1900] MARINE REVIEW B s UYERS' a DIRECTORY OF THE M - Page Bros. & Co.. AMPS, OIL AND ELECTRIC LI ARINE TRADE Wales eee Boston. | FE PRESERVERS, LIFE BOATS aes FLU rms ETS, E BUO Kenney, The Co SHOMETERS. rain ate eons. ste co Hodes & Hollingsworth C wcbu soa acleniecn onesie ahnw me On win Pittsb e, S. F. Mi CO.) cc ec eae eles ee Wiibee bel Maeeinhee eco Gags Win Castner, Cu NIES AND COAL DE Obese iaiee enue New York. hacen Mfg Cc Por : pean tae ee , rran & Bullitt ALERS. LIGHTS, SI seeeeeess Brooklyn. yland Steel Co Sas seidetveecde sae soe on, Mich. PE aes (Pocahontas).. Page Bros. & Co , SIDE AND SIGNAL ore (Bros. ae ene Sparro we ate oe ' Set Philadelp! We COs 6 cabins. : eto Wome & Des Doce oint, Md. Seas Sane © Orca pega waepebesleeaeetea ceed Bo Neafie & ie One & Dry Dock Co... Seattle, Nan Pickands were oad Detroit. LUBRICAT ston. Newport vy Ship & En COM oie.5 Bro a eae Mather & Co.cc. sieroend: ee ING PUMPS. Mica Lente, Ship fine. "Blag Co..:Philadeipha. ochester & eos Gnet ei oo eveland. enix Metallic Paine Goo Phospho ee : Smith, Stanley -- Coal & soiree Oleveland: Sterling Lubricator Aoing Reider ter ee Pusey. Sa aoe Smelting "eg ip lizabeth, he Bee ee ea ie ; seis s2sin aoe, Oona : eriffs Mnfg. ee adelphia. FURNACES F Detroit. | a morice MACHINE TOO eto NY, | tee, we i Ca see 'imington, Det Continental OR BOILERS B erican Tool W LS. Teg, Win, Be CO...++.-setsevsseserss Re Milwaukee. Iron Works.. : ement, Miles & oe Co. (The) Trout, He Goon ies seveescessereteeerere Richmond, Va oe New York. Manning, le & Cope isveesveroeenss Philadelphia. Wolff & ip Work oS 'eamelges Sivek _ GAS BUOYS obra. 2 ee Noe one ee Neat ean eee 7 Car Heating @ Lach . MAST H ork. PROJECTO --Portland, Ore. ghting Co: ....... New York onohue & Co., John T OOPS, Qe Hlectri cee ee GAS y SOHN TD. cesses sscones eneral C Co....... ; Chicago Wat AND GASOLINE ENGINE umaobnnasnacchkhline acne Baltimore. Gere eC ae Schenecta Cleveland Giddings & er Motor & Fan Co. ee ves, Be , CUSHIONS, BEDDING Weating tiers pea a | Ie enn ooo i echani eects esse teers eens * stin ee , : MeMyler Mnfg, Co......0. viccccissssn iiciorar fi meal Fabrig' Go..1.0000/ II0IIByovdenee, ed arias Picasa on BNR SPE Sis rt aCe eveland. wale cig 6 idence, R. I. UMPS FOR V Eee sburg, Pa. ccs te Detroit, | Katzenstein, L. & LLIC PACKING. Blake, Geo. F. Mnf ARIOUS PURPOSES American Stea M AND VACUUM Phenix Matalin Bastien ay = Oe BOs ; atta valence . Phenix Metallic Packing, Co.............. New York | minestora moi joe Po Boe ee Crosby Steam GO eee eee ease eee Boston. O Puckins Oo. P .... Chicago. inestond onan ease we rooklyn, N. ¥. Manning, Macwall & Valve Co! 2k: Boston. wisi e Rew Ge ee hiladelphia. | Van Duzen, The achine Works..... Baltimore. ear aos el & cater Ajax Metal Co FOR BEARINGS Weaencee! tn OW Gee Oe Serres eer York: |. Cramp, te Oe ee Sena nein, Hauey Ro Gincinnae oe, eee mnie vse eae Adelphia. Sea N. : Dixon Crucible Co we Shige Prountion Metal € ne Works... one hia. | American bree ee ee sin ate? ae Se a : seph.. ....Jersey City, N. J r Bronze Smelting Co. ata nied york: Glevelania: Pun eGo Ca. (ES Cincinnati s 3 é ST Bn eelotn NOS CQ. esos neceneseees eee Pl