26 MARINE REVIEW. [April 12, VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. C. W. ELPHICKE & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents, Room 10, No. 6 Sherman St., W. ELPHIOKE. OALVIN OARR. CHICAGO, ILL. Long Distance Telephone, Harrison 1194. JOHN MITCHELL. JOHN F. WEDOW. ALFRED MITCHELL. MALT Corel & CoC. Vessel and Insurance Agents, 508, 509 & 510 Perry-Payne Building, Cleveland, 0. Office Telephone 767. _ Residence, John Mitchell, Doan 341. John F. Wedow. 158 L. Alfred Mitchell, Doan 197 J. F H. OSBORN & CO. Marine Insurance Brokers, 12 SHERMAN ST., CHICAGO. Long Distance Telephone, Harrison 1586. W. C. RICHARDSON, VESSEL AND MARINE INSURANCE AGENT, Residence Telephone 2988. Office Telephone 3838. 606 and 607 Perry-Payne Blidg., Cleveland, 0. J.J. H. BROWN. J. B. RODGERS. EDWARD SMITH. BROWN & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents, 2o2 Main Street, Buffalo, N.Y. mtr AIL OV, General Ship Broker, MILWAUKEE, WIS. Telephone Main 869. : 59 Chamber of Commerce, J.G@,. KEITH. D. SULLIVAN, J. G. KEITH & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents, 138-139 Rialto Building, CHICAGO. Long Distance Telephone, Harrison, 1339. ALBERT GIBBS. Telephone Main 142, CARL C. JOYS. GIBBS & JOYS, Successors to R. P. Fitzgerald & Co. aU FIRE, MARINE, OCEAN AND ADJUSTERS. LIABILITY INSURANCE. No. 11 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, MILWAUKEE. JOHN B HALL. HARRY B. ROOT. HALL & ROOT, Vessel Agents, 21-22 Exchange Building, 202 MAIN STREET, Telephone Seneca 892. BUFFALO, N.Y. M. M. DRAKE. G. -W. MAYTHAM. DRAKE & MAYTHAM, VESSEL AGENTS. 202 Main Street, BUFFALO, N. Y. Telephone, Seneca 1660. HUTCHINSON & CO. Vessel and Insurance Agents. Office Telephone, Main 2458. Residence © L Hutchinson, W. 697L. Residence W. H. McGean, FE. 198J. 0. L. HUTCHINSON. 413-15 Perry-Payne Bidg., We ogee. CLEVELAND, O. THOS. \W LSON, Mn" Wilson's Transit Line. Gen Forwarder, CLEVELAND, O. A Book for Ship Masters. "SIMPLE ELEMENTS OF NAVIGATION," by Younc. New second edition $2; a few copies of the first edition at $1. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., Cleveland. Freight and Vessel Agent, VESSEL AND INSURANCE AGENTS. SAMUEL HOLMES, Steamship Offices, Tor Selling. Chartering and Building all classes Steam Vessels. Steam Vessel Circulars. Weekly Freight Circulars. Morris Building, 66 & 68 Broad Street, NEW YORK. MILLER, BULL & KNOWLTON, Vessel Owners and Steamship Agents, 32 Broadway, NEW YORK. Agents New York & Porto Rico Steamship Company. JOHN J. BOLAND, Vessel and Insurance Agert, BUFFALO, N. Y. 25 and 26 Exchange Bldg., 202 Main Street, Telephone Seneca 115. ' JAMES A. MYERS, Insurance and Vessel Agent Room 201, Royal Insurance Blidg., CHICAGO. Long Distance Telephone, Harrison 107. W. A. HAWGOOD. J. W. MOORE. HAWGOOD & MOORE, Vessel and Insurance Agents, Residence Phone, Doan 446--W. A. Hawgood. Long Distance Tel. 2395. 