JUNES. Te ras} fae Betis | RELIABILITY. Sun ad Le eS Te ety Wile bay ay Vase er Raat, Met erie ary see DURABILITY. BY STONE.INCREASING OUR-ANNUAL SALES OF INJECTORS FROM 2500-1N OUR" FIRST-YEAR TO MORE THAN 30.000 IN OUR FOURTEENTH. YEAR,."| oo THE CENUINE~ PENBERTHY GIVES Seah si RON ae anaes , ~, PENBERTHY INJECTOR CO..:DETROIT: MICH:..U.S.A;:° j Sed BRANCH. OFFICE WINDSOR: CANADAs* © mises a CLEVELAND CITY TICKET OFFICE, 237 SUPERIOR STREET, Eastward :-- Ar. fr. West. Dep. East. No. 18, Southwestern, Limited. s0..2 40g, *1 55 am No. 22, Lake Store wuimited..:...3 isc *2 15 am *2 20 am No. 28, New York & Boston Express ........... *7 40 am *8 00 am NO. 032, Wast: Mallets ise. ccucss ee ee *11 25am *11 30 am No. 44, Accommodation, via Sandusky ... pL pe ae ee eee No. 46, Southwestern, Hxpress..cc:.. ict ee *3 00 pm s No. 6, Limited Wast< Mail". (ioc. . iccete he *5 40 pm 5 45 pm No. 10, Chicago, New York & Boston Special... *7 35 pm *7 40 pm No. 16,;New. Hngland Wxpress:........0.90 ee wi 1030 pm *10 835 pm No Day, WXPECER, nics cvs sn) Sac oe ee 79 05 pm 79 20 pm No. 126, Norwalk Accommodation ......... ...... q0-DD AIO eer oe No. 40, Toledo & Buffalo Accom., via Norwalk. +10 00 am 710 30 am No. 126, Norwalk Accommodation ............... J {50 am" scree es No. 116, 'Conneaut"Accommodation <..0.0400s060e ee 74 30 pm Westward :-- Ar. fr. East. Dep. West. No. 11, Southwesterm Limited:...... 6.00. *3 25 am Guseeenn No. 15, New York, Boston & Chicago Special.... *3 05 am *3 10 am No. 21, New York & Chicago Express .......... *5 10 am *5 20 am NOw 1, Day Wepressee piso ae 76 30 am No. 19, The Lake Shore Limited ... *7 40 am No. 23, Western Express ......... *11-15-am No. 38, Southwestern Hxpress. vu. 0o vic secs SID Ob pm ee No. 183, United States Hxpress....<.. 640.3. 122.0 *12 40 pm No.:.:47,, Accommodation ios. 5o-ccs cocci ey ete ee ' 73 00 pm No. 141, Sandusky "Accommodation. 0.2.87. ot 73 10 pm No. 127, Norwalk Accommodation ..:4.2.-.3 004 75 10 pm NOs 38%; Pacific sHXpLess = <i ccscne.; oo *§ 35 pm *7 00 pm No.) 38, Past: Matliuimited:..... 2.0 piece eee *10 50 pm *10 55 pm *Daily. }tDaily except Sunday. Trains Nos. 28 and 87 run via Erie station. NAVIGATORS' CHARTS! All publications of the United States Hydrographic Office, which means CHARTS OF THE WORLD, AS WELL AS ALL CHARTS OF THE GREAT LAKES ISSUED BY THE WAR DEPARTMENT, ARE KEPT IN STOOK. The Marine Review Pub. Co., Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland, 0. CHELSEACLOCK CO., Boston, Mass., U.S.A, . YACHT AND SHIP'S BELL CLOCKS. Makers of High Grade, Reliable 8-Dav . MARINE CLOCKS Se High Quality. Reasonable Prices. Reliable Goods. YACHT OR MARINE CLOCKS--Extensively used by U.S. Navy, Goy- ernment Transports, Ete. STRIKING SHIP'S BELL CLOCKS--Best in the world. NON-MAGNETIC CLOCKS--Foruse on switchboards, dynamo rooms, &e. IMPRCVED SHIP'S CLOCKS--Not a chronometer, but an extra fine lever clock. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPER. A NEW TRAIN WEST--The "St. Louis Limited" mBIsScC FOUR (Effective April 2'th,) : To MISSOURI, KANSAS, TEXAS, West and Southwest. Leave Cleveland 8.00 a. in. Arrive Indianapolis 3.10 p. m. Arrive St. Louis 9.45 p. m. PARLOR CARS. MODERN COACHES. DINING CARS. ASK FOR TICKETS-VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE. WARREN J. LYNCH, Genl. Pass. & Tkt. Agt. W. P. DEPPE, A. G. P. & T. Agt. CINCINNATI, 0. E. L. PATTERSON, Trav. Pass Agt. - D. J. COLLVER, City Pass. Agt., 116 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, 0. WANTED, FOR SALE, FOR CHARTER, Etc. Space under this heading 25 cents a line, each insertion, for three inser- tions or less. Special rates for periods of more than three insertions.® --FOR SALE--Two 50-light, 110 v. dynamos, Mound City system; two 3-are light T. H. dynamos; one 5-are light Jenney dynamo; five Dichl ceiling fans to run T. H. or Brush steamboat dynamos. Snider Electric Co., 1626 So. Broadway, St. Louis, Mo. June: 14... --WANTED---Steamers to carry 400 tons freight and with state rooms, cabin, etc., for 100 passengers. T. M. Kirkwood, 76 Madison Ave., Toronto, Ont. d --FOR SALE--Double fire-box marine boiler, 9x15; 145 pounds steam. Jo A} Graham, Lorain; ©; May 31 --FOR SALE--Boat 47 by 11 by 3% feet draught. Good delivery boat or fish tug. Geo. Hardy, Toledo, O. May 31 --FOR SALE--Sets of marine engines. material; moderate prices. James Mahan, Canastota, N. Y. ' , June 7 First-class workmanship and --FOR SA'LE--First-class floating elevator, newly and substantially built. Complete in every respect and ready to operate. Equipped with steam shovels, etc. Capable of handling any vessel on the lakes. Transfer capacity, 12,000 bushels of grain per hour to canal boats, or 7,000 bushels to cars. Offered at a low figure. Grant B. Wilkes, Buffalo. May 81. --FOR SALE--lInterest in patent (No. 639,079) apparatus for cleaning ships' bottoms (automatic). To be used while vessel is proceeding on voyage. Copy of patent free. Special favorable offers to first few appli- cants. B.S. Miles, patentee, Gray's Summit, Mo. June 14 --FOR SALE--Scotch marine water-back boiler; 7 feet diameter, 11 feet long; dome 30x30 inches; furnace 40 inches diameter; 69 38-inch tubes, 8 feet 6 inches long.. Built under government inspection and just completed. Price $2,000. F. O. B. cars Minneapolis. Address Nicollect Island Boiler Works, Minneapolis, Minn. tf --FOR SALE--Machinery from wrecked steamers St. Lawrence and H. A. Tuttle, consisting of engines, boilers, steam steering engines, steam windlasses, etc. For particulars inquire of E. G. Crosby & Co., Muske- gon, Mich. tf ESE SARE RR BN TRAE STOR ISS ALLE RS TR W. S. JENKS, Presipenr. oO. L. JENKS, A. M. CARPENTER, Vice-Pres. ano Treas. Sec. ano Gent Mar. The Jenks Ship Building Co,, Office and Machine Shops at Fourth Street. Yards: Foot of Lincoln Avenue. PORT HURON, MICH. SOOOOOOS 999 90094000500660000600660600900 Steel and Wood Ship Builders, 3 Marine Engines and Boilers, POCOOOS OOOO OOS 00000 00000000000 0000000000 Steam. Windlasses, Capstans and Steering Apparatus. e PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS ON SHIPS, ENGINES AND BOILERS. LAKE SHORE & MICHIGAN SOUTHERN RAILWAY, -- isi, Ee