nati. Chicago oo ee oscbsicnts Oil ae POLISH. pie. | ete Alistatter Shear Works Ga 7F Mlladelphta: page Fpeumne agi olis See New? Dot well & Da coneesereteseceneees OHM Sac co... : veces Tool Con... a eaRe: x MiLuise dices Ge Boston, Mass. Philadelphia EE 8. sss Se asaNew York. ee og ees j OF A ood & atle DoolGa.. nesville, | c. te Chica merican Tool W LL KINDS. Co., R. D Ol Co. .: e, Wis. HAMME ZO. Bement, orks Co. Tv le PD ee Philadel Bement, oor ns, POWER DROP. Bement, Mlles & Co.n re stonsevve-Bhtladelphia B Rando wicene oo | Philadelphia, ok Philadelphia ca OOLCs.. one orn Steel Range & Mnfg. Co N OUTFITS. Borcneee ome leveland. TICAL I : REG COS os HEATING . | Bliss, Joh NSTRUMEN ISTER FO -.. Cleveland s APPAR : n & Co... TS. x or : turtevant Co., B. F....... ATUS. ie & Bee Sei ee New York Great Lakes Re ne Or see eeeneeceneeeeeees Boston of the ship chandlers. Brookline -| REL Pee HOISTS F i chandlers. , Mass. ERASING HOOKS KOR boRLOCI © American Ship B OR CARGO, ETC. NAVAL AR Standard Aut OKS FOR DETACH hicago. Brown Hoisting Ee Co Curr, Robert.. CHITECTS. ut. Releasing Hook C ING BOATS. banal carpio he nny eying Mach. Co. eae pean Deva enseseensenssescncsesenens sens Clevel RIVETS, STEEL, FOR Oe New York. penis & Comcrn oo Cleveland, | See Hoes "Brooklyn: Bee ee Oe ee General irker 'inlectric Napettteestecseaseesees Baltimore ee PRG as <_ -Detrott. hampion "Rivet Go... eae coe ety Hlectric Co... wii IN svaland: ' See ee So es ie York. ee en veland Hyde ae I ee cleveland. | NICKEL, STEEL FORGINGS. Chi - Rone Sec Cleveland SE eh ee ee, k. NICKE iceago. | R , NSULA Lidgerwood de ere eet res Rathlehom Steal ee FORGINGS. oebling's Sons, John See ee Sees Pee batts era sianiNs hits eRe Mad) ag So. ork and Cle settler. Mnfg. Co........ Ze Sees ee es ee New ee OAK, TIMB Bethlehem, Pa-| Amertean 6 SAFETY VALV. ae, Sten eb rk. | Mar ER AND Ash hegpr Geu Be Seen. ron Conse senses seeeeseseeeseeees Bay ee fartin-Barriss Co Pe Gonechaatan Coe B gue Blectric Co.cc. veneer ye C ated ert See eee .... Boston Williamson Bros. oo ooo ceo P New York OILS ....Cleveland. rosby Steam Gage Valve.Co. 4... Mey Boston. ghouse Electric & Mnfg. acy etait. Dixon Gace oe LUBRICANTS. Gage & Valve Co.......... New, York. so sburg. andard Oil JOS: 2 ed B SAI teseseeeess-s Boston, chicago eneumaneton ae Cone oe ee ets oe J. Hacer: Bioware Hi. Lt MARENS. anning, M: 'ool Co P oe land. | Wils Ce Paladerhia Preumatic Tool G CNew ork. Gee Ere oS on @ Seby. Se Gieveland. OL CO... -,Phila ork. sae ane eo (ee er B : ee Telphi Phenix peo ee New Y SALVAG -.-Boston. el ee FOR STEAM ENG | ee Aetehic Pastin ang Coe New York. oa) companies. an Steam G: INES. C0... 2 Phil cago ' Ashto auge Co... Se ee Phil iy Yo) Ashton Valve C0--oss.-ceecessss2: beeeeetetiees Boston. | Bak ieee adelphia. | American Tool sapeeal MACHINES, Crosby Steam G Oe ee Se Nex Boston. | Smith' Howard H. & : Bement, Miles & orka Co: (The) age Wale CO New York. pes Edward & Co Co abe oes acelelaisiaisierece Manning, Maxw ie Bie hacrceee oe Cincinnati ge Boston. a Ee Oe eee ell & Moore...).. 