1900] MARINE REVIEW. 27 DOUBLE CYLINDER SURFACER. i Us Sepneingr Oe thee ae po eas So Z ; Qk roit, Mich., May 29, . Sealed proposals oy A machine just placed on the market by the Egan Co. of 325 to 345 for improving Detroit siven inslodice dredg- West Front street, Cincinnati, and patented Dec. 19, 1899, is illustrated ing, removing boulders, and excavating bed- herewith. It is what is rock--will be received here until 12 noon (Standard time), June 13, 1900, and then pub- Sei known as the Egan Co.'s licly opened. Information furnished on ap- No. 18 double-cylinder sur- plication. G. J. Lydecker, Lt. Col., Engrs. facer. It is designed for June 7. general use and the follow- : ing advantages are claimed U. S. Engineer Office, Vicksburg, Miss., for it: pat an | -- proposals for ee Pires Seeds 4 ,900, cubie yards of earth, more or less, First. Tt has broken ee along route for diverting mouth of Yazoo UN broken pressure ae River, near Vicksburg, Mise., bogs re- Zach Secon 15. Celltne= ceived here unti o'clock, p. m., June 28, geared and works' inde- 1900, and then publicly opened. Information 5 3 . furnished on application. Thos. L. Casey, pendently, and is very Major, Eners. June a powerful. _ Second. The lower head "comes immediately after . S. Engineer Office, Galveston, Tex., May 30, 1900. Sealed bids in triplicate, for Im- -- the upper. proving Galveston Shi : : p Channel and Buffalo Third. The lower head can be drawn out on the side of the frame Bayou, Tex., by dredging, etc., will be re- for convenience in sharpening and the pressure bar comes with it. eat ee Bee one BO ae aud phen Fourth. It is a self-contained machine, with feed inside, and can be CG. Ss. Riche, Capt., Myiece: 5 Jue oF made to feed faster, slower, or stopped, all with the same lever. __ This machine is made in three sizes, to plane 24, 27 and 30 inches wide'and 8 inches thick, and for ship yards, carriage and wagon shops, box ae dl whee x ! E mee pled _U. 8S. Engineer Office, Customhouse, Cin- Dox factories and wherever hardwood is used, the manufacturers pledge cinnati, O., May 16, 1900. Sealed proposals for their reputation that it will meet the requirements of the best users. hire of one or more Dredging Plants, each Further particulars will be readily furnished to intending buyers. ponsting of one Dupdee,, ono ow ndal aa Three Dump Scows, for use on Ohio River, << S e e will be received here until 2 p. m., June 15, A contract for the construction of the San Pedro breakwater has 1900, and then publicly opened. Information been let by the secretary of war to the California Construction Co. for ee -- application. Wm. Hoe $2,375,000. j., Engrs. : Punching and Shearing Machinery... ) Of SG Belt, All Steam Kinds or and Electric sie Sizes. Driven. / : | | FOR SHIP YARDS, BOILER SHOPS, Etc. f MANUFACTURED BY THE LONG & ALLSTATTER CO., HAMILTON, OHIO. ~ THE BUFFALO DRY DOCK CO. SITUATED AT GANSON ST. AND BUFFALO RIVER. Operating two docks, derricks, etc., and in every way equipped with modern machinery for PROMPT AND ECONOMICAL REPAIRS AND FOR THE BUILDING OF STEEL AND WOODEN SHIPS. 279 W : : sc EDWARD SMITH Office Telephones : 1337 Residence Telephone, Bryant 209. President | ¥ c ; THE 1900 EDITION Blue Book of American Shipping. | Wessun STANDARD MARINE AND NAVAL DIRECTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. ONLY PUBLICATION OF ITS KIND IN AMERICA. Particulars of all vessels of the United States and Canada with names and Lists of ship and engine builders, dry docks, naval architects, marine addresses of owners. engineers, ship masters, dredging concerns, iron mining companies, A directory of steamship lines with names of purchasing agents and chief etc. ea she ee ae ee a a ONLY RELIABLE COMPILATION OF SHIPPING STATISTICS. , ins i es information on shipping subjects collected in the OE oflice of the Marine Review during ten years past. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED AND SPLENDIDLY PRINTED THROUGHOUT. The One Avenue through which Manufacturer and Jobber may reach the Marine Trade. PRICE, $5.00. ADVERTISING RATES ON APPLICATION. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., Cleveland, O.