28 MARINE [August 16, REVIEW. CAPT, GEO. A. SIMPSON, F*Pe"t Compass luster: Yearly Contracts Solicited. Nautical Instruments Repaired. OLD 'PHONE No 319. SAULT STE. MARIE, MICH. THE se hdc RIVET CO. a Specialty. "paepueys 3S9y3!y Ayjend Government Work *pajja2oxaun > ysiuiy CLEVELAND, O., U.S.A. VICTOR BOILER AND STRUCTURAL RIVETS. a 9) el PORTABLE FLEGTRIG DECK PLANER, = Will do the work of ten men and do it better. Depth of cut can be in- stantly changed. Motor is dust and water proof. For particulars, address 2300 W. York Street, PHILADELPHIA, PA. Thomas H. Dallett & Co., The Bessemer Steamship Company Solicits Catalogues, Prices and Discounts from manufacturers and wholesale dealers in Ship Machinery, Brass Goods, Rope, Paints, Asbestos, Packing, Hose, Furniture, Piping, Glass and Crock- ery, Tinware, Ranges, Carpeting, Bedding, Life-preservers, Rafts and Boats, Engineers' Supplies and Tools, Carpenters' Tools, Elec- tric Supplies, Lamps, Grate Bars, Castings, etc., etc., etc. ALSO QUOTATIONS from Market men and Grocers on the Lakes for Provisions and Meat, best quality only. CATALOGUES without quotations are not wanted. ALL GOODS except provisions to be delivered in Cleveland. Address L. M. BOWERS, General Manager, CLEVELAND, OHIO. ONE OF THESE BINDERS that willl hold 52 NUMBERS of the MARINE REVIEW, WIII be mailed to any address or receipt of $I. MARINE REVIEW... Perry-Payne Bldg. CLEVELAND, O. THE BUFFALO DRY DOCK CO. SITUATED AT GANSON ST. AND BUFFALO RIVER. Operating two docks, derricks, etc., and in every way equipped with modern machinery for PROME AND ECONOMICAL REPAIRS AND FOR THE BUILDING OF STEEL AND WOODEN SHIPS. 279. Office Telephones : } 1327 1905 Residence Telephone, Bryant 209. EDWARD SMITH, President. Blue Book of American Shipping. (900 EDITION JUST ISSUED. STANDARD MARINE AND NAVAL DIRECTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. ONLY PUBLICATION OF ITS KIND Particulars of all vessels of the United States and Canada with names and addresses of owners, A directory of steamship lines with names of purchasing agents and chief engineers. Contains in 500 pages information on shipping subjects collected in the office of the Marine Review during ten years past. IN AMERICA. Lists of ship and engine builders, dry docks, naval architects, marine oe ship masters, dredging concerns, iron mining companies, ONLY RELIABLE COMPILATION OF SHIPPING STATISTICS. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED AND SPLENDIDLY PRINTED THROUGHOUT. 1900 EDITION REVISED, ENLARGED AND IMPROVED. PRICE, $5.00. THE MARINE REVIEW PUB. CO., Cleveland, O.