0 Philadelphia. ee rk. Gakcn cu ew York. Jenkins ae RS. i oe ws cleveland. | et Wea LIGHTS. ork. paren Derby 'inte. ee ese New York hicago Pneumatic Tool Co , PNEUMATIC. neenons peal a Scnee Cleveland ae ee ew Vor: Biba cease ee en ee Chica Sprague B ynamo Works uae ae chenectad and. ee a Detroit. | Thurston & ore ATTORNEYS. - Sprague, Wlectrie Coins sinssisenngy City) N. J. Brown ee CE, MARINE. GULCH: ues ce oes oscesiet Cl Wins 5 sctric & Mnfg. Ge eine York. ee ihe cha oe eveland. . RATORS G urg, Pa. El nk ee Buff: ' ROUGHT Keysto » (CENT ae cise Sulfate: Bourne-Fuller Co......... eeON: ne Engine & Machine Be oni Gibbs & Joys... Be pee ie ie Cc --Phila Been cu iijiwaukee Americ: PLANERS OF ALL KIND fereiend, American Tool SHAPERS. nes Keith, J. G. & Co mene eee ee oe, PPR = Manning? Mexwell & Moc 7 La Salle & fo Rreoe een cia Mae oo ae e) oiGineinnat! & Moore......5.8..2 c incinnati , Maxwell & Moore.......-- = a Ye ew . Myers, sense ko -.- Duluth ye aoe beak: See punches, ri SHEARS es Boo a Co, EL Cleveland. | Elli PLUMBING, MAR oon , riveters and shear po Woy ee Mott ering Plumbing Co INE. SHIP AND BOILER : Peck Chas, ae eee Milwaukee, | Sand®: Vee ee Hos ee ee ee Bourne Mules Ole PLATES SND SHAPES ee Wo Cle Gok wid iteace. ennéy, The Cov..+.. Meseeeseseseeeeieies 'Now Pore ie Cleveland J oe d Chicago. ne So New Wore | BUILDERS. ; IRON ORE AND - | Chicago P MATIC TOOLS lantic Works ing Co..... Bete co Pee Manning dowel & Macro d c Set in Works tak et Pini ae a, aoe G Say Salcce wn se clb ee eset sisies se Cc jilade oh Gee hica ' m. & So a ipinaniece ieee e on, adel Pp Bo ee level ~hia Pneumatic Tool Co....... go. | Crai ie eee or : hands, Mather & Co.6 42508 u.... Ce | ee sutmatie Foal CO..+.+.++ Spee Graig Ship Building Co... ss... Philadelpme, Se ee Cleveland. ae es ince Petrolt Shipbuildine Bee alsdn fa. ES : CA é : ore Ri Obes ee 5, American Tool soa. A ol Castner, Curran & ae COAL. Harlan Ee ae ee eet Detealt, ent, Miles & C : e)..... ciniman, | s«=('é2OKASHE ORL METAL P Sowa iron Wi on oe ymouth, Mass. das MA oe ee ee noinnatt ...-Philadelphia Jenk aks ee Wilmi ,» Mass. . Maxwell & Moore.......-.-:- Philadelphia. POLISH FOR ME _ | Jenks Ship Building Co... Dancdas le eg ey ee: Bertram's Oi] Polish TALS, MeWilliams, Frank. C0. 5 POPE' ubuque, Ia. LAUNC rk, Shion aes aryland Steel Co......./." 1 -Port Huron, A Electri HES--NAPHTHA, ELE SO eee oe Boston, Mass. Moran Brea ee Co........ 00, Brcet ney New Fock: Gas Er out Cb... 5... As at Ameri ROPELLER WHEEL qos eee nae oe parrow's Point, Ma. ngine & Power Bee as New York. Set eae Building Co Ss. poade & Lewy Bil & Dry Dee eae ERAT New York. | Bath Iron Wa Ss poe Oe ae pieve sae, Noe News Ship oe Bldg. 6. BR Tookln. Drein, Thos. & a. Cet oe SOL anneal ag ee Bs SSathy Me. Pusey Ete eo : 0 one News. Va. . : PRESSES 2. So ae , - Ie On ee 1 ; : tales Honk, Di gicoesck Wilmington, Del Farrar & ee Coe. ¥ Biadelphie. poe ae Yar 6 Wilmingto: a fells... New York. ore River ee cet ager at etroit. | Trigg, W Downey Ship Bl oe Che Bi aeh: H Go... AWeymouti Buff. ° , Wm. p Bl ster. yde Wi d Se ree Ww alo. ; K.-C dg. © Pa ica oe eymouth, Mas Union Dry Dock Oe g. Co..... New York. ieee os Sl ee Bath Me wee cS Bock Ga. ae Va ; ae (site ae ae uffalo. r Iron Works....... gg pe Biba ae oe nd, Ore.