_ Ship Builders and Engineers, s MARINE REVI Vor. XX, CLEVELAND, O;, -APRIE: 19,1900. No. 16 USED BY ALL THE-LEADING GOVERNMENTS. BEST ANTI-FRICTION METAL FOR ALL MACHINERY BEARINGS. THE AMERICAN SHIP BUILDING C0 . = Office, 120 Viaduct, Cleveland, Ohio. Beware of Imitations. For Sale by all Dealers. If local dealers have not Magnolia Metal in stock, telegraph us at our expense Pp Fisher Bldg., 281 Dearborn St., Chicago. MAGNOLIA METAL CO. | 15 South Water Street, Cleveland, i : 206-207 West Street, New York, Also London--Montreal-- ittsburg--Atlanta. OWNERS AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS. Magnolia Metal is still selling at the same price it has always sold at--no advance. M A R | N E A N D STATI oO N A RY E N Gl N ae a BOILERS AND AUXILIARY The Wm. Cramp & Sons "MACHINERY. WORKS AT CLEVELAND AND LORAIN ao ilip. and Eneine Building G0.) cay coces were ee No. 1, toot Weddell St., 440 ft. x 50 ft. x 16 ft. PHILADELPHIA. : oo No. 25 'oot Weiltell St, 300 ft. xX 55 ft. KX 13 ft. SOLE MANUFACTURERS IN AMERICA OF Parsons Manganese Bronze anpv Parsons White Brass. Dry Dock at Lorain: 560 ft. x 60 ft. x 17 ft. PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO SHIP REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS MAGNOLIA METAL. R. L. IRELAND, Vice-PRESIDENT. SAS. C. WALCAGE GeWeMANAEs TUGS, STEAM PUMPS, HAWSERS, ETC. No. 3, Elm St., 340 ft. x 50 ft. x 13 ft. EDWARD W. HYDE, President. H. H. McCARTY, Treas, JOHN S. HYDE, Vice-Pres. and Gen'! Supt. . Propeller Shafts. Write for Catalogue. 'THE BALL BEARING Co. BOSTON, MASS. BATH IRON WORKS, Lid, | oman pons BATH, MAINE. THE BEST GALVANIZED STEEL STRONGEST TOWING HAWSERS west texete fs MOST DURABLE AMERICAN STEEL & WIRE COMPANY, - THE,ROOKERY, - CHICAGO, ILL. FARR. Secretary and Treasurer 'Go TTIE. President and Manager. S . ! ALE AN EE TC TLGAN, Wise Precilient: Poe CHARLES B. CALDER, General Superintendent. PRANK E. KIRBY, Consulting Engineer DETROIT SHIPBUILDING COMPANY, SHIP AND ENGINE BUILDERS. ie Owners for the Lakes and Atlantic Coast of the HOWDEN HOT DRAFT SYSTEM, as applied to Boilers giving increased power and great economy. DETROIT MICH. ~ METAL SHIP YARD LOCATED AT WYANDOTTE, MICH. Wooden Ship Yards and Dry Docks, Foot of Orleans St. and also Clark Ave., DETROIT, MICH. o> MIRIAN STM HORE COMPAT, SPAR COATING. (Original Steam Gauge Company.) A perfect finish for all wood work, spars NEW YORK. BOSTON. CHICAGO. MANUFACTURERS OF c . and iron work exposed to excessive Ga uges that Gauge, Indicators that Indicate. seine : : Pops that Pop. EDWARD SMITH & CO., Original and only Genuine Thompson Indicator. Varnish Makers and Color Grinders . "American Patent Marine Pop Clocks, Revolution Counters. Whistles, and all kinds of Safety Valve. : 3 Saar al teesniend ee natromente- 45 BROADWAY, NEW YORK = : 8 Is the Only BEST METAL OIL POLISH. All Dealers. aes ~= BERT RAMS eentrams oir Polish co... QE THE CALVIN changes in weather and temperature. SKILLED WRECKERS. teas" Im! Os CO.) 1 2. »- WRECKING AND SALVA