32 MARINE REVIEW. [June 7, STERLING, WELCH & CO. An extensive assortment of the Newest and Choicest Styles of the best foreign and home manufacture, and for sale at the lowest market prices. Special An inspection of our establishment and stock is earnestly solicited. 12 and 14 Euclid Ave. contracts made in furnishing boats, yachts, etc. STERLING, WELCH & CO. 4 ' a ; . IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN | CARPETS, CURTAINS AND UPHOLSTERY GOODS ; OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. : Cleveland, O. COMPRESSORS cast ciiters, Air Lift Pump and Stone Channellers. THE INGERSOLL-SERGEANT DRILL CO., CATALOGUES. Havemeyer Building, NEW YORK. Steamboat Fuel at Ashtabula, '28°* sect ocaury. | ighter . y FT "Fuel scow with elevators C and discharging spouts. Storage of 650 tons. Dis- 4 Carrying charges 150 tons an hour : | into steamers while un-- ( Different loading Sarge. . > Grades 4 3 | at all.~.a. | Times, pe M. A. HAN NA &z CO. Main OMer Parent BN" Giefause WERE Vs B99 EPENEOAY POR WEAN G PUPS 10-100 TON JACKS. de dict INCH HA 7|\.8 13 | 14/15/16 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 27 | 28 | 29 |30 PARKER & MILLEN DETROIT, MICH. Pickands, Mather & Co., PUGL LIGHTER eSianve AND CLEVELAND. 'AT DETOUR, MICH., A FUEL DOCK equipped with Shute aly of 600 Tons. Best Quality PITTSBURGH oe furotehed at any time during Day or Night 1 ja les CLEVELAND, O. Western Reserve Building, The Erie & Western Transportation Co, ANCHSo, MINE: Passenger Service-- DUCAIMCTS. 66s s eect cess cece India, China, Japan. Ports of call... Buffalo, Sault Ste. Marie, Hancock, Marquette, Cleveland, peitolt, Mackinac Island, Port Huron, Duluth, Houghton. rie, Freight Service-- Steamers........ Alaska, Delaware, Codorus, Mahoning, Susquehanna, Schuylkill, Lycoming, Conestoga, Clarion, Wissahickon. Conemaugh, Juniata, Lehigh, Ports of call... Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Marquette, Detroit, W. Superior, Hancock, Duluth, Houghton, Sault Ste. Marie, Chicago, Milwaukee. CHAS. E. MARKHAN, Gen. Pass. Agt., E. T. EVANS, Western Manager, Buffalo, N. Y. Buffalo, N. Y. THE DONNELLY SALVAGE AND WRECKING CO., Ltd KINGSTON ONT. Divers, Steam Pumps, Tugs, Etc SUPPLIED ON SHORTEST NOTICE. FOR SALE. TUG HENRY--Wood hull, 60 feet long, 15 feet beam. Single engine, 16 by 18 inches. Boiler 104 feet long, 78 inches diameter. Inquire C. H. Strong & Son, No. 623 Cuyahoga Building, Cleveland, Ohio. June 7. SETS OF ___ m=. FOR SAL MARINE ENGINES. Of first-class workmanship and material. Moderate in price. JAMES MAHAN, Canastota, N. Y. ave, FOR SALE. An. interest in a patent on apparatus for cleaning ships' bottoms, (automatic). To be used at sea, while the vessel is proceeding on its voyage. For particulars or copy "of the patent free, apply to B. S. Miles, patentee, Gray's Summit, Mo. Patent issued Dec. 12, 1899. Nio. of patent, 639,079. To the first few applicants special favorable offers will be made. June 14. FOR SALE... | - Machinery from wrecked steamers St. Lawrence and H. A. Tuttle, consisting of engines, boilers, steam steering engines, steam windlasses, etc. For particulars inquire of tt H. G. CROSBY & CO., Muskegon, Mich JOHN DONNELLY, Sr., Pres. JOHN DONNELLY, JR., Vice-Pres. Foue@sr, Treas. Tuos. DonNELLY, Secy. Sealed proposals will be received at the Office of the Lighthouse Engineer, Fifth District, Postoffice Building, Baltimore. Md., until 12 o'clock, m., June 14, 1900, and. then opened, for furnishing the materials and labor of all kinds necessary for the erection and delivery of the Hooper Island Lighthouse, Md., in accordance with plans and specifications, copies of which, with blank proposals and other information, may be had upon application to W. A. Jones, Lieutenant- Colonel, Corps of En- gineers, U.S. A. June 24. The W. L. SCOTT COMPANY, ete, pa. WHOLESALE DEALER IN SHAMOKIN YOUGHIOGHENY ee COALS =a. VESSEL FUELING A SPECIALTY © S75",LiSHTER or c,24m Main Office, Scott Block, Long Distance Telephone No. 440. Fueling Office, Canal Dock, Long Distance Telephone No. 320.