce Wilmington, Del, CORDAGE. Americans Mnte. CO. inci: cies os es New Y See also ship chandlers. las CORK JACKETS AND RINGS. Amstrone. Cork: CO pec... . cee as Pittsb iKmahnwellers: Sons, Deo. i c.cs cere. os Neervort: Wipiesar WCOTOOG...< ste ciate es cic eck crocs as Brooklyn. CRANES, CONVEYORS, HOISTS. Brown Hoisting & Conveying Mach. As Tonohue & Co. Johny. Te eo S o Bee General Electric Co.............. Schenectady, N. Y. --radeerwood: Mute. CoO... 60.6.6... seca es New York. Manning, Maxwell & Moore.............. New York. Mclyler Mute. Coe... 23... ee Cleveland. Sprasue: Miectvic CO. sce aes ayes: New York. Webster, Camp & Lane Machine Co....... Akron, O. Westinghouse Blectric & Mnfg. Co....... Pittsbure. CRANK PINS. Bethlehem Steel Co... ..5.....cs6s. Bethlehem, So. Pa. DECK PLANING MACHINERY. Dallett, Thos, Hi. & Co:...;. Gira coneiue Philadelphia. d by advertisers in the Marine Review, see the BLUE BOOK OF AMERICAN published by the Marine Review Pub. Co., 418-419 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. DECK SEAMS, COMPOSITION FOR. Cole & Runs. 6 cece cece sue tcsaccese Brooklyn, N. Y. DRILLS--ROCK DRILLS, COAL CUTTERS, ETC, Ingersoll-Sergeant Drill Co............... New York. DRILLS, PNEUMATIC. Chicago Pneumatic Tool Co................. Chicago. Qe & OC. Com ics. cscs seme bosadscceeaneeeceny ..-Chicago. DRILL PRESSES--DRILLS, OF ALL KINDS. American Tool Works Co. (The)........Cincinnati. Bement, Miles & CoO...........s0sseees Philadelphia. Cleveland Punch & Shear Works Co..... Cleveland. Manning, Maxwell & Moore.............- New York. DRYING APPARATUS. .» Sturtevant Co., Bo Hoi. .s.ccccccccnccceceaveces« Boston. DRY DOCKS. American Ship Building Co..............-. Cleveland. Bath Iron Works, Ltd........ccccsesesesese Bath, M2. Chicago Ship Building Co................... Chicago. Craig Ship Building Co....................- Toledo, O Cramp, Wm. & SOMS.......s0.cs.sesess- Philadelphia, Detroit Shipbuilding Co................ssssseee Detroit. Harlan & Hollingsworth Co....... Wilmington, Del. .1 Broadway, New York. MeWilliams, Frank.. ...Sparrow's Point, Md. Maryland Steel Co. Moran: Bros. CO. iii... cs: cues wcsnen wes Seattle, Wash. Morse Iron Works & Dry Dock Co.. ...... Brooklyn. Newport News Ship Bldg Co....Newport News, Va. Nixon, GLewis.....0:.-...<<> ...Mlizabeth, N. J. Pusey & JoneS CO.......-.-e cs eceeeee Wilmington, Del. Townsend & Downey Ship Bldg. Co..... New York. Union Dry Dock Co...........ses.esecseceass Buffalo. Union Iron Works........2ceceseeseeces San Francisco. ELEVATORS. Morse, Williams & CoO...... .....-.s.0es Philadelphia. ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER PLANTS. Buffalo: Moree: Cec. ovic cc cco eee ee Buffalo. General Blectric Co..............+. Schenectady, N. Y. Sprague BHlectric CO..... cc ccs cecsencecene New York. Sturtevant; BoB Cocri sae. cs cece ee ac secees Boston, Westinghouse Electric & Mnfg. Co..Pittsburgh, Pa. ELECTRIC HOISTS AND CRANES. General Blectric Co................ Schenectady, N. Y. mid Ser woods Mintle. "COM. <ccsiic can ccce reece New York. Manning, Maxwell & Moore............... New York. Sprague -Mlectric COs sconce ste ccc cane New York. Westinghouse Electric & Mnfg. Co...Pittsburg, Pa. ENGINE BUILDERS, MARINE. American Ship Building Co........ oe accuees Cleveland. Atlantl CaWOEKSe: a ces feces ct cw ccuee East Boston, Mass. Bath Tron "Works, tds. o.0. 0... .ee eeu ors Bath, Me. Chicago Ship Building Co ...Chicago. Chase Machine Co...... ...-Cleveland. Cramp, Wm. & Sons... Philadelphia. Detroit Shipbuilding Co... ...-Detroit. Parrar: (6 rere acccs oe sien Nee be wen ove eae Buffalo. Wletcher: We& A C0. Cees Hoboken, N. J. Fore River Engine Co.............. Weymouth, Mass. Gas Engine & Power Co., and Chas. L. Seabu & Co- Consolidated: 0... ccs sons nee New York. Giddings, & = Stevens... ches ees Rockford, Ill. Harlan & Hollingsworth Co........ Wilmington, Del. Hodge, Seo Bk &. COg a ek ee Detroit. TOWasIrOns WORKS ese eres eens Dubuque, Ia. Jenks Ship Building Co. ...7...... Port Huron, Mich. Mackinnon: Miz: Co.cc. .ccc sence: Bay City, Mich. Maryland.Steel Co.............. Sparrow's Point, Md. Moran Manos: COe... <2 oc isco c ces Seattle, Wash. Morse Iron Works & Dry Dock Co... ..... Brooklyn. Neafie & Levy Ship & Eng. Bldg Co..Philadelphia. Newport News Ship Bldg Co..Newport News, Va. INTRON GHG WIS eck eas ce up cc: Elizabeth, N. J. IPUS6Y he JONCS CO. occ cick. cee cs Wilmington, Del. Roach: s Ship, Yard 42.5.0 ..c. 0. ots cue Chester, Pa. Sherlils: Mnte. Cn: soc. Cee tee Milwaukee. rerioe NVIN OR: CO. ce: cca es caucasian Richmond, Va. ROU GS Pies Ghee as cress une se owes wet Buffalo. mron. Brom: W OPK: occ secs esgic a cce es San Francisco. Wolff & Zwicker Iron Works......... Portland, Ore. ENGINE ROOM TELEGRAPH, CALL BELLS, E Cory. Chas:2.@ Soni. os, cea es New York. ENGINEERS, MARINE AND MECHANICAL. Giddings: &eStevens -3 3.060. 6... Roekford, Ill. EEiliman: Gustavia. cee c es hace ce ae Brooklyn. Hunt, Robt: WwW. & -CoO< sce. cs Aer ee Chicago. MALOPA SV HOR orc: c. os ckoccr ck css Rou oe Cleveland. Oldham Joseph= Rao c. ce.iee es ..-..Cleveland. Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory, Ltd...... Pittsburgh. pore. PAMDPOSO® Ve caicccc casas oak ca eeu Chicago. ee, OTA COR ers oes su ok ca New York. DW OOGEWe acters oe ee sires Wee ets cate Gnicaan FANS FOR VENTILATION, EXHAUST, ETC. Butlalos Moree CO... aise Sprague Electric Co.... Sturtevant, Bo FEF. Co: ew York. Boston. FEED WATER PURIFIERS AND HEATERS. iesrmonth Robert....3¢..0 Buffalo. FORGES. Buttalo -Morge- Co:<......... Weve ack cele meas Buffalo. pturtevant ©o..- Bi hii eho eee ee Boston. FORGINGS, IRON AND STEEL. Bethlehem Steel Co................ South Bethlehem. Bourne-Fuller Co......... sauteed Coase aes Cleveland. Foon ss ae . a