Maritime History of the Great Lakes

Marine Review (Cleveland, OH), 7 Jun 1900, p. 25

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1900] 3 . _ MARINE REVIEW. 25 TRADE NOTES. Architects, consulting engineers, owners and persons interested in the. subject of protective paint for steel structures, will receive a hand- some card illustrating several eighteen-story steel structures upon which Dixon's silica-graphite paint has been used, if they will send their address to. the Joseph Dixon Crucible Co., Jersey City, N. J. The card also con- tains suggestions for specification of the paint. _At the Kingsford Foundry & Machine Works, Oswego, N. Y., the boiler plant is running with a full force of men, while the machine depart- ment 1s extremely busy on centrifugal pumping machinery, and vertical stationary and marine engines. Recent shipments of large pumps have been made to Japan, Mexico and the Cape Nome district, at which latter place they are used on the beach for dredging purposes. Referring to an order which they have just received from one of the lake ship yards for six more of their patent beaded galvanized steel life boats. Thos. Drein & Son of Wilmington, Del., say: "These boats are of 22 feet length. They are practically of the same type that we have been shipping to lake builders for fifteen years. We have, of course, improved therm at different times, but the essential features of their construction have not changed. They are used on steamers, tow barges, tugs, and in fact all kinds of vessels. We keep in stock boats of 12 to 26 feet length and can ship on demand." The Rusden Machine Co. of Warren, R. I., has just issued a book catalogue of ninety pages devoted to its marine department. This com- pany manufactures a patent steam steering gear, windlasses, capstans, steam and electric coal hoists, Chase patent coal elevators and a com- plete line of yacht windlasses and marine machinery. The company re- cently acquired all the machine shop property and patents of the Chase Elevator and Manton Windlass companies and the Warren Steam Steerer & Elevator Co. The book is strikingly illustrated with photo- graphs of the output of the company and also contains some excellent half tones of coal docks equipped with their coal handling elevators. The Standard Pneumatic Tool Co. of 'Chicago and New York, has just issued a Paris exposition special edition catalogue. It is a superbly illustrated pamphlet of sixty-five pages. The company claims for its tools economy in the use. of air, lightness of weight. simplicity of con- struction and excellence of workmanship. The first page contains a pic- ture of the company's factory in Chicago in 1898, a building of 256 square feet, and their factory in 1900 at Aurora, Ill., a building of 11,400 scuare feet. The first tool to be illustrated in the catalogue is the "Little Giant" piston air drill and this is followed by drill and motor, breast and screw feed drill, reversible flue rolling machines, pneumatic riveters, pneu- matic stay bolt cutters, pneumatic chain hoists, pneumatic jacks and all kinds of pneumatic tools and appliances. The half tone reproductions are seme of the best the Review has ever seen. NAVAL MATTERS. The navy yard at Havana, which has been under the control of the navy department since the occupation of that city by the United States forces, has been turned over to the army at the request of the secretary of war. The cruiser Detroit, now at Portsmouth (N. H.) navy yard, is said to be in very bad condition. Her plates are damaged, rudder twisted, and she has about 2 feet of water in her hold. She has just been put out of commission. A general survey of the U. S. S. Alliance will be held at the New York navy yard in the next few days. It is possible that the vessel will be in need of such repairs as to put the cost beyond the limit al- lowed by law. The vessel therefore may be taken off the naval list. None of the ships of the South Atlantic Squadron will be sent to the South African coast. Rear Admiral Schley will remain on the station during the summer. None of the foreign governments are sending ships to Delago bay and the administration does not desire to have a naval representation in that part of the world during the present conflict in the Transvaal. Admiral Aduplessis de Richelieu of the Siamese navy, accompanied by John Barrett, ex-United States minister to Siam, visited the navy yard in Brooklyn this week. They were escorted around the yard by Capt. Frank Wildes, Commander Henry W. Lyon and Lieutenant-Commander John A. H. Nickels. The party visited the various shops, the dry docks and the big battleship Kearsarge. Upon the subject of transferring the transport service from the war department to the navy department, Representative Levy said the other day before the committee on military affairs: 'The transport service should be no part of the army proper. This bill simply throws the re- sponsibility of the care of the transports upon the navy department, where it properly belongs. Had this department been