6 | MARINE Science has made great strides in recent years, but in no field toa greater degree than in Metallurgy. The product of long and pa- tient but costly experimentation is the Fluid-Compressed Open Hearth Steel Shaft, Hydraulically Forged and Annealed. SEND TO OUR NEAREST OFFICE FOR PAMPHLET. BETHLEHEM STEEL CompPaANy, SOUTH BETHLEHEM, PA. BRANCH OFFICES : 340-342 Main Street, Cincinnati. 100 Broadway, New York. 502 North Second St., St. Louis. 421 Chestnvt Street, Philadelphia. 1433 Marquette Building, Chicago. 430 Endicott Building, St. Paul. 312 Perry-Payne Bldg., Cleveland. 726 Gravier Street, New Orleans. 4 Bank Block, Denver. WILSON. & SILSBY, 'Soston, mass. PARTICULAR ATTENTION GIVEN TO - SAILS For Racine Yacats. We furnished the Sails for DEFENDER, COLONIA, ALSO THE Ruane. OUTFITS OF LARGE STEAM YACHTS. THE CHASE MACHINE COMPANY, Engineers and Machinists, MANUFACTURERS, UNDER THE CHASE PATENTS OF FOG WHISTLE MACHINES, HOISTING ENGINES, STEERING ENGINES, AUTOMATIC TOWING ENGINES. POWER AND DROP HAMMERS, AND OTHER MACHINERY ENGINEERS' SUPPLIES, AND GENERAL JOB WORK. 111 Elm Street CLEVELAND, OHIO. TELEPHONE MAIN 994. All Principal Cities in U. S, and Canada, 71-K THe SCHERZER ROLLING Lirt BRIDGES Invented by William Scherzer, C. KE, Patented. ee For Railroads or Highways, f h Opened or Closed in Twenty Cost no greater than Seconds -- ara oe Bese f . ' EE Sy of equal capacity. ¢ feast Tf pained | Pore seus ? . r Se eR Vessel owners should urge the adoption of these bridges. The 8-track Scherzer eee over the Chicago Drainage Canal is the largest movable bridge in tho world. A number in SUCOESSFUL operation, and several in process of construc- tion. SCHERZER ROLLING LIFT BRIDGE €0., 1616 Monadnock Block, Chicago, Il. TRY !T ON YOUR BOAT. A genuine Varnish Paint without gum. Where applied the surface becomes coated as with glass, resisting the influence of weather and of water (salt or fresh) and keeping its gloss for years. JOHN MAIR & SON. 136? Oe PHILADELPHIA, PA. [June 28. REVIEW. BINDING OF CHARTS. Navigators' charts, when backed with linen and taped around the edges, will last for years. They lie flat and are not injured by handling. Torn charts are very annoying. The backing and taping of charts is a specialty with THE MARINE REVIEW PUBLISHING CO., PERRY-PAYNE BUILDING, CLEVELAND, O. THE LIDGERWOOD-MILLER-MARINE CABLEWAY WILL TRANSFER COAL,:-AMMUNITION, SUPPLIES AND PROVISIONS, FROM SHIP TO SHIP AT SEA y THE ONLY PRACTICAL DEVICE FOR COALING AT SE LIDGERWOOD STEAM AND ELECTRIC HOISTS FOR WAR VESSELS, STEAM- SHIPS, WAREHOUSES AND DOCKS. Send for Catalogue. LIDGERWOOD MFG. CO., 96 LIBERTY sT., NEW YORK. SIMPSON'S CENTRIFUGAL SEPARATOR, FOR SUPPLYING DRY STEAM TO ENGINES, DRY HOUSES, ETC. Place Separator as close to Engine as possible. The steam taking a spiral course between the threads causes the water to be thrown by centrifugal force against the outer walls, while the dry steam goes through the small holes to center of pipe. Steam can enter at A or B, as convenience may require; also used in conveying steam long distances for Steam Hammers and Dry Houses. Used on U.S. Government Vessels, Steamships, Propellers, Tug Boats, Ete. Keystone Engine & Machine Works 5th and Buttonwood Sts., PHILADELPHIA, PA. TxHos Hory, 147 Sumner St., Jas. Braas & Co., 9 Dey St., E. BOSTON, MASS., Agt. NEW YORK. and Power Service Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co. Pittsburg, Pa, SE a Reed's Engineers' Hand SEARCH LIGHTS - - - Book. RUSHMORE PROJECTORS are in almost exclusive 9 . st use in all classes of service, and are specified for finest ee MS to Exam Steamers and Yachts. Key to Reed's Engineers' Hand Book. MARINE REVIEW PUB. Co., Cleveland, O. RUSHMORE DYNAMO WORKS, TELEPHONE 559. JERSEY CITY. THE BERLIN IRON BRIDGE CO., Engineers. Architects ana Builders of Steel Structures. Office and Works EAST BERLIN CONN.