608 Perry-Payne Building, CLEVELAND, O. W. J. CONNERS, OFFICES BUFFALO, Contractor, CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE GLADSTONE BUFFALO, N.Y. PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY. HOYT, DUSTIN & KELLEY, LAWYERS and PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, Cleveland, O. Offices, 702 Western Reserve Bidg., White, Johnson, McGaslin & Gannon, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and' PROCTORS IN ADMIRALTY, Biackstone Bidg., Clevelamd oO. HARVEY D. GOULDER, Lawyer and Proctor in Admiralty, CLEVELAND, O. ALBERT J. GILCHRIST, PROCTOR IN ADMIRALTY, 604 Perry-Payne Building, ~ CLEVELAND, O. SAMUEL H. CROWL, Attorney at Law and Proctor in Admiralty, 505 American Trust Building, Phone Main 3579. CLEVELAND. ORESTES C. PINNEY, Lawyer and Proctor in Admiralty, Rooms 316 and 317 Perry-Payne Building, Telephone Main 2585. CLEVELAND, 0. PATENTS. EK L. THURSTON. ALBERT H. BATES. THURSTON & BATES, Counselors at Law in Patent Causes and Solicitors of Patents, 1028 Soelety for Savings Bldg., : CLEVELAND, 0. PROFESSIONAL. Naval Architect, WwW. Wii woo 5 Ship Surveyor, Consulting Engineer. Prepares designs or working drawings and specifications for all classes of vessels and superintends construction and re- pairs. Surveys damaged property and estimates cost of re- pairs. Vessels oe 8.8. Virginia, Steam Yacht Comanche, Twin S.S. North West and North Land, I. W. Nicholas, and many others, including Fire Boats, Tugs, Barges, ete. ere plans furnished for Steel Composite or Wooden Vessels. Office on Goodrich Dock, foot of Michigan Ave., CHICAGO, ILL, Piltsbureh Testing: Laboratory, Limited, INSPECTING AND METALLURGICAL ENGINEERS AND CHEMISTS, 1750 MONADNOCK, 325 WATER STREET, CHICAGO. PITTSBURGH. 18 SOUTH BROAD ST. PHILADELPHIA. Inspectors of Shipbuilding Materials and Machinery. Inspectors lecated at all mills, Physical and Chemical Laboratories. Tests of all kinds. ROBERT W. HUNT & CO. BUREAU OF INSPECTION, TESTS AND CONSULTATION. 1121 THE ROOKERY, MONGH. BANK BLDG., 71 ee eae CHICAGO. PITTSBURGH. YORK. Inspectors of Shipbuilding Material and hint Inspec- tors of all Materials. Duty Tests of Engines and Boilers. Physical and Chemical Laboratories. HORACE SEE, Consulting Engineer and Naval Architect, I Broadway, NEW YORK. GUSTAV HILLMANN, NAVAL ARCHITECT. Designer of all classes of VESSELS. 470 Greene Ave., near Norstrand, Brooklyn, N. Y. ROBERT CURR, CONSULTING SHIP BUILDER and MARINE SURVEYOR, 56 Wade Building, CLEVELAND, 0. Telephone Main 2844. Residence, 32 Malcom Street. Residence Telephone, W. 628 Y. AMBROSE V. POWELL, C.E. Consulting Engineer. SprciaLtiEs:--Designing and Construction of DRY DOCKS, Harbor Works, Docks:and Plants for Handling Coal and Ore. Office, 615 Chamber of Commerce, CHICAGO, ILL. 'Resistance and Propulsion of Ships." A valuable work by W. F. Durand, principal of School of Marine Construction, Cornell Uni- versity. Sent to any address at $5. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., Cleveland. HERBERT WRICHT & (0., No. 215, 216, 217, 218 and 219 PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING. Telephones Main 2754, 2770 and 3541. Up-town Office, No. 811 NEW ENGLAND BUILDING. Telephone Main 1273. Every possible facility for conducting a brokerage business in STOCKS, BONDS, GRAIN, ETC.