19604 2 MARINE REVIEW. 21 TRADE NOTES. Owing to the increased demand for paste polish the Bertram's Oil Polish Co, of Boston, Mass., is putting up paste polish in packages of various sizes, which are having a very large sale. The polish business looks better than ever with this company. The Link Belt Machinery Co. of Chicago, engineers, founders and machinists, have issued a most instructive catalogue under the title "Modern Methods of Handling General Merchandise." Pictorially it shows the wonderful revolution which has taken place in handling mer- chandise from the store to the delivery wagon. Manzel Bros. of No. 87 Van Rensselaer street, Buffalo, manufacturers of automatic oil pumps, have issued a dainty little catalogue. Their pump will feed any oil or graphite and is not affected in any degree by variations of temperature. It is especially designed to meet the demands for more reliable and economical lubrication, The M. C. Bullock Mfg. Co. of Chicago, recently shipped two hoists to the Mesabi range, while another is ready for shipment to the Black Hills. Diamiond drills have been 'shipped to the Lake of the Woods mining district, to the Kootenay district, to Arizona and to Japan; rock drills to Alaska and other points and an engine to the city lighting plant at Detroit. The company has also taken an order recently for three mine ventilators for Japan. The American Blower Co. of Detroit, has issued a beautifully-illus- trated catalogue of its disc ventilating fans. Fans have grown rapidly in popular favor of late years for the ventilation of all kinds of buildings, the removal of smoke, gases and dust; also for cooling overheated boiler and engine rooms. The "A B C" is spoken of as entirely different from any other fan in the market--built for the noiseless delivery 'of a maxi- mum volume of air with a minimum expense for power. "Monier Constructions" is the title of a forty-page booklet written by E. Lee Heidenreich, sole representative of the system for the United States, and whose offices are at 541-45 the Rookery, Chicago. Mr. Heid- enreich describes the principles of Monier construction, consisting of two materials, wrought iron or steel and mortar, and the application of the system in constructing tanks and elevators, in hydraulic engineering and in bridge construction. The little book is well illustrated with views of works already constructed and with plans of various plants. Wilson & Silsby of Boston, who furnished sails for the Diefender and other famous sailing yachts, and who make a specialty of high-class work of this kind, announce that they have been so busy of late that there is every reason to look for unusual increase in the interest of yachting during the coming summer. They have calls now for twenty-three suits from B. B. 'Crowninshield, eighteen from Tams, Lemoine & Crane of New York, eleven from Lawley and ten from Stearns of Marblehead. New suits have also been made for the schooners Adrienne, Alcaea, Constella- tion (two suits), Ingomar, Mayflower, Columbia, Fortuna, Maude Palmer, Quissetta and Young Bros. Four suits are being made for Hanley, two for 'S. N. Small, four for G, R. Liljegren of Gothenburg, Sweden, three for Ramley of White Bear lake, Minn., six for L, D. Huntington, two suits for Jensen, two for C. D. Mower and three for Amundson, also of White Bear lake, Minn. Other sets are being made for William Robin- son, W. E. C, Eustis, J. S. Sheffield of Newark, F. L. Johnson of Con- cord, N. H., G. F. Anderson of Sandusky, W. H. Childs of New York, Reginald Boardman, L. Bacon, G. B. Gale of Atlantic City; Jo Bred Brown, R. C. Robbins (raceabout Pirate), C. C. Warren of Sandusky, Hazen Morse of New Rochelle, Dr. W. F. Whitney (sloop Owl), W. B. Rogers, Archibald Rogers, Horatio Adams, Charles Williams, G. E. Hills, Jr, T. H. 'MacDonald of Bridgeport (cat Kit), Howard Stockton, A. Rohlfs of 'Seattle, J. Beaver Webb (raceabout Persimmon), E. G. Cuth- bert of Chicago, F. D. Lawley, E. A. Parker of Atlantic City, steam yacht Marcella, raceabout Spindrift of New York, W. S. Almy of Provi- dence, Wilton Crosby of Osterville and C. H. W. Foster. ARBECAM NAUTICAL INDICATOR. Lieut. Charles A. Foster, a retired officer of the United States navy, has been in Cleveland and other lake cities recently introducing the Ar- becam nautical indicator or adjustable alidade, a device that furnishes a ready and accurate means of determining the exact bearing of objects directly from the ship's compass dial, and which is manufactured by the Arbecam Indicator Co., 53 State street, Boston. The instrument is of brass and consists of a sighting tube with cross wires and rifle sights. A colored glass screen may be fitted to it for taking bearings of the sun. The telescope is adjustable to any angle o1 motion of the vessel, and is attached to a rod:working in an outer tube or 'case, which can be lengthened or shortened as desired and clamped in the position desired. This telescopic rod is centered in the top of the binnacle cover and firmly held in an