in operation during the war with Spain none of the ill effects of the transportation of troops and herses would have occurred. I venture to assert that no other nation of the world has her transports under the army branch of the service. I be- lieve that I am. safe in saying that army officers would be glad to be re- lieved of the duties connected with the transportation service, which, not being in the line of their duty, must be irksome to them." The Nickel Plate road will sell low rate excursion tickets to North Manchester, Ind., account annual meeting of German Baptists (Dunk- ards) at one fare for the round trip. Tickets good going on May 29 to June 4 inclusive, beyond a radius of 100 miles, and on May 81 to June 8 within a radius of 100 miles from North Manchester, Ind. Good re- turning until June 10, or by deposit until July 5 inclusive. Call on or address E. A, Akers.C. Pi) & J..A. Cleveland; ©. of €.. A. Asterlin TPA. Et. Wayne, Ind, 67 June 4. BELLEVILLE GENERATORS. GRAND PRIZE AT THE WORLD'S FAIR OF 1889. List of Ocean Steamships on Board which BELLEVILLE GENERATORS are Used. FRENCH NAVY. . Despatch Boat VOLTIGEUR; Squadron's Look-out Ship MILAN; Squad- ron's Look-out Ship HIRONDELLE; Gunboat CROCODILE; Despatch Boat ACTIF; Cruiser AMIRAL RIGAULT DE GENOUILLY; Iron Clad Cruiser ALGER; Iron Clad Cruiser LATOUCHE-TREVILLE; Iron Clad Cruiser CHANZY; Iron Clad Cruiser AMIRAL CHARNER; Tug ABERVRAC'H; Despatch Boat CAU- DAN; Torpedo Despatch Boat LEGER; Torpedo Despatch Boat LEVRIER; Battleship BRENNUS; Protected Coast Guard AMIRAL TREHOUART; Iron Clad Cruiser BRUIX; Iron Clad Cruiser BUGEAUD; Cruiser DESCARTES; Battleship BOUVET; Cruiser POTHUAU; Cruiser GALILEE; Cruiser PASCAL; Cruiser CATINAT; Battleship CHARLEMAGNE; Cruiser LAVOISIER; Cruiser PROTET; Battleships GAULOIS, SAINT LOUIS and HOCHE; Iron Clad IENA; Cruiser DESAIX; Iron Clad Cruiser DUPETIT-THOUARS; Cruiser DUPLEIX: Cruiser FURIEUX; Battleship NEPTUNE; Battleship DEVASTATION; Cruisers SULLY, AMIRAL AUBE and MARSEILLAISE. COMP. GENERALE TRANSATLANTIQUE: X (type Caen) LAQUEBOT. MESSAGERIES MARITIMES: Cargo Steamer ORTEGAL; Mail Steam- ships SINDH, AUSTRALIEN, POLYNESIEN, ARMAND-BEHIC, VILLE-DE-LA- CIOTAT, ERNEST-SIMONS, CHILI, CORDILLERE, LAOS, INDUS, TONKIN, ANNAM, ATLANTIQUE. COMPAGNIE DES CHEMINS DE FER DE L'QUEST, (Plying between Dieppe and Newhaven): Freight Steamers ANGERS, CAEN, BREST, CHER- BOURG; Fast Steamers TAMISE, MANCHE, FRANCE. RUSSIAN NAVY. Iron Clad Frigate MININE; Gunboat GROZIASTCHY; Imperial Yacht MAREVO; Imperial Yacht STRELA; Gunboat GREMIASCHY; Gunboat OTVAIJNI; Imperial Yacht TZAREWNA; Imperial Yacht STANDARD; Cruiser ROSSYA; School Ship VERNY; Cruiser SVETLANA; Cruiser DIANA; Cruiser PULLADA; Torpedo Transport Boat BAKAN; KHERSON and MOSKBA, Ships of the Volunteer Fleet; Gunboat GILACH; Iron Clad EKATERINA II; Gunboat KOUBANETZ; Cruiser AURORA; Iron Clad EMPEREUR NICOLAS I; Iron Clad PRINCE POTIEMKINE DE TAURIDE; Cruiser BAYAN; Iron Clad CESARE- WITCH; Gunboats TERETZ amd QURALETZ; Iron Clad BORODINOW; SMOLENSK, Ship of the Russian volunteer fleet; cruiser BOJARINE; Iron Clad SINOPE. ENGUISH NAVY. Torpedo Boat Destroyer SHARPSHOOTER; POWERFUL and TERRIBLE, iron clad cruisers; GLADIATOR, ARROGANT, FURIOUS, VINDICTIVE, cruis- ers; NIOBE, DIADEM, ANDROMEDA, EUROPA, cruisers; CANOPUS, GLORY, GOLIATH, ALBION, OCEAN, iron clad ships; ARGONAUT, ARIADNE, AMPHI- Cable Address: BELLEVILLE SAINT-DENIS-SUR-SEINE. TRITE, SPARTIATE, HERMES, HIGHFLYER and HYACINTH, cruisers ; VENGEANCE, iron clad; ALBERT AND VICTORIA, royal yacht; CONDOR and ROSARIO, sloops; CRESSY, ABOUKIR, SUTLEY and HOGUE, cruisers; IMPLACABLE, FORMIDABLE and IRRESISTIBLE, VENERABLE, LONDON, BULWARK, iron clad ships; EURYALUS, BACHANTE, cruisers; MUTINE, RINALDO, SHEARWATER, sloops; CORNWALLIS, DUNCAN, EXMOUTH, RUSSEL, iron clad ships; DRAKE, KING ALFRED, LEVIATHAN, AFRICA, cruisers; VESTAL, sloop; MONMOUTH, cruiser; BEDFORD, cruiser; ESSEX, ' KENT, cruisers; ALBEMARLE, MONTAGUE, battleships. The total horse power of boilers fitted on board the 57 above named ships of the British navy is nearly 900,000. AUSTRIAN NAVY. BUDA-PEST, iron clad coast guard; KAISER KARL VI, cruiser; X', X", battleships. ITALIAN NAVY. VARESE, cruiser; BENEDETTO ERIN, battleship. ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. PUEYRREDON, cruiser; Steamships PUERTO-HUERGO and MENDOZA. SPANISH NAVY. REINA REGENTE, cruiser. CHILIAN NAVY. O'HIGGINS, cruiser; ALMIRATE LYNCH, torpedo boat destroyer; ALMIRANTE CONDELL, torpedo boat destroyer; GENERAL BAQUEDANO, school ship. JAPANESE NAVY. SHIKISHIMA, iron clad; CHIYODA, cruiser; ASAHI, iron clad; IWATE, cruiser; AZUMA, cruiser; HATSUSE. tron clad; ITSUKUSHIMA, iron clad coast guard; MIKASA, battleship ; TZUMO, cruiser. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Northern Steamship Co.'s Passenger Steamers NORTH WEST and NORTH LAND, of 7,000 H. P. each; yachts SHEARWATER, CORYELL, WILD DUCK, SULTANA. General Intormation Sent on Demand. . . 3 5

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