upright position by a bearing plate set up by a nut screw. On the lower end of the rod is attached, by a triple joint which takes up the ship's motion at all times, the indicator, which is balanced: by a counter weight on its upper arm, serving to adjust its spread to the size of the compass card used. The indicator is in the same plane with the telescope and moves with it. No matter what the motion may be the pointer is always held in cor- rect position and rests on the compass rim, giving an accurate bearing. It is kept in place at all times, ready for use night or day. The master using this instrument can shape and follow his course on a true line, saving both time and fuel, as well as insuring safe navi- gation. A most important factor in the instrument is its perfect accuracy in taking bearings, cross bearings, or four-point bearings, especially at night. Its simplicity is its best recommendation. It has been adopted by the United States revenue cutter service and will undoubtedly be adopted shortly by the United States navy. BELLEVILLE GENERATORS. GRAND PRIZE AT THE WORLD'S FAIR OF 1889. List of Ocean Steamships on Board which BELLEVILLE GENERATORS are Used. FRENCH NAVY. Despatch Boat VOLTIGEUR; Squadron's Look-out Ship MILAN; Squad- ron's Look-out Ship HIRONDELLE; Gunboat CROCODILE; Despatch Boat ACTIF; Cruiser AMIRAL RIGAULT DE GENOUILLY; Iron Clad Cruiser ALGER; Iron Clad Cruiser LATOUCHE-TREVILLE; Iron Clad Cruiser CHANZY; Iron Clad Cruiser AMIRAL CHARNER; Tug ABERVRAC'H; Despatch Boat CAU- DAN; Torpedo Despatch Boat LEGER; Torpedo Despatch Boat LEVRIER; Battleship BRENNUS; Protected Coast Guard AMIRAL TREHOUART; Iron Clad Cruiser BRUIX; Iron Clad Cruiser BUGEAUD; Cruiser DESCARTES; Battleship BOUVET; Cruiser POTHUAU; Cruiser GALILEE; Cruiser PASCAL; Cruiser CATINAT; Battleship CHARLEMAGNE; Cruiser LAVOISIER; Cruiser PROTET; Battleships GAULOIS, SAINT LOUIS and HOCHE; Iron Clad IENA; Cruiser DESAIX; Iron Clad Cruiser DUPETIT-THOUARS; Cruiser DUPLEIX; Cruiser FURIEUX; Battleship NEPTUNE; Battleship DEVASTATION; Cruisers SULLY, AMIRAL AUBE and MARSEILLAISE. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES: Cargo Steamer ORTEGAL; Mail Steam- ships SINDH, AUSTRALIEN, POLYNESIEN, ARMAND-BEHIC, VILLE-DE-LA- CIOTAT, ERNEST-SIMONS, CHILI, CORDILLERE, LAOS, INDUS, TONKIN, ANNAM, ATLANTIQUE. COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER DE L'QUEST, (Plying between Dieppe and Newhaven): Freight Steamers ANGERS, CAEN, BREST, CHER- BOURG; Fast Steamers TAMISE, MANCHE, FRANCE. RUSSIAN NAVY. Iron Clad Frigate MININE; Gunboat GROZIASTCHY; Imperial Yacht MAREVO; Imperial Yacht STRELA; Gunboat GREMIASCHY; Gunboat OTVAJNI; Imperial Yacht TZAREWNA; Imperial Yacht STANDARD; Cruiser © ROSSYA; School Ship VERNY; Cruiser SVETLANA; Cruiser DIANA; Cruiser PULLADA; Torpedo Transport Boat BAKAN; KHERSON and MOSKBA, Ships of the Volunteer Fleet; Gunboat GILACH; Iron Clad EKATERINA II; Gunboat KOUBANETZ; Cruiser AURORA; Iron Clad EMPEREUR NICOLAS I; Iron Clad PRINCE POTIEMKINE DE TAURIDE; Cruiser BAYAN; Iron Clad CESARE- WITCH; Gunboats TERETZ and QURALETZ; Iron Clad BORODINOW; SMOLENSK, Ship of the Russian volunteer fleet; cruiser BOJARINE. ENGLISH NAVY. Torpedo Boat Destroyer SHARPSHOOTER; POWERFUL and TERRIBLE, iron clad cruisers; GLADIATOR, ARROGANT, FURIOUS, VINDICTIVE, cruis- ers; NIOBE, DIADEM, ANDROMEDA, EUROPA, cruisers; CANOPUS, GLORY, GOLIATH, ALBION, OCEAN, iron clad ships; ARGONAUT, ARIADNE, AMPHI- TRITE, SPARTIATE, HERMES, HIGHFLYER and HYACINTH, cruisers ; VENGEANCE, iron clad; ALBERT AND VICTORIA, royal yacht; CONDOR Cable Address: BELLEVILLE SAINT-DENIS-SUR-SEINE. and ROSARIO, sloops; CRESSY, ABOUKIR, SUTLEY and HOGUE, cruisers; IMPLACABLE, FORMIDABLE and IRRESISTIBLE, VENERABLE, LONDON, BULWARK, iron clad ships; EURYALUS, BACHANTE, cruisers; MUTINE, RINALDO, SHEARWATER, sloops; CORNWALLIS, DUNCAN, EXMOUTH, RUSSEL, iron clad ships; DRAKE, KING ALFRED, LEVIATHAN, AFRICA, cruisers; VESTAL, sloop; MONMOUTH, cruiser; BEDFORD, cruiser; ESSEX, KENT, cruisers; ALBEMARLE, MONTAGUE, battleships. The total horse power of boilers fitted on board the 57 above named ships of the British navy is nearly 900,000. AUSTRIAN NAVY. BUDA-PEST, iron clad coast guard; KAISER KARL VI, cruiser; X', X""', battleships. ITALIAN NAVY. VARESE, cruiser; BENEDETTO BRIN, battleship. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. PUEYRREDON, cruiser; Steamships PUERTO-HUERGO and MENDOZA. SPANISH NAVY. REINA REGENTE, cruiser. CHILIAN NAVY. O'HIGGINS, cruiser; ALMIRATE LYNCH, torpedo boat destroyer; ALMIRANTE CONDELL, torpedo boat destroyer; GENERAL BAQUEDANO, school ship. JAPANESE NAVY. SHIKISHIMA, iron clad; CHIYODA, cruiser; ASAHI, iron clad; IWATE, cruiser; AZUMA, cruiser; HATSUSE, iron clad; ITSUKUSHIMA, iron clad coast guard; MIKASA, battleship. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Northern Steamship Co.'s Passenger Steamers NORTH WEST and NORTH LAND, of 7,000 H. P. each; yachts SHEARWATER, CORYELL, WILD DUCK, SULTANA. General Information Sent